Thor was carrying bags of food on his way home with a smile on his face.

“The young master said he would be back at noon today, so we can finally have dinner together~”

“As the saying goes, if you want to capture a man’s heart, you must first capture his stomach.”

“This time, I must make delicious food to firmly capture the heart and stomach of the young master!”

Thinking so,

Thor clenched his fists, curled up his white gloves, and showed a determined look in his eyes.

In the eager anticipation, she smiled, quickened her pace, and walked towards the lake.

A standing western-style villa came into view, and as she walked, the distance was getting closer and closer.

At this time, in the western-style villa,

Shiono had already taken a bath, put on the clothes Xia Hua prepared for her, and tiptoed to the living room.

On the sofa,

Xia Hua noticed something, turned her head and looked, and her eyes lit up, and she was full of admiration in her heart.

The white T-shirt looked loose on her, covering her petite body. But one side of her small fragrant shoulder was exposed. It came out, with a white and rosy luster, which was particularly charming.

A head of flowing water blue hair draped over her shoulders, emitting warm moisture.

She had just finished bathing, like a lotus flower emerging from the water, with soft and elastic skin.

Her rosy little face was like jelly that could be blown away.

People couldn’t help but want to pounce on it and take a bite to taste the soft and tender taste.

Although the white T-shirt was loose, a pair of slender white thighs were still exposed.

All of this was seen by Xia Hua.

Despite this, he remained calm, patted his thigh, smiled, and asked:

“Xiaosi, do you want me to help you blow dry your hair?”


Shino nodded her little head, and her charming aqua blue hair swayed gently. Then, she took a step barefoot, stepped on the wooden floor, and came over happily. With it, there was a warm breath with a fragrant smell.

Soon , Xia Hua was surrounded by her unique smell.

Shino sat on her thighs, and suddenly a warm and soft touch came over.

Although separated by a white T-shirt, Xia Hua could still clearly feel it and experience the taste.

Looking down, the long aqua blue hair that exuded moisture was close at hand.

Xia Hua calmed down and picked up the hair dryer that had been prepared beside her.

Whoosh whoosh – a rechargeable hair dryer that can be used without a socket or power supply, making a soft wind sound.

The warm wind blew on the wet aqua blue hair, and Xia Hua stretched out her hand and stroked the ends of the hair with her fingers.

Taking away the moisture and the water droplets, she was careful and focused, and her movements were quite gentle.

Xia Hua had blown the hair of countless girls before, so he was naturally very skilled and could do it with ease.


Si Nai squinted her eyes like a kitten, looking very comfortable.

Feeling the gentle movement of the warm big hand on her head, the uneasiness in her heart gradually disappeared, and was replaced by an unprecedented sense of security.

The corners of her beautiful lips couldn’t help but rise slightly, hooking a charming arc.

Little did she know.

The warm wind not only fell on the ends of her hair, but even moved the loose white T-shirt.

Xia Hua looked down, and the unripe small fruits were looming and came into view.

Like pudding, it was white, tender and soft, making people want to taste it.

She was small, soft, and smelled fragrant in his arms, which made people palpitate.

But at this time.

Thor came back with large and small bags of ingredients.

“Hmm? Is the young master here already?”

She noticed that there was a pair of large-sized men’s shoes at the entrance.

“Master, I’m back!”

Thor smiled and strode through the corridor and headed straight to the living room.

“Sorry, sorry, are you hungry? Sorry to have kept you waiting. I’ll make it right away.……”

The apologetic witticism came to an abrupt end in the middle of the conversation.

As luck would have it, Thor happened to witness the evil scene happening in the living room.

The smile on her pretty face froze, and her beautiful eyes widened.

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