
Godzilla raised his claws and stabbed the fallen dragon Kaguna in the neck.

"With a"puff", the life value of the Earth Dragon Kaguna was visibly decreasing. In less than two seconds, it was reduced to zero and died.


The sharp claws stretched out, spitting out a large ball of dragon blood, and then looked at the body of the Earth Dragon Kaguna.

Godzilla opened his mouth, his chest was extremely hot, as if a ball of fire was burning, and then it spit the terrifying high-temperature white-hot light towards the body of the Earth Dragon Kaguna!

""Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle!!"

After the continuous high temperature gradually melted the carapace on the surface of the Earth Dragon Kaguna's body, the buzzing and burning sounds illuminated the demonic giant shadow of the White-Eyed Godzilla in the cave.

Then, burnt cracks gradually appeared on the Earth Dragon Kaguna's tough skin, and large chunks of cooked meat were placed in front of Godzilla.

Hot flames and white mist overflowed from Godzilla's mouth. Then he licked the saliva from the corners of his mouth, looked at the trophy in front of him, and tore it with his claws without hesitation, and began to eat the flesh and blood of the Earth Dragon Kaguna.

"Absorbing biological radiation......"

"Skill proficiency improvement......"

"Gain a lot of experience points and your level will be raised to LV9!"......

While Godzilla was hunting earth dragons and enjoying a feast of roasted dragon meat.

Spider-Girl was also exploring the maze very smoothly.

It was so smooth that she wanted to laugh out loud.

This area seemed to be the territory of centipedes, and there were so many centipedes that they were countless.

These centipedes were a very good source of experience points and food, although they were bitter.......It's so disgusting that you will vomit after eating, and then eat again after vomiting.

But, thank God, they are not too dangerous.

Moreover, the Elroddopods are very slow to react and are completely unable to deal with her sneak attacks.

Spider-Girl sighed in her heart that as long as she could run behind or on their heads, it would be almost the same as winning the fight.

Because of this, she could defeat them 100% with just a sneak attack.

Because she ate a lot of disgusting and bitter centipedes, her paralysis resistance was also increased to level 3.

In order to improve the efficiency of hunting, Spider-Girl also made a small spider web to be prepared for the battle. Because there are a lot of food like centipedes, it is worth her time to stay in this area to gain experience.

Huhu~ Come on, Spider-Girl!

Try your best to hunt centipedes today. It's so happy.......This is truly a centipede paradise!......

The meat of the earth dragon Kaguna is very delicious.

The roasted dragon skin is tender and refreshing, and the golden roasted meat is even more sweet, crispy and refreshing, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, fresh and juicy.

Godzilla's breath continues to radiate, and under the burning of the white-hot light, the roasted meat sizzles, and a drop of hot oil slowly slides down the lines of the plump dragon meat, making people drool.

"Skill proficiency improvement......Upgraded to"White Heat Light LV6" level!"

The sharp claws, like a knife and fork, cut open the body of the earth dragon Kaguna. The roasted dragon meat was evenly divided into pieces, and then the claws of the index finger were pierced into it, and it was held in front of itself, sniffing carefully, and the glutton was quickly aroused.


While it was enjoying the food, it was also constantly improving its skill proficiency.

"When proficiency reaches a certain level, the skill"Identification LV4" is upgraded to"Identification LV5" to activate"Identification」!


「Monster's Tail」

「Godzilla's Tail」

「"The tail of the grown-up White-Eyed God of Destruction Godzilla (Wu Luo)"

Godzilla of course knew that it was his own tail.

However, the continuous use of skills to gain proficiency also successfully raised the appraisal level to level 6, level 7, and level 8.

Although the process of improving proficiency was glossed over.

But in fact, it is still quite hardworking. It did not ignore the reconnaissance skills because of its strong combat talent.

And another reason why Godzilla keeps going deeper into the abyss is to find a reliable natural radiation source.

Only by finding minerals rich in radiation can the maximum capacity of magic power be effectively increased, and the power of breath be enhanced.

Because the normal speed of killing monsters and upgrading is too slow.

It would be great if there was a more effective and fast way to increase skill proficiency.......


What to do?

Godzilla Wu Luo stared at his arm, which was dark gray, with strong muscles and dense scales. Then he opened his bloody mouth and bit his arm.

"Suffering a large amount of physical damage! You are in the"Bleeding LV1" state!"

"Passive skill"Auto Healing LV1" activated......"

"Skill proficiency improvement......"


This can even cause a bug!

If methods like"self-harm" and"self-destruction" can also improve proficiency, wouldn't it be a great success?

But it seems to be limited.

Because no matter how high the skill proficiency is, it is only limited to a few abilities and cannot actually change qualitatively.

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