
Taking huge steps, Godzilla's every step shook the island.

The villagers trembled and squatted on the ground in fear.

Godzilla was so big, much bigger than any creature they had ever seen.

"Spare my life! Lord Poseidon!"

The old witch knelt on the ground in a hurry.

She was well-informed and recognized that this was a top-level monster.

With extremely high intelligence, he could definitely understand what they said.


Godzilla did not intend to hurt them.

Because even Godzilla felt that these guys were too pitiful, and their lifespans were not long, and they would soon die in large numbers.

When the huge feet passed over their heads, those kneeling on the ground noticed that the shadow above their heads disappeared, and they raised their heads in fear.

Then a magical scene happened.......

Some of them were seriously ill, and they suddenly felt their bodies lighten, the pain lessened, and they no longer felt the constant torture.

The surrounding radiation was completely absorbed the moment Godzilla passed by.

���The radiation in the environment was reduced, and the radioactive substances in the bodies of the injured were also absorbed.

Although there was no way to cure the cancer they had, at least the mutation of their bodies was suppressed.

Even if their symptoms were still not cured, at least they were less painful.

There was no subsequent damage.

It also allowed some young children to gradually return to normal.

"Lady, the goddess has appeared!"

"Black Dragon...It's a divine beast!"

Maybe they mistakenly thought that Godzilla didn't kill them, but was regarded as some kind of god and symbol. For example, Spider-Man saved people in exchange for food and was regarded as a divine beast.

For humans in the other world, faith is an indispensable part of their lives.

They once believed in the goddess, and subconsciously regarded Godzilla as a kind of god.


As the sound of footsteps shaking the earth gradually disappeared, Godzilla's huge black body completely sank into the barren stone forest.

But the impact it brought did not disappear, but made more innocent villagers who were suffering from suffering worship Godzilla as a divine beast.

This in turn brought some impact to Godzilla.

To be precise, it was in terms of reputation - the god of the sea, the god of protection, the god of black dragons!

These island villagers began to worship Godzilla as a god.

They believed that it was he who saved the people in distress.

And developed many worshippers and believers of the god Godzilla.

They began to spread the word about how lucky they were and how their fishing village was favored by God.

Soon, word spread from one to ten, and from ten to a hundred.

All the surrounding island fishing villages knew of the existence of Godzilla.

And in some of the oceans, Godzilla's reputation became even more miraculous.

However, Godzilla has no time to care about how these half-dead humans shape their own great image.

It now has only one goal.

That is to find——「Sealing Stone", no, it should be called"Enriched Uranium Core Cube"」!......

"Beep, beep——"

Godzilla, who was searching everywhere, had a radar in his head prompting him that the target was right below him.

This island.

Looking down from high in the sky, the shape is actually more like a round pit, as if a meteorite had fallen here a long time ago, who knows how many years ago.

However, Godzilla also discovered many traces of ancient relics of civilizations from another world, and his magic perception also captured a faint magical reaction, as if there had been some kind of barrier here.

Could it be that there was a story here?

For example, the group of villagers were the guardians here, but the barrier was broken, and the radiation inside began to leak out. The plants and animals in the outside world were slowly eroded by radioactive substances, and eventually the cells proliferated too fast, leading to uncontrolled death.

To be honest.

This is a different world, with magic, gods, and dragons.

Godzilla would not be surprised if a few nuclear mutant monsters really appeared.

It seemed to be responding to Godzilla's thoughts.

When it was about to dig here, a wild crab monster appeared.

【Name: Crab Monster Ganza LV25】

【HP: 2400/2400】

"I knew it!"

Godzilla raised a humane smile at the corner of his mouth. In fact, he had discovered the trace of this monster a long time ago.

There was a huge red shell growing on its back, with ridges and pits on the surface. It looked like a reef, with a crab's body and lobster-like claws.

Since he landed on the island, it had been spying on him in the ocean, sleeping on the sea surface with its huge shell on its back exposed.

Like an island reef, it had no intention of fighting with him.

But when it saw that he had come to this"treasure spot".

It seemed that it was anxious!

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