The war between the sea-crawling monster tribes was actually a knockout match.

The Naga tribe won, and the queen became the sea god.

The Deep Ones won, and Godzilla became the sea god.

"Find out who defeated the Sea Dragon King. If that guy is still nearby, we must know his strength and then report to the Queen!"

After the female general gave the order, the Nagas began to send out a large army of about 20,000 people, forming a dense formation in the sea, and also with the Nagas' domesticated megalodon, plesiosaur, whale dragon and other mounts

"Ahead is the dark deep sea, the territory of the Deep Divers!"

A huge army of Nagas appeared near the abyss. Such a large number of Nagas is enough to capture a coastal city of humans. The reason for their appearance was obviously for one purpose.

"Dagon" Godzilla!


After the horn sounded, the sea began to shake.

On the throne of the sea tide, the Red Lotus Dark Destruction Godzilla suddenly opened his eyes.


"As you command, Your Majesty Dagon!"

The Deep Diver Prophets who possess the dark side of ocean emotions look like monsters covered in black scales, but compared to ordinary fishmen, they know how to wear equipment and protective clothing in the deep sea.

"Gu, ga! La la ya......"

After the Deep Diver Prophet gave the order with a sharp throat voice, groups of dark deep-sea fishmen began to form an army, and soon formed an army of tens of thousands, and began to come out in full force!

"What's going on?"

After hearing this sharp and disturbing voice, the Naga army that had just arrived near the abyss also stopped advancing.

"Murloc......They actually dared to resist us!"


The Naga army had no idea how this group of murlocs had the courage to face them, and they were organized in an orderly manner. This completely overturned their impression of murlocs.

And what are Nagas? They evolved from the former superior elves, and they have the habit of being superior and ordering others around. Usually, they enslave murlocs and use them as war cannon fodder to test the enemy.

But what is the situation now?

Those murlocs actually dared to hold their weapons and fight back against them.

"It seems that the rumors are right, [Dagon] has appeared!"

The Naga female general swallowed her saliva at this time, staring at the darkness in the abyss ahead, and vaguely saw a giant shadow like a ridge slowly moving. It looked like a tail.

"General, what should we do?"

Looking at the increasing number of murlocs coming out in droves, the members of the Naga army began to get anxious. They were not afraid of these murlocs.

Instead, they were afraid of Dagon, who was backing the murlocs. Dagon was the Father God, and unlike the inferior murlocs, he possessed the power of a raging wave.

According to the rules, they did not have the power to attack Dagon, only the Chosen One of Hydra could do that.

"Keep attacking!"

"Breaking the gate of the abyss, we have only one goal, that is to see [Dagon], not to be afraid of these cowardly and ugly fishmen!"

The female general of the Naga still gave orders and began to regroup the Naga army.

On the other hand, the Naga would not tolerate retreating without a fight when encountering the fishmen, not to mention that the Dark Abyss was once their territory.

When the two meet, disputes over territory will occur out of animal instinct, and it is normal to attack each other.

It's just that this is the first time in history that the fishmen have formed an army, which shocked the Naga.

"Nagas, let those fishmen see what a true ruler of the deep sea is like〃ˇ 〃ˇ !"

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!"

On the other side

""Gumla! Ulla!!"

The fishmen who came out of the abyss also shouted sharply.

Enclosed in the deep sea where even time is meaningless, in the past, their arrogant lives were full of cold beauty, their cruelty was unbelievable, and their lives were eternal and immortal.

All this was brought by Dagon. The deep divers in the past had a brilliant civilization.

Now they are just inferior creatures in the eyes of the Naga.

The fishmen burst into tears.

That's because they have [Dagon]. The Father God is here, what else is there to be afraid of?

Even when facing the Nagas who they usually avoid, they raise their harpoons high.


The Naga army rushed over. They had many tall and sturdy warriors with thick scales and facial bones. In addition, they were proficient in at least four weapons.

The leader was the Anaconda Naga!

Six meters tall, with four arms holding long knives, like a storm of sharp blades, easily cutting and slaughtering large groups of fish people.

"Stop them, Deep Diver Warriors!"

The fishman commander"Prophet" began to let those Deep Divers of excellent bloodline appear. They are called warriors. Their fathers are Deep Divers and their mothers are orthodox Nagas. They are larger and stronger, with heads like dragons and fully evolved human muscles.

The size and thickness of the scales covering their bodies are also far beyond those of female Nagas.

In other words, they are completely male Nagas, but the Naga tribe does not recognize their identity.


But although the Deep Diver Warriors were about four meters in size, the Anaconda Naga they faced was the incarnation of a giant python, with even greater power. Therefore, the Deep Diver Warriors had to work together in groups of three to suppress one Anaconda Naga.

