"In this way, you are the new supreme god!......is the so-called stand-in."

Hearing this.

Shirahi's face was full of confusion, staring blankly at the man in front of her.

Damn. This is really bad.

Although Shirahi considers herself to be a person who does not desire recognition from others, and she got D's recognition because of the other party's sweet words, but getting Godzilla's recognition is another matter.

Because no matter what, Godzilla is a special existence to her.

Godzilla can be said to be Spider-Girl's goal.

Since she was born, when she first saw Godzilla who burned her mother's nest, she had a sense of admiration for Godzilla.

Because she knew that Godzilla was the natural enemy of spider-type monsters at that time.

However, Shirahi has always been very concerned about such a Godzilla.

The more natural enemy, the more terrifying, the more she has to understand.

Then, while feeling fear, she has always looked up to this untouchable super strong man.

Spider-Girl wants to live freely.

For this reason, she cannot allow any existence that can threaten herself.

So, she has always been... She has been fighting against powerful enemies who want to persecute her.

The battle for survival in the Elro Great Labyrinth.

There, countless monsters want to take her life.

The earth dragon Alaba.

The demon king she met at that time.

Potimas and Chulechule, and the crisis of the world.

Including the unresolved problems, the spider girl Shiraori believes that she has been fighting the enemies with all her strength.

However, among those enemies, there are two guys who she feels she can never beat and can only give up fighting against.

They are Godzilla and D.

How much does it mean to the spider girl to be recognized by them?

As a fake and insignificant spider, how can I be recognized by him? How much redemption is it?

The evil god D wants to use me and persecute me for fun.

But Godzilla has shown that he needs me.

It seems that the meaning of this matter seems to be greater than Shiraori thought.

She even feels that if it is Godzilla, it doesn't matter if she follows him for the rest of her life.

Ah ah......This is terrible.

Is this what it feels like to be in love!

(I shouldn't like this kind of relationship.)

However, if you ask Shiraori if she likes boys, she can't give a definite answer. She always feels that she doesn't have much desire in that aspect, and it seems that she has no such desire at all.

However, it is also true that Godzilla is quite attractive to her.

Godzilla in monster form attracts Spider-Girl in spider form.

The man in front of her is so tall and handsome, Shiraori feels as if her brain has automatically added a layer of filter to him.

When thinking like this, it means that Shiraori has expectations for him.

How to say it?

People who go on blind dates with the premise of getting married may be in this mood.

Although even Shiraori can't figure out what she is thinking!

(Huh......I need to calm down.)

Shirahiro is a little too flustered

"By the way, I will break D's physical body, and you will invade her spirit and take the opportunity to devour her. Can you do it? On the way, I will use Gaia's protection to protect your soul, so that you will not be attacked back. She can't do anything to you.¨. ¨. "

"Are you listening to me?

The man suddenly leaned forward.

They were so close that their lips were almost touching.

"Remember, naming is very important to God."

"Once a name is given, the connection with the namer becomes stronger, and it can be said that the soul is bound."

"The person who named you is the evil god D, which means that there is a strong connection between your soul and her, which will make our plan go more smoothly. Use this"soul connection" and when her physical body is shattered and her soul is exposed, that's when you can take action."


Shiraori suddenly realized, no wonder she was easily dominated by the evil god D, is it the influence of the naming?

(Because I was given the name Shiraori, I was bound by D unknowingly!)

"When you invade her mind, I will hold you back from the outside and try my best to start the battle. But remember, no matter what the evil god D says, no matter what promises and temptations she makes to you, you must reject them all. One wrong step and you will become her soul slave."

The man's words rang softly in her ears, and that voice made Bai Zhi almost forget what to do.

"You are my ally, so I trust you. At least when facing D, we must trust each other, so that we will not be defeated by her until the end of the world!"

The man's words echoed in his mind.

Although Bai Zhi was a little dazed, his parallel consciousness remembered these words and kept replaying them in his mind.

"I see"

"Then let's get started!"

When Spider-Girl came to her senses, she found that the evil god D was standing not far in front of her, confronting Godzilla.

"Where did you go just now?"

D suddenly asked sternly, as if asking Godzilla where he had taken Shiraori.

"What did you say?"

"Don't play dumb. Just now your consciousness disappeared in an instant, and it disappeared simultaneously. Although the time and space of this world have not changed, I still can't hide it."

"You are indeed an evil god. You have discovered this."

Godzilla said expressionlessly.

"No matter what you have done, you now have only one choice......."

"That means I'll kill you."

Godzilla said as he took another step closer, turned around and smashed down with his huge tail!

"Won't you dodge?"

