


"I feel cold and empty, lonely and helpless, like a spider."

——Lyrics and music written by Spider-Man himself

【Location: Burnt-out mansion (not looting)】

【Characters: Demon Prince, Spider Girl, Bloodsucking Girl.

Damn Demon King.

I camped outdoors, but they enjoyed themselves in the hotel?

Sleeping on a warm bed and having a big meal at the hotel?


Bastard! I want to have a big meal too!


The spider girl sighed, feeling very dissatisfied.

But it doesn't matter. She took out a lot of monster meat and roasted it all over the fire to eat.

It was like venting her dissatisfaction.

Using both mouths, the upper human mouth and the lower spider mouth were not idle, eating together!


Two mythical monster puppet spiders sat on the ground with their knees hugged, looking at themselves who were overeating.

The Demon King summoned these guys to monitor him, but Spider Girl always felt that they envied her eating meat, and her eyes showed desire.

Puppet spiders are palm-sized spider monsters that control puppet mechanisms, which are equivalent to Gundam pilots. The pilots themselves are not strong, but Gundam is very strong.

They are all the lowest-level mythical monsters.

It looks like a horror puppet, so it always has a blank expression.

But Spider-Girl can sense the sight inside.

She uses perspective to observe the spider inside the puppet, while shaking the meat in her hand left and right.

Although the puppet's head does not move, the spider inside the puppet moves its sight"five four, five four, seven, seven" with the swing of the meat.

"Do you want to eat it too?"

The lady spider handed the meat to the puppet spider.

Seeing this, the puppet spiders seemed very excited, but they didn't dare to reach out.

"Are you unwilling to accept charity from the person you are monitoring? If so, don't blame me for being rude."

The spider lady swallowed it without hesitation.

""Mm~ the meat is delicious~"

The spider girl grilled the meat directly with fire without hesitation.

Then she coated it with seasoning sauce and took a big bite.

This way of eating is quite luxurious. This kind of heroic grilled meat can be said to have the advantages of cheapness, deliciousness, and large quantity.

Eat it after grilling, and grill it after eating.

Watching the spider girl feasting, one of the puppet spiders finally couldn't help but start eating meat.

They opened the mouth of the puppet mechanism, and then stuffed the meat and elbow into the mouth, feeding the body inside.

The appearance looked a bit creepy.......

But since one was willing to eat, the other one also timidly opened its mouth and began to eat the meat.

What the hell!

Spider-girl suddenly felt that they were much more ladylike than herself, and very smart, and looked like real girls.


Spider-girl had an idea.

She shot out silk, used silk manipulation to weave cloth, and then used human hands to cut the cloth into clothes.

The spider girl's spider silk skills have evolved into divine silk, and the level has long been capped.

Therefore, the attributes of the sewn clothes are top-notch in all aspects.

She wove herself a simple dress.

The color is pure white, without any decorations such as ruffles.

At the same time, the waist and sleeves are made narrower to avoid over-emphasizing the size of a certain place, creating a soft and flowing feeling.

Then the spider girl put it on. The puppet spiders stared at the clothes in admiration and applauded her with all six hands.

"Humph, isn't that great?"

Praise me a little more.

Because this technique is exclusive to me, and it is definitely not something that a large monster like Godzilla can learn.

Seeing the envious eyes of the puppet spiders, Spider Girl began to teach them how to weave clothes.

It is not a bad choice to make a fortune as a tailor in another world, but it is a pity that this world is too bad.......

So Spider-Girl put clothes on the two puppet spiders, so that their genders were much clearer.

Then there were wigs, decorations, and makeup.......

After a series of operations by Spider-Girl, the puppet spider instantly turned into a cute little loli

""Oh, oh, oh!"


Next, even if we go to the demon territory, we won't be bored.

When Spider-Girl thought about this

"Huh......? Why are there two more beautiful girls here?"

Demon King Ariel appeared nearby, looking at this side with a puzzled look.

Vampire also had an incredible expression on his face.

Their eyes were fixed on the puppet spiders.

The cute puppets who turned into loli girls, wearing dresses, did not look like the terrifying killers before.

At this time, the puppet spiders looked at the girl spiders with respect.

Spiders always felt that their glass eyes were shining.

"Humph, be proud of me, the master of silk manipulators!"

Speaking of which.

How is Godzilla now?

Don't get me wrong.