On the other side, the Mermaid Naga, who were good at swimming, charged forward riding prehistoric creatures such as Megalodon and Dragon Whale.

In front of the Megalodon with a body length of more than 20 meters and the Dragon Whale with a body length of 25 meters, the Murlocs were simply one-sided, and several of them were swallowed up in an instant.

The level of the shark monsters was all above LV25!

The Naga warriors were also LV20 per capita, while the Murlocs were mostly LV3 to LV15.......

How to fight this?

The gap is too big!

The Deep Diver Prophet (LV25) is not stupid. In his observation, the enemy general's stats far exceed all of them, which is terrifying.

【Naga General: LV80 Name: Aisha】

【Attributes HP: 9989/9989, MP: 9500/9500, SP: 12450/12450】

【Skills:"Killing Storm LV10","Parallel Consciousness LV5","Shock LV10","Rage LV10","Rage LV3","Tidal Impact LV1」】

【Title:"Murloc Killer","Berserker","Raging Ruler","General","Murloc Butcher","Deep Sea Lightning"]

That is - the Naga General, second only to the mythical monsters. The attribute value of over 10,000 is the lowest standard for mythical monsters.

And mythical monsters are also divided into different levels. After all, 10,000 and 90,000 are both single digits, but the actual difference is huge. People like Godzilla are beyond the level and are extraordinary. Above that, they are gods.

"A mere fishman...How dare you identify me?"

Suddenly, the Naga General seemed to be enraged. After sensing the sight of the Murloc Prophet, he went crazy.

As we all know, identification comes with taunting + full hatred.......


The Blade Storm is coming!

Naga General is a humanoid creature with a lower body like a giant snake and scales all over his body. He is extremely strong, like a giant anaconda.


At the place where the two armies came into contact, the seabed shattered.

As if directly reflecting the might of a meat grinder, the Naga General's impulse to destroy arose in her heart.

The target was the Deep Diver Prophet!

After entering the battlefield, she rushed forward decisively, killing all blockers along the way with the four-sword flow!

Even if the fishmen were dead, the splashing red blood and broken limbs were still terrifying.


A storm of killing.

Holding four giant swords, the fishmen resistance army turned into a whirlwind like a gyroscope, and they had no ability to resist at all. The more fierce the battle, the more serious the casualties.

Massacre. Still massacre.

Human nature has long been frozen, and rationality has been abandoned one after another.

The Naga General who triggered the rage effect is unstoppable, and only pure anger is burning wider and wider.

She has the seven deadly sins skill"Anger", at the cost of losing rationality, she can multiply all her ability values by 10 times.

This effect is enjoyed by both basic ability users and ability users with enhanced effects!

However, this is an effect that can only be achieved by the highest level of anger.

The female general's anger was only at level 3, but even so, it tripled, instantly surpassing the value of the Sea Dragon King!

"¨「 ¨「 Murlocs and whatnot! All of them, go to hell!"

The eyes can only see things that should be destroyed.

The nose can only smell the smell of things that should be destroyed.

The ears can only hear the screams of things that should be destroyed.

The tongue can only taste the blood after clenching teeth.

The heart can only feel endless anger.

After triggering the ability of the ruler of the anger of the seven deadly sins, the Naga general fought against ten thousand alone, and became an unstoppable storm of terror in the eyes of the murlocs.

This alone, the powerful aura exuded overwhelmed the murloc army, showing a strong majesty.

""Roar, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh!"

The roaring Naga General had no rational light in her eyes.

Was she enraged by just a quick assessment?

She probably did it on purpose.

The purpose was to lure out Godzilla Dagon.

Because if Godzilla didn't show up, the fishmen would be slaughtered.

Anyway, it would be a win-win.

But she was lucky. Such a powerful aura and explosive value did attract Godzilla's attention.

"Another mythical monster?"

On the throne of the sea tide, the giant beast's back slowly lifted up!

Godzilla turned his head and stared at the bloody battlefield.

It took a step forward, dragging its long tail, and walked out in the shaking seabed.

The dark figure loomed in the abyss.

In the distance of the Naga army, the dark and ferocious dorsal fin facing the sky became larger and larger, and the terrifying monster king kept approaching.


As the seabed vibrated, the fishmen who were repelled by the overwhelming force of the Naga turned back to look at the direction of the abyss, with shock on their faces. The Naga army who had just stepped into the entrance of the abyss also stopped their movements.

The hearts of all the fishmen and Nagas beat faster and faster.

Finally, when their hearts were about to jump out and burst, at the end of the darkness, a burning mountain trampled on the ruins of the abyss and stepped out.


The tall figure of Diablo Godzilla appeared outside the abyss, and let out a long roar. Then, it stepped into the battlefield with chaos and destruction!

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