He actually let that guy go!

Spider-Girl's eyes widened, somewhat incredulous.

At this time, the earth dragon Alaba, who was spared by Diablo Godzilla, stared at the back of the monster king with a flickering look. The other party left his territory and showed the king's mercy.

As a noble earth dragon, Alaba was naturally unwilling to accept such charity.

So it began to control the earth magic, creating a huge wall, raising a series of barriers, blocking the place where Diablo Godzilla left, which was also to help it cover its whereabouts and write off the other party's mercy.

So handsome!

Spider-Girl's heart strongly yearned for the monster's power.

She wanted to surpass it.

Even she herself didn't know where this impulse came from.

Because she had personally experienced the feeling of being chased by a monster once.

The fear at that time surged again, causing Spider-Girl's body to tremble.

However, in addition to fear, Spider-Girl felt that such trembling was also mixed with excitement.

The monster stepped on the body of her mother.

The mouth aimed at the body and exhaled, burning everything.

Spider-Girl imprinted Godzilla's heroic figure in her eyes.

That was an existence she had to surpass.

That was the nightmare in her heart.

That guy was - the Dark God of Destruction Godzilla with white eyes!......

The monster war came to an end.

However, Spider-Girl, who was paddling around the edge of the battlefield to eat and drink for experience, gained a lot of experience points.

Thanks to this, her level was raised by several levels.

Because of the increase in the taboo level, Spider-Girl also obtained the skills of the Seven Deadly Sins, but unlike the trajectory in the original work, the final goal in the maze that she is currently trying to surpass is probably the Earth Dragon Alaba.

At least it is not realistic to challenge Diablo Godzilla at the moment!

Especially the power gap between the two sides is so great that it is despairing.

But at this moment.

A loud noise came.

The sound came from the upper level, and the upper level was outside the underground maze.

What happened? An earthquake?

Even in this underground, the sound of something falling to the ground was still incredibly clear.

Spider-Girl began to curl up her body, and she felt a creepy, powerful breath that seemed to be out of this world.


A human figure jumped in along the huge pit destroyed by Diablo Godzilla.

The figure was moving extremely fast, and the loud noise it emitted was no less than the sound of a supersonic fighter jet roaring overhead that Spider-Girl had heard in her previous life.

The speed was so fast that it was unbelievable.

One could not help but suspect that the guy was like a monster, and instantly landed in front of Spider-Girl at a speed that was enough to destroy common sense.

That's right, in front of Spider-Girl.

With an impact like a falling meteorite, a figure landed with a bang, and the aftermath at the edge almost killed her instantly!

"......Damn it! Did he escape?"

Looking at the Dark Lord Godzilla who had long disappeared, the figure of the demon king threw a punch at the wall behind him with a strong killing intent!

In an instant!

The giant rock wall like a spider web suddenly cracked and broke into thousands of pieces, and then turned into powder in an instant under the explosive momentum. At that moment, Spider-Girl was terrified.

This was also the first time she saw her grandmother, the demon king Ariel!......

「Original Spider Monster: LV139 Name: Ariel

HP: 99999/99999

MP: 99999/99999

SP: 89862/89862

Average Attack Power: 90021」......


「HP Super Speed Recovery LV10""MP High Speed Recovery LV10""Magic Precision Control LV10"」

「Divine Silk, Silk Manipulation LV10, Telekinesis LV10」

「Concentration LV10""Thinking Super Acceleration LV6""Future Vision LV6」

「Gravity Magic LV10""Abyss Magic LV10""Big Devil LV10」...... title——

「Dragon Slayer, Dragon Slayer, Ruthless」

「Commander, Overlord, King」

「Ancient mythical beast,"The ruler of gluttony","The demon king」......

To be honest, it would be better if I didn't know the other party's identity.

The guy with the title of"Demon King".

The black-haired beautiful girl who appeared in front of Spider-Girl is the Demon King who dominates all spiders.

Her exaggerated data, skills that are just the tip of the iceberg, and title panel.

All signs indicate that she is one of the representatives of the ceiling combat power in this world.

Currently, she is chasing a being.

Obviously - that is Diablo Godzilla......

(Godzilla: You give me some way! Slip, slip, slip, and your daughter is awesome! She tastes great.

Ariel:*****...!! They don't speak the same language, they speak Zuan from another world.

In terms of setting: the Demon King is the mother of Spider's mother. From the Demon King to Spider Mother to Xiao Bai, they all reproduced asexually, so she is the grandmother or the grandmother.)

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