At this moment, just as Godzilla was preparing his magic

""Field expansion! Anti-magic barrier!"

With Potimas chanting as the center, the laws of the world changed.

In an instant, the magic of the entire world was eliminated.

There was no visual change.

Hearing, smell, taste, touch, etc.......Nothing has changed.

The only thing that has changed is all of Godzilla's"skills」、「All magic was forcibly sealed.

Forced release?

Even the Demon King's"Dragon Barrier" couldn't do this.

""Dark monster, I admit that you are qualified to be my opponent. My name is Potimas Parvenus. Remember this name. You don't need to give your name, because you will disappear soon."

This guy is a bit crazy.

Crimson Godzilla raised one foot in dissatisfaction, ready to crush him to pieces.

"A monster without magic is just a waste!"

The next moment, Potimas jumped up at an extremely astonishing speed, instantly reaching a height of dozens of meters, and punched Godzilla.


Godzilla was very confused.

Why did Potimas dare to take the initiative to attack him, after all, the size difference between the two was so big.

This is because the barrier launched by Potimas can not only make magic and skills invalid.

It can also make magic, skills, ability values, and passive resistance.

These attributes are all invalid.

This is a barrier that can negate the"system".

It means that the ability values obtained in this system are all invalidated.


He was wrong.

Although all the magical energy of Diablo Godzilla is invalid, it has only changed from a"magic monster" to a"monster".

To put it bluntly: it is still Godzilla, just a Godzilla who can't do magic.

Atomic breath, radioactive heat rays, monster cells, these are not brought by the system, but a real part of the body.

Otherwise, why go looking for nuclear radiation and absorb atomic energy?

Why strengthen your own abilities and ignore the many advantages of system magic?

The purpose is to wait for such a day, because Godzilla knows that the things in the system do not belong to it, and only its own strength is the real power.

For this——

"Potimas, do you think that you will take away all the strength I have accumulated so far?"

Faced with Potimas's punch, Godzilla was too lazy to move, and let the opponent's punch weighing dozens of tons hit his chest.

With the explosion of the air, the body of the King of Monsters did not move at all!


Potimas’ eyes flickered as if he had punched metal, and he raised his head sharply.

His eyes met Godzilla’s.

His mind went blank.

"Impossible! In my barrier, even the magic in your body will be greatly reduced in power. Why are you......"Aren't you a monster in the system?"

Potimas seemed to react.

He cursed himself inwardly, how stupid he was, ignoring such a simple question because of his arrogance.

However, the eyes of Red Lotus Godzilla were terribly cold at this time.

"I have never seen anyone as arrogant as you in my life. Potimas, you have succeeded in making me remember you!"

The roar that caused the air explosion came, and the giant claws that had been moving from bottom to top instantly caught Potimas who was suspended in the air. Feeling the terrifying grip between the claws, Potimas' body was twisting and deforming.


Along with the shattering of a bunch of mechanical parts, Potimas' left eyeball popped out.

A closer look showed that the skin that was grasped by the terrifying grip exploded, and there was a metallic light flashing underneath.

Although Potimas had lost his resistance, he still stared at the front with his only remaining eye.

His metal skull began to crack, and many sophisticated mechanical parts could be seen in his body, which were no worse than Iron Man's technology.

So that's it!

No wonder this guy has such a strong defense and expressionless psychological quality. It turns out that this is not a fairy's body at all, but a mechanical body!

This feeling is like a killing robot that has traveled from the future.

Isn't this a fantasy world?

When did science fiction elements come into it?

This is completely a super-civilized super-technology.

But Godzilla knew about this a long time ago, and he is not too surprised now.

"This mechanical technology is one of the reasons that led to the collapse of this world, right?"

Before Potimas was crushed into dregs by Godzilla, he sentenced him to death:

"Potimas, I already know your sins! Run away, and run as much as you can for the rest of your life! Soon, I will find your true form from the hidden darkness and witness your death and despair!"

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