Toosaka Tokiomi just waved his hand at Bai Ye.

Rin and Sakura appeared in front of him, his face changed, and his pupils shrank sharply. He looked at Bai Ye in disbelief.

At such a close distance.

He didn't even notice how Bai Ye used magic, and didn't sense any fluctuations in magic power.

This made Toosaka Tokiomi's heart ring alarm bells, and his vigilance increased.

In addition to Toosaka Tokiomi.

Toosaka Aoi also stared at Bai Ye with wide eyes.

She didn't understand.

Toosaka Rin and Toosaka Tokiomi were already quarreling like this.

Why did this person add fuel to the fire and bring Rin and Sakura here as well.

The wife naturally didn't understand the thoughts of Bai Ye, a fun-loving person.

"Oh, Dad? Mom?"

"Wasn't I watching Magical Girl just now... No, wasn't I trying to learn magic? Why am I here?"

After arriving at the scene, Youlin quickly wiped the snack residue from her mouth, looked around, and said in confusion.

Her face was very innocent and cute.

"Dad, Mom."

Young Sakura was also very confused about the current situation.

But compared to Yurin, she came to her father and mother obediently. The curious ones were Bai Ye and Toosaka Rin.

Like Yurin,

Young Sakura was also very cute, and compared to Yurin, she looked extremely well-behaved.

Toosaka Rin covered her face.

She couldn't bear to look at her childhood self.

Although after returning to the past,

Toosaka Rin had been mentally prepared and knew that she would definitely see her childhood self.

But she didn't expect that Lord Bai Ye would not give her the opportunity to prepare at all, so unexpectedly.

She didn't object to Bai Ye bringing the two of them.

Because in her opinion, the opinions of these two main people should have been consulted on this matter.

She was too young before. She was powerless to stop it, and she was powerless to lead it.

But now, she is different. With the help of Bai Ye, she can do it. These.

Of course.

These are not the most important.

The most important thing is.

Compared with young Sakura, I was so embarrassed when I was a child.

This is a live broadcast.

Everyone in the chat group is watching!

Just as Toosaka Rin expected.

The chat group at this moment.

After seeing the two little ones.

Before, when Toosaka Rin was arguing with Toosaka Tokiomi.

The chat group was actually very lively.

But they all supported Toosaka Rin.

After all, they are not from the Type-Moon world.

They can't understand the idea of the magicians in the Type-Moon world giving up their families, lives, and even everything in order to reach the root.

Not to mention that they all learned about Sakura's tragic fate from Byakuya.

How could they not be filled with anger.

They madly criticized Toosaka Tokiomi.

Now we finally see the real culprit!

【Butterfly Kanae:"Ahhh, is this what Rin looked like when she was a child? She's so cute!""】

【Huihui:"To be honest, she is indeed cute. Her sister is also very cute. I really don't understand why Tōsaka Tokiomi would have the heart to send such a cute child away."】

【Erica:"The magicians in this world have twisted minds. They are willing to abandon everything in pursuit of magic and the root of it. It's hard to believe. I would definitely not be able to stand it if it were me.""】

【Erica:"Hehe~ Let's put these aside for now. Did you notice that Sakura was so well behaved when she was little? In comparison, some people were a little...啾啾啾"】

God Slayer World.

When Erica saw the young Rin Toosaka, her eyes lit up.

She felt a little moved, but she was moved.

As a bad friend of Rin Toosaka,

Erica's slander may be late, but it will never be absent.

【Butterfly Kanae:"I think they are very cute, both of them are. Children are good whether they are a little obedient or a little lively. However, one of my children is too obedient and it always gives me a headache.……"】

【Erica:"That's true, but if it were me, I would definitely give the"Magic Seal" to Sakura instead of Rin. Sakura looks more reliable than Rin."】

【Erica:"@Tosaka Rin, you should be thankful that you were born early, otherwise, the"Magic Seal" of the Tosaka family would never be yours no matter how hard you try."】

【Toosaka Rin:"……"】

Toosaka Rin glanced at the chat group.

She was not surprised to see Erica slandering her, but she gritted her teeth.

As expected, this bastard. It's just as expected.

Sooner or later, I will make her pay.

Thinking of this,

Toosaka Rin couldn't help but glare at her childhood self.

It was all her fault.

Yurin was startled and didn't understand why this sister suddenly glared at her.

She didn't even know her.

So fierce.

And because Toosaka Tokiomi was shocked by Byakuya's move, Toosaka Rin saw her childhood self and the chat group.

After Yurin and Yusakura appeared, they both fell silent.

For a moment, they were even plunged into silence.

""Mom, what happened?"

Toosaka Rin felt a little uncomfortable in the strange atmosphere. She looked at Toosaka Aoi and asked curiously.

Upon hearing this, Toosaka Aoi forced a smile on her face and said:

"It's like this, your father wants to adopt Sakura to the Matou family for her future, so he called you here to tell you something and follow your opinion."

""Hey?!!"x2Hearing this, the two little ones exclaimed at the same time.

Youlin's face was full of astonishment, surprise and incomprehension.

And the well-behaved Youying was caught off guard and was at a loss.

She looked at her parents in disbelief.


Didn't her parents want her?

Was there something she didn't do well enough?

Why did they give her away?

Upon realizing this, Youying's face was immediately panicked.

Even for a moment, tears welled up in her eyes.

She wanted to say something, but she felt as if her throat was stuck and she couldn't say anything.

