"Do you want to fight me?"

D suddenly said


Shiraori subconsciously put her hand on the sickle, but then she saw D handing her a game controller.

She seemed to be referring to a game.

"I actually like you. Come on, compete with me. If you lose, go back to me. If you win, it's up to you."


After hesitating for a moment, Bai Zhi nodded gently.

She picked up the controller and started the game, choosing a character to fight.

Is this really just an ordinary video game?

Bai Zhi couldn't understand, but she didn't want to understand.

From the moment she took the controller, she was actually completely mastered by D.

Therefore, Bai Zhi lost miserably.

She and D had too much experience in games.

Even if she started the game again, she was still defeated miserably.

Even if Bai Zhi used future vision to master the character's movements in frames, she was still defeated mercilessly.

"That's all."

D dropped the controller, looked at Bai Zhi, and said expressionlessly:

"If you are smart, you should realize the gap between you and me. If you can't beat me in the game, how can you be my opponent?"

This sentence made Bai Zhi shudder.

She was made by D according to his own blueprint.

Just like this, she defeated herself without using any ability. This gap is the gap in experience, but experience is the most difficult to obtain, unlike energy that can be evolved in an instant.

""six"six zero three" zero three" I...Lost......"

Shiraori lowered her head.

When she first came into contact with D, she noticed that something was attached to her soul.

That thing existed in her root, that is, the realm of divinity.

Rather than saying it existed, it was better to say that the thing devoured Shiraori and became an existence called Shiraori.

That was Wakaba Himesaki's memory.

It covered the original her and finally replaced her.

The original her was a low-level creature.

But now she has become a"copy".

At this moment.

An inharmonious voice sounded, and a roar was heard outside.

"I almost forgot about that guy."

The girl who transformed into Ruoye Ji Se started to have a headache.

"Gaia's Avatar......Why did you choose me? I had never done anything to harm the Earth before. But never mind. If it was the real Gaia, I might just be a particle on the edge of the stars. But if it was just an incarnation, it would be easy to deal with."

D was talking to herself. Under the gaze of the stunned Bai Zhi

, she got off the sofa and walked out the door.


Outside the gate stood a pitch-black giant beast, looking down at the movement below, and saw D appear.

"Big monster, you are disturbing me!"

Looking around, all you can see is endless ruins. There are buildings turned into piles of rubble all around, and sharp objects protruding from them. Apart from that, only the End Godzilla is watching the movement under his nose.

This is a city where all the buildings have turned into ruins, but the ordinary houses have extremely clean courtyards.

Overlooking the world from a high altitude.

Surrounded by piles of rubble streets - at the door of the only intact house, a famous girl is sitting and looking up at the blue sky, staring into Godzilla's eyes. It is covered with the blue blood of the poisonous monsters. At this time, the piles of corpses of those monsters are still in the ruins.

"Really. What are you in a hurry for?"


In this world of ruins.

A miasma-filled wind blew through the air.

Godzilla's vision changed completely.

The city shattered like bubbles, the space turned pitch black, he was in a dark space, only a girl stood in front of him, confronting the giant beast.

In this world where only girls exist.

In this dark world.

A pleasant voice sounded.

At that moment, Godzilla's body and mind were separated, which made him unable to see or hear the"object in the shape of a girl".

Unable to smell or touch.

But a certain human-shaped object that does exist is causing the world to be rapidly invaded by evil.


The girl showed a scary expression.

"Do you look like this there? No, the real you is this." A man walked out of the darkness behind the girl. He was extremely tall and handsome, but his face was full of indifference and his eyes were extremely sharp.

"「Wu Luo」"

The girl called out the man's name

"This is the real you."

The girl smiled fearlessly.

Facing the girl's words, Godzilla's mouth also cracked in the form of ridicule.

Godzilla did not answer immediately. He stared at the shadow of"Wu Luo" for a while, and then slowly said:

"That was indeed me, my former image......"

He didn't finish his words, but his meaning was clear.

But Godzilla didn't freeze, and his aura continued to spread outward. Then he roared, so loud that even iron blocks could be shattered, and at this moment, the entire earth began to tremble.

However, the girl at the side remained expressionless, just watching the glass around her gradually fall to the ground and shatter.......

On the other side, Godzilla's figure was getting closer and closer, and gradually everything around him was shrouded in his shadow.


At this time, the girl's ears were frequently filled with deafening explosions, but the expression on her face was still very leisurely.

"You were not fooled by my words, and it seems that you are protected by something. Is it the powerful spiritual defense brought by the will of the earth? Some kind of absolute defense."

(Gaia's Protection 2: When on earth, any whispers of evil gods are ineffective to Gaia's incarnation.)

"You have been hindering me for a long time, D. It is time to stop here."

Godzilla sneered and said,"No matter how powerful you are, on Earth, unless you show up in person, you, as an ordinary human, can never be my opponent."

