Chapter 0095: Ghost Annihilation Qiao Qiao, the Ghost King, hid in Infinite City on the Nth day without misery!

Ahead is the back of Butterfly Shinobu walking step by step.

“It’s daytime, if you go out outside, it’s all sunshine, I don’t dare to go up”

The butterfly ninja paused slightly, and was caught up by Qiao Qiao in a few steps.

“Stay for a meal, the spices used in the noon barbecue are still quite precious here.”

Spices are still a high-priced commodity today.

“…… You just seemed to call each other Miri, worthy of Mr. Ghost, obviously it seems that you haven’t been here for a long time and have already had a good relationship with many people. ”

Butterfly Shinobu suddenly thought of a few little girls in the butterfly house, and seemed to have a good opinion of Qiao Qiao.

I don’t know why, when I saw that this person had a pretty good relationship with other people, Butterfly Shinobu always felt uncomfortable.

It was as if I had spoken to my sister for the last time, and my heart was tangled.

“Let my mood be so complicated, I really cut it.”

Butterfly Shinobu now simply exposed his irritability and pulled out his sword.

Chop, of course.

It’s just that Qiao Qiao started faster, and pulled the sleeves of butterfly ninja with martial arts to make his whole body unbalanced.

The breathing method relies on the lungs, the mouth and nose are connected, Qiao Qiao wants to stop his breathing method, he can only endure the pain caused by the toxin to cover the other party’s breathing.

“The wisteria flower smells very weak today, does it seem that you have given up the act of testing poison with me?”

“Don’t provoke me, Mr. Ghost. Compared to wisteria flower poison against me, I think that the toxin of another insect can be put in it, preferably the kind that you can’t move. ”

Butterfly Shinobu squinted his eyes and made a threat, and hated to take a bite.

It’s just that this contact made Qiao Qiao a little curious that the small amount of chakra in his body seemed to resonate with the butterfly ninja still retaining a little bit of marking.

Can the markings still work with Chakra?

Unfortunately, it was the butterfly who didn’t know that the stinky man was full of research and upgrading when he held her.

The Nth day that the Ghost King hid in Infinity City without misery.

Wu Wu, who could only listen to Naruto play shamisen every day, was finally tired, and after crushing the tea bowl for hundreds of years, he suddenly felt a spirit and wanted to connect with himself.

This is usually the emergency signal only used when the ghost wants to contact the ghost king.

As long as it is sent, no matter where you are, as long as you can cross other strings of evil ghosts within the island country, and even cross the miserable close guard Wu Miserable Ghost King, at first Wu Miserable was also a little concerned about this emergency contact, and I was a good boss to personally receive the news of this emergency contact.

Until it was found that it was some ghosts who reported some trivial things, after thoroughly consuming the patience of the miserable, after pinching several imps along the network cable of the evil ghost, finally made the ghosts realize the seriousness of indiscriminate phone calls.

From now on, Wu Mi did not take over this contact.

Therefore, the sound that suddenly appeared now, it turned out that the ghost king did not miserably produce one

“Weird” feeling.

“It’s not going to be the blue flower now.”

With a hint of anticipation for the strangeness, Wu Miserably opened the emergency contact to talk to the ghost.

“Lord Wu Miserable!”

A gentle male voice came from the ship.

However, the originally gentle face changed instantly.

“That ghost!!! again”

Although he called an adult, the malice contained in his voice made Wu Wu subconsciously close the contact.

Moreover, one thing that frightened him was that the ghost began to learn the connection between evil spirits under the guidance of people, and he could even find a way to communicate with himself alone.

Of course, if Wu Miserable knew that there would be an Internet in the future, he would not be as surprised as he is now.

Because if ordinary people can go online, and find commonality in the Internet and this evil network.

As long as you use similar logic, you can grasp the use of evil networks in a short time.

It’s just that because he understands the logic of the existence of the Internet, Qiao Qiao also knows better that the status between the authorities of this evil network is really clear.

As the apex, but also the most basic, having the authority of the manager is indeed worry-free.

Therefore, Qiao Qiao can only be the same as Wu Miserable Dog through this way of dialing the director’s phone.

“Lord Wu Miserable, you can recognize what this thing is.”

The purple-blue medicinal liquid that swayed in Qiao Qiao’s hand deeply attracted the sight of Wu Wu.

Crystal clear, as if seducing some kind of evil instinct with a strong demonic nature.

Wu miserably looked at the liquid of the test tube in Qiao Qiao’s hand, slightly sluggish…


“What is that?”

“It’s so beautiful.”

Miserable brains spin rapidly.

With five brain transformations in his body, he spun around and immediately got some kind of answer.

“Isn’t it possible… I’ve been looking for a thousand years, how can I give a little imp and get it”

“Yes, that’s the one.”

Qiao Qiao picked up the potion and took a sip, and immediately walked towards the door.

“It’s all sunshine outside, does that guy want to kill himself!”

However, when Wu Mian saw Qiao Qiao standing in the sunlight, he was almost dumbfounded.

“It’s the blue side flower potion, it’s really the blue side flower.”

That’s what I have been pursuing for a thousand years and have not obtained anything!

Now there is a bastard, and the low-level evil ghost who he can’t look at actually drinks half of it in front of himself.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, you see if he still has half of it in his hand, as long as he gets that half, I am a perfect creature without misery!”

Just didn’t wait for Wu Miserable to comfort himself, and the next scene made Wu Miserable’s whole person directly crack.

I saw that Na Qiao Qiao actually poured the remaining half bottle of the other side flower potion towards the ground.

The precious elixir that had been pursued for thousands of years disappeared into the dirt.


“Do you think I’m more precious now? Or does Lord Wu want to learn how to eat soil. ”

Qiao Qiao acts like an adult, directly destroying the other half to increase his value.

“What did you do!”

“How dare you!!!!!!”

“Well, it’s time for you to see it, goodbye. No misery. ”

In the absence of misery and wailing, Qiao Qiao said goodbye to him.

However, even if Qiao Qiao cuts the deep link with Wu Miserable, you can still feel Wu Miserable’s anger, and the wail of being unable to mix food together keeps turning around on the Internet, which shows how Qiao Qiao’s actions have dealt a huge blow to Wu Miserable’s pathetic heart.


In fact, Qiao Qiao’s blue flower liquid was still in his small box, and he had not yet used it.

“Duh! Click! Nice light set everyone! After filming, remember to put the green screen into box nine. ”

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