At this time,

Godzilla still has 3,700 meters to reach the area where Spider-Girl is.......

【Spider Girl: LV1 Name: None】

【Attributes HP: 38111, MP: 44024, SP: 33557】

【Title:"Monster Slayer"」、「Arrogant ruler」、「The Patient Ruler」、「A wise ruler」、「Fear mongers」、「Dragon Slayer」、「The lazy ruler」、「Human Killer」、「Human Butcher」、「Savior」、「The Ruler of Redemption」、「"The natural disaster of the human race"】

Godzilla is not the only one who is happy.

Although it has unlocked the red lotus mode, it is happy.

But Spider-Girl also absorbed the experience points that were on the edge, which made her ability values increase explosively. After that, she continued to upgrade her level and raised her ability values to another level.

And Spider-Girl is happier than Godzilla, because she got the pleasure of getting something for free.

Judging from the numbers alone, Spider-Girl is far inferior to Godzilla.

But she has higher mobility, stronger magic ability, and a lot of messy but very practical skills as support.

However, if Spider-Girl really had to fight with the current Godzilla, Spider-Girl would definitely transfer her soul to one of the countless spider eggs and run away decisively.

This evolution.

The biggest change is that a strange thing has grown on Spider-Girl's head.

Because it is a lady spider.

So there is a human upper body growing there.

There are breasts.

It looks like a female.

But speaking of it, are there male spiders in this world?

Spider-Girl complained to herself that she was afraid that she would not be able to distinguish between genders after evolution, but fortunately she is a female spider.

But anyway.

It is a very happy thing to get back a human body, even if it is only half.


That damn earthquake happened again, and it can be confirmed that Godzilla is within two kilometers of this place.

What should I do now?

The spider girl looked up at the sky, and the upper body of the human woman opened her eyes. Her pupils turned red, and her skin and hair were abnormally white, with a kind of morbid beauty.

Now she is second only to the mythical monster queen spider.

If I meet Godzilla, even if I can't beat him, running away should not be a problem.

Anyway, should I try to communicate with that big monster? Confirm whether he is also a reincarnation. Maybe he is someone I know.

If this is the case, it would be a good choice to reach some kind of agreement so that he will stop chasing me.

Okay, it's decided!

Just wait here for it to come.

But just in case, use"laying eggs" to lay a thousand eggs, transplant parallel consciousness into several of the eggs, and let the hatched little spider daughters hide in places such as the Elro Great Labyrinth.

If I, as their mother, encounter misfortune......

She can also be reborn from an egg. (Mothra calls her an expert on this.


「"Children! Try your best to survive!"

Spider-Girl shouted to the newborn children.

Although the goal of evolving into Spider-Girl has been achieved, Spider-Girl wants to ensure her own absolute safety, so she has to come into contact with this big monster Godzilla, who always encounters her unexpectedly for various reasons.

It is obvious that the guy has a very high intelligence.

I just don't know if he is as smart as me, a wise ruler.......Who is smarter?

"Come on, Godzilla! I'm not afraid of you anymore!"

Just as the girl spider shouted with confidence.

In the distance, an incarnation of destruction was approaching step by step.......Due to the failure of the cooling system, the core temperature rose and it turned into a red lotus Godzilla. A large area of the skin turned red, and steam was constantly ejected!

The scene was like the return of the God of War from hell!

The burning flames covered the neck, chest and limbs, so that the pure white eyes were dyed black!

This God of Destruction from hell was walking step by step with a trail of fire, watching the earth continue to collapse under its feet.

With one stroke, he cut off the burning arrow tower, and used his claws, tail and huge body to completely flatten the town.......What a powerful force!

Woohoo— the spider girl seemed to hear the trembling sound of fear in all things.

This monster with destructive power, which was the embodiment of despair just by standing still, appeared in her sight at this time, probably less than a thousand meters away!

It's coming!

It's getting closer and closer!

"With a loud bang, the last city wall was destroyed.

Along with the violent shock wave and the wreckage of the church temple, the people who were looting in the chaos panicked, and the air was filled with high temperature and a terrible smell of burning.

Finally, the incarnation of destruction stopped three hundred meters in front of the spider girl, looking down at the little guy who blocked its way.

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