""Is it finally... time?" She whispered to herself.

Godzilla was right.

The girl named"Wakaba Himeki" was just an ordinary person.

At this moment, Shiraori was full of doubts after hearing this.

She was wondering why the evil god D had not taken action. Was she really just an ordinary person as Godzilla said?

How could it be possible!

"You can indeed crush me easily, considering my body."

The girl actually admitted it herself.

As if to prove something, Godzilla took a step forward and stepped on the house.

Boom - the shock wave instantly broke the barrier protected by some kind of barrier, and then the girl flew backwards uncontrollably and hit the wall. She was immediately severely injured and vomited blood as if her internal organs were ruptured.

But she should have died, but her soul did not disappear.

Instead, she was imprisoned in place by some powerful and unknown means.


Godzilla's laughter echoed all around

"The worst Hades, is that all?"

He seemed to be mocking the other's fragility.

"Haha, fighting power is meaningless to me."

A fierce burning darkness burst out from the girl's body.

Under the cloudless sky, the girl D's appearance was cast into a heavy shadow.

The burning eyes gleamed in the dark face. No. The third evil eye that appeared from the seemingly cracked forehead was also burning.

Her body quickly began to heal itself, as if the broken things were restored to their original state as if time had gone backwards.

But, this is not something that ordinary humans can do, right!?

Spider Girl Baizhi looked at this scene in shock, and didn't seem to understand what was happening.

"I'll explain."

Godzilla looked at the puzzled Spider-Girl and said,"The evil god only has the power to fight in his original form. The incarnation does not have too strong physical power. They come from a cosmic dimension different from the material world, like a world in a dream. Do you know Azathoth? He is the supreme god in the Cthulhu novel written by the American people.......... If it is the root, then the entire universe and evil gods are phenomena in its dreams.........."

"I understand!"

Although Spider-Girl Shirahime is usually a fool, she seems to have understood something now.

In other words, the power of the evil god D cannot be used for unknown reasons. It looks like an immortal shadow that will never disappear. No matter how bright the world is, the shadow will never disappear.

"Haha, you conceited guy. How do you know that I am not the real body? Why are you so sure? How do you know that the author of that Cthulhu novel is not a believer of the evil god? Do you know how many pairs of eyes were behind him when he was writing the novel?"

The girl sneered at this.

"You really don't know how to advance or retreat. Are you still not going to give up?"

"That world seems hopeless. Never mind. In this case, let's start over. Although I don't know what the outcome will be this time, it's also a kind of fun. Also, you underestimate me. Space and time have no meaning to me. Everything in the universe is just a dream like a bubble. As long as I want, I can do everything."

"Why did you let those students reincarnate? What are you worried about? Do you think it's interesting? Or are you trying to avoid some trouble?"

Godzilla's words made the girl silent.

Her eyes were extremely cold. This was the first time that Spider Girl Shiraori saw the change in the expression of the evil god D. She was very surprised.

"Because I am the god of the underworld, if the flow of souls is not right due to my interference, they will come in person.......Humph! It should be said that I, who finally experienced the life of a low-dimensional life form like humans, was forced to work in their own dimension by them. Because I am the highest god in the underworld!"

Wait a minute......

Spider-Girl's eyes widened at this moment. D just said that she would be dragged back by force?

So she was a runaway girl!

She secretly left her job and went to Earth to work pretending to be a human.

"And. Maybe today will be my end.......Thanks to you, too many lives have died on Earth. Their souls are all heading to a place called the"Ether Underworld". With so many souls, even if I suppress them, they will still notice something unusual. They should be on their way here now. It's a pity that you were taken back like this, and I can't really test how strong you are now."

When D said this, her heart was actually trembling violently.

I didn't expect that more than ten years of human life would end so hastily!

She carefully observed everyone opposite her, and memorized the appearance of Godzilla and Shiraori's souls.

Finally, she couldn't help but said loudly:"Are you as powerful as you expected, or is it beyond that? During the time when I let Shiraori reincarnate, have you really grown? You must know that I am the most evil evil god in charge of the underworld, and one day you will come to an end......."

At this moment, D's eyes were very sharp, as if he could see through the two people present.

Under such intimidation and pressure, Spider-Girl took a step back involuntarily, and her face showed instinctive fear.

Looking at all this, D couldn't help but reveal a hint of a sneer,"I forgot to say, there might be a variable.

Although I am worried about being discovered so soon, if I recklessly violate the laws of the underworld and forcibly kill you......

Even if I cannot escape the responsibility that I will face afterwards, I am sure that I can instantly crush your soul and consciousness.

Even if you are forcibly summoned back by the will of the world, your memories may not be restored.

By then, you may have become someone else.......


Spider-Girl was frightened. D meant to shatter their souls and consciousness, damaging the root of their essence. Even after repairing it, it would never be as good as before.

How could this be possible?

It's ridiculous.......

No, maybe it is really possible if Hades says so........

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