"Ridiculous, don't you understand? As an evil god, I am immortal!"

"That's good!"

Facing the arrogant evil god D, Godzilla ruthlessly smashed her into slag with his tail, and her blood flowed in the rubble.

Then, time and space shook, and strangely, the slag of the evil god D suddenly flowed again and turned into the image of a girl, as if she had been reborn after death.

"Is that the extent of it? You don't even have the strength to hit someone, and you still have the nerve to say that you are the embodiment of destruction!"

Evil God D mercilessly taunted.

(It's not the time yet.)

Godzilla said to Shiraori in Gaia Space, we have to wait until the evil god D reveals a flaw

"Then let me see what the real destructive power is. Let me see what kind of power the so-called evil god has."

"Ha ha......Hahahaha......"Ahahahahahaha! Interesting! Interesting! You've made me eager to see your terrified and begging expression. Since you want to know, I'll satisfy you!"

The vision was gradually closing in on a white darkness.

At this moment. A crack appeared in the dark space-time of the universe, and a black shadow poured out from the vertical crack behind the evil god D.

A fiercely burning darkness gushed out from the girl's body.

Under the cloudless sky, the face of girl D was covered by shadows.

The burning eyes shone in the dark face. In the seemingly cracked forehead, the third evil eye appeared.

This scene made people's SAN value plummet.......

But Godzilla has the protection of Gaia, so he is immune to mental disorders on Earth.

This is why he dares to face the evil god head-on.


The evil god D seemed to be searching for something, spreading his consciousness throughout the world.

The surroundings that were supposed to be silent were now echoing with a dragon-like roar.

""Come! Negative life form, Ghidorah of entropy!"

As Godzilla watched, he saw the extremely ferocious three-headed dragon monster appear. Its appearance features three dragon heads, two tails, a pair of huge bat wings on its back, no forelimbs but only hind legs, and its body covered with dark golden scales. It is similar to the dragon in Western mythology, and can emit gravitational beams like lightning from its mouth.

It is also a pure storm of killing intent.——

"¨「 ¨「 Godzilla, this is the monster you least want to see! Ahahahahaha......As a big monster in the movie, how could I not know everything about you? The name Wu Luo is also your identity before you became a monster.......How come this thing......)

A red light flashed deep in Godzilla's soul, and at the same time, the alarm bells kept ringing.

He now showed an attitude of facing a powerful enemy, as if he was deliberately performing for the evil god D to see, and he was extremely fearful.


In fact, Godzilla was not surprised.

If he had reincarnated as Tiga instead of Godzilla, then the monster that appeared in front of him now should be Gatanjea.

The evil god D likes to see the collapse of the spirit and soul the most, which is more interesting than the dying body.

Therefore, Godzilla had long guessed that she would definitely summon the enemy she had set.

"" Roar!"

Ghidorah of Entropy roared at this moment.

A powerful and cruel wave of destruction was sent towards Godzilla.

Although it was called Ghidorah, it had nothing to do with the real Ghidorah.

It was just an energy body with the appearance of Ghidorah. To be more precise, it was the embodiment of"entropy increase".

""Entropy increase" is a pessimistic inference.

It means that everything will eventually be destroyed, which is the law of nature.

And"Ghidorah of Entropy" was born to increase the entropy (degree of chaos) of the universe. His purpose is to destroy all life in the universe. He is a negative life, (王了好(王了好)) who is equal to God and has no concept of death. He is called"Negative Life Form""


What came into view was the radiance of the magma flow that had become light.

However, when Godzilla opened his mouth, a heat line suddenly emerged that could instantly dissipate the magma, and he quickly blocked the opponent's attack.

"It’s useless, useless, useless, useless, useless!!"

Girl D shouted as if mocking,"Don’t even think about it! Entropy will gradually increase because of your destruction! It is the embodiment of the physical ‘law of increasing entropy’ that makes the whole universe despair. Humans feed on negative entropy and eventually go to extinction!"

There is no need to explain too much about entropy.

In short, any life exists by feeding on negative entropy.

In other words, all life that comes to this earth needs to bear the responsibility given to life by the laws of the universe, which is to turn all disorder into order.

This is the meaning of life!

But the negative life form created by the evil god D is the exact opposite.

Its purpose is to turn order into disorder. In other words, it is a monster that exists to exterminate all life in the universe!

"What you, Godzilla, want is balance! But its ability is to disrupt the balance! So in essence, this is your natural monster, Ghidorah, who was born specifically to suppress Godzilla!"

No matter how powerful Godzilla becomes, Ghidorah will always be stronger than it!

Of course, the premise is—���

Not on Earth! Yuanyuan.

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