‘「The world needs you, the maintainer of"Heavenly Law".......’

A mysterious voice sounded, alerting Godzilla

""Who are you?" Godzilla asked loudly. He felt a strong wind blowing into his heart.

At the same time, he also sensed the frequency of nature. The will of the planet was gathering together strongly!

‘I am the consciousness of this planet, the embodiment of nature's consciousness......Now only you can hear my voice!’

‘For billions of years, I have witnessed the rise and fall of the origin of the world, the birth and extinction of species. In countless times, only the stupidity of mortals is eternal and unchanging. Your appearance has verified this. Now my body is already full of holes, and my soul is almost exhausted. The world has been destroyed by humans, and the energy obtained from the death of organisms is needed to remedy it.’

‘Please save me, save the world......’

That was the cry of the planet. It was obviously the first time to come into contact with it, but Godzilla felt a sense of sadness that penetrated his soul, and his emotions seemed to be out of control in an instant. He had never seen such power before.

Godzilla thought it was some kind of magic, but after analysis, he found that it was not magic at all, but the strong emotions of countless natural and living things on this planet who died because of humans.

This planet is dying.

Nature itself is about to be killed by humans.

The world needs a god of destruction, an incarnation of destruction.

So the world called him here.

Although it sounds cruel, someone has to do this job.

Godzilla is not just a monster, but a symbol of some kind, a"phenomenon" like a natural disaster.

When the"Godzilla phenomenon" appeared in this world, what exactly happened, didn't they know in their hearts?

After destroying those stupid humans who wanted to gain power from themselves.

Until now, Godzilla has no feelings or sympathy for humans-he can't feel anything!

After feeling the sadness of the entire planet.

No matter who it is, it is impossible to have any sympathy.......

"God, the beast......?"

In the burning sea of fire, the villagers on the island looked at the killing spree of Diablo Godzilla with horror, saw many ships burned to ashes in his breath, and saw many people like them evaporated in an instant.

"It's not a guardian beast!"

The people from the sea were trembling as they looked at the monster's dark back. Even the legendary sea monster Kraken was not as oppressive as this monster.

"It's a monster!"

"Not long ago, a cargo ship from the other side of the mainland was attacked! It was this that did it!"

""You idiots, you recognized the wrong beast!"

Someone shouted, and the others realized it.

Nearly two months ago, a cargo ship was attacked by a monster and all the crew members fell into the sea.

Later, they encountered pirates. The sixty-year-old man was killed by the pirates, and the teenage granddaughter and other crew members were taken away. On the way, they met the team of the current hero and the saint, and were rescued.

"It's over now!"

"There is no escape!"

After seeing this monster with their own eyes, people were filled with fear.

This kind of pressure was something that even a dragon could not bring.

They seemed to be strangled by fear, suffocating, and as if they were trapped in a quagmire, unable to move.

"for...Why......It didn't come to kill us?"

The survivors waited for a long time.

But they found that Godzilla had already destroyed the gathering place and turned towards the sea. His dark back was looming on the sea and disappeared.

"Maybe he thinks we are too weak and there is no point in eating us!"

In their opinion, Godzilla only seems to target people who gather in groups, and has no interest in chasing those humans who are scattered and running around.

But they really guessed right.

Diablo Godzilla would not waste his breath for one or two people. It does not stop these people from escaping, nor will it deliberately attack anyone.

It will only attack the crowd that blocks it.


People with sharp eyes have already discovered that the monster with its back exposed in the sea is swimming towards the direction of the kingdom!

"Oops, what that little girl said was true!"

"The monster's goal is the kingdom!"

"My God, we woke it up, we showed it the way......"

The people of the Kingdom of Anarede, kneeling on the ground, seemed to realize the big mistake they had made.


"The Kingdom of Anarede is in danger!"

He looked at the footprints of a giant sauropod in the distance. The footprints were so big that a person could lie down in them without feeling crowded. The monster, which was even bigger than a dragon, was now attacking the kingdom.

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