Finally, Youlin reacted and said loudly:

"I don't agree!!!"

Youlin really couldn't understand.

Her family wasn't so poor that they couldn't afford to raise a child. On the contrary, they were very rich. Why would they send their sister away?

When Youying heard what Youlin said, she also raised her head and looked at her sister.

She looked like an abandoned puppy.

"Hahaha, did you hear that, Tohsaka Tokiomi? Not only do I disagree, your child disagrees too!"

Tohsaka Rin heard what Young Rin said, and agreed, looking at Tohsaka Tokiomi proudly.

Although the world of childhood was a little embarrassing, it was also a place to go.


Tohsaka Tokiomi heard what the two Tohsaka Rins said. He was angry and embarrassed at being targeted by Tohsaka Rin for so long. He said sternly:

""Rin, as a member of the Tosaka family, don't you understand your sister's current situation? Are you going to deprive your sister of her future?" When

Rin heard Tosaka Tokiomi's words, her head shrank immediately.

She was still afraid of her father.

When Tosaka Tokiomi said that he would deprive Sakura of her future, Rin was at a loss.

"How could I deprive Sakura of her future? I just don't want to be separated from her. Sakura definitely doesn't want to leave either.……"Yu Lin said in a weak voice.

"If you don't let Sakura go, you are depriving her of her future. As a child of a magic family, don't you understand?"

Toosaka Tokiomi said:"The best option now is to adopt Sakura to the Matou family. That way, your two extremely excellent talents will not be wasted!"

"Then, both of you will have a bright future. With your qualifications, you may be able to fulfill our ultimate wish as magicians and resist the source."

Toosaka Tokiomi has thought a lot about this.

In his opinion, this is the best result.

Once Sakura is adopted by the Matou family, it will not only avoid the sisterly fights for the family inheritance of [Magic Seal] that are very common in the other world.

Even if Sakura is adopted by the Matou family.

In the next Holy Grail War, if the two of them participate at the same time, he believes that Sakura and Rin will leave each other a way out, and they may even join forces.

This greatly increases the possibility of victory in the Holy Grail War.

Toosaka Tokiomi has thought of everything.

"Why don't I and Sakura each take half of the [Magic Seal] in that house?"

You Lin lowered her head, but did not give up.

She said the same solution as Mirai Lin.

"Are you kidding me? If you each get half, it will only result in neither of you reaching the top, and it will also waste your talent. Not to mention, the splitting of the [Magic Seal] is a big stain on the family."

Tōsaka Tokiomi was so angry that he laughed.

Splitting the [Magic Seal] is often the beginning of the decline of a magic family.

"Then, in that case, I don't need the [Magic Seal]. It's okay for me to be an ordinary person. Dad, I don't want Sakura to leave."

You Lin hesitated for a moment, and finally, she mustered up the courage to speak.

After these words came out, the expressions on the faces of Tohsaka Tokiomi, Tohsaka Aoi, and Sakura were all stunned. Tohsaka

Rin looked at her childhood self, her eyes softened a lot, and her face was full of relief.

No one expected that You Lin would say such a thing in order to prevent Sakura from leaving. Everyone in the chat group was silent for a moment and took a deep breath.

【Kocho Kanae:"I have to say that when she was little, Rin had a really strong sense of responsibility. She was willing to do this for her sister."】

【Huihui:"You're willing to give up magic for your sister? I admire you so much!"……"】

【Erica:"This is indeed true. Sorry, I apologize for what I said before. I know Rin now, so it's not surprising that she has done this, but I didn't expect that Rin was so charming when she was young."】

【Butterfly Kanae:"Ahhh, I really want to hug Yurin and comfort her. Not only Yurin, I also want to hug Yuying."】


【Hui Hui:"+1"】

After Youlin said this,

Youying finally calmed down, wiped the tears from her eyes, and said with effort:

"Dad, I can also give up the [Magic Seal] and be an ordinary person. Please don't send me away."

Tosaka Aoi glanced at Sakura and was even more shocked.

At this moment, Tosaka Aoi was extremely moved.

In the other world, brothers fighting, brothers and sisters fighting, and sisters fighting for the family's [Magic Seal] are everywhere. On the contrary, it is rare for a relationship like that between Sakura and Rin to be so good. However, when Tosaka Tokiomi heard Sakura's words, the astonishment on his face disappeared, and he became cold again.

"No, you are still young, what do you know? Sakura's adoption has been decided, you just need to listen to my arrangements."

Tousaka Tokiomi felt that the two children were still young and didn't understand the importance of magic.

So he ignored them and said bluntly.

Toosaka Rin was a little touched at first.

But after hearing what Toosaka Tokiomi said, she laughed angrily.

Her father has always been like this.

He doesn't care about other people's opinions at all. Under the banner of doing good for you, he will only let others do what they want.

Toosaka Rin was about to speak.

But at this moment.

Bai Ye spoke before her.

"Ah, it suddenly feels meaningless."

Bai Ye sighed and said with a headache.

It was mainly because of Tohsaka Tokiomi's attitude, which reminded him of some dictatorial parents in his previous life.

Can you let yourself be stabbed in the back just for fun?

If it goes on like this, the final result will probably be that neither Tohsaka Rin nor Tohsaka Tokiomi can convince the other, and they will just fight.


Bai Ye felt it was necessary to watch on.

He was going to take action.

In the horrified eyes of Tohsaka Tokiomi,

Bai Ye's hand had already begun to reach out to him.

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