Spider-girl didn't know why she suddenly remembered that impressive monster. She was just curious when she thought of that guy at this time.

Could that guy have become a god?

No......It seems that I have to work harder, otherwise the level gap between the two sides will be widened again when we meet next time!

It seems that I have to start the hellish special training again!

If I don’t become stronger, I can’t survive.

This world is so cruel.

I hope the Demon King can teach me some new abilities.......

Dark Deep Sea - The Throne of the Tide.

A huge cylindrical underwater city.

The Nagas and the fishmen built long rows of cities in the deep sea, and these cities are distributed in various seas around the world.

A long time ago, it should have been a glorious civilization similar to Atlantis.

But one day, the world began to collapse.

The ancient dynasty collapsed.

Since then, the world pattern has changed drastically, and only the deep sea retains the remnants of the past.

That's it.

After Godzilla chatted with the mermaid Naga Queen Lucia for a night, he knew how to control the energy that was constantly running wild and overflowing from the Red Lotus Godzilla.

In fact, the principle is very simple, which is to use a strong magnetic field to restrain the collapsed core, and then use magic to construct a new atomic reactor heart.

But this time it is no longer a continuation of the past nuclear fission, but a study of nuclear fusion.

In the process of construction, it requires a lot of physical strength, time and sufficient radiation energy resources.

If successful, it will unlock: True Godzilla Evolution, Legendary Godzilla Evolution......These two new monsters are illustrated!

Between the two, Godzilla chose the Legendary form.

Because the Legendary is a heavy tank warrior, the next evolution [End] will be easier!

In addition, during the construction of the new atomic reactor, Godzilla fell into a deep sleep.

In his sleep,

Godzilla had a dream.

He dreamed that he had become the End Godzilla.

Wherever he passed, sparks surged from the earth, the sky was filled with smoke, and the sea was also stained with blood.

The monsters and gods were defeated by its terrifying power, and the world was gradually destroyed!

"At this moment, I became the god of death, the destroyer of everything in the world."

This sentence came from [End] who was facing away from the sun. He looked up, as if looking at something.

In the sky, a vague figure shouted:"You never thought, Godzilla, this is my escape route!!!"

Then the god flew out of the sky, laughing wildly with bruises all over his body.

As a result, he was blasted into pieces by a red lotus G flash heat ray from [End]. The sky above the whole planet was instantly filled with strange lights, like the power of the Holy Spirit. Only a thousand suns could compete with it.

""Shh." Godzilla couldn't help laughing when he dreamed of this scene. He woke up and looked at the empty Sea Tide Throne and the Sea God's Palace below. He fell silent.


Godzilla looked down at the embryonic nuclear reactor that was beginning to form nuclear fusion under magnetic confinement in his right chest cavity, and sighed.

‘Alas, my beautiful dream is over. '

The next step is to evolve into a legendary form, and start focusing on melee and close combat. The breath will be used less for the time being.

Because the second atomic reactor needs to be built.���The time is 1 year.

This time is actually very short.

The day when the core is completed.

He is a"God".......

During this period, the Deep Sea Kingdom needs to be rebuilt, and this is a decision recognized by all the sea creatures..........

The first thing is to build a statue of Poseidon.........

The size, image and details of the Poseidon statue are all 1:1 with Godzilla.

Because this statue is of great significance, it symbolizes Godzilla's divine power and the fact that the sea has a ruler. It must not only be luxurious, but also grand and sacred.

"Is this posture not okay?"

Godzilla didn't know whether he was crazy or too bored, and actually agreed to the request of these Nagas and fish people.

So he posed in the classic postures of Greek god sculptures, standing or standing, hugging or spreading his palms, or making a posture of thinking and showing strength.

"No, the Sea God must show his majesty!"

Lucia frowned and pouted, rejecting several poses in succession.

"How do you show your majesty?"

Godzilla Wu Luo was a little unhappy. He suspected that this guy was deliberately looking for trouble.

He must not have become the God of the Sea. He deliberately made things difficult for him at this time.

"If you find it troublesome, let me be the Sea God.......!"

Lucia poses to welcome the waves, showing her queenly temperament to the fullest

"This sea god, I'd rather give it to those fishmen than to you!"

I won't let you.

Godzilla is almost a god. In terms of pure destructive power, he is not much weaker than many lower-level gods.

"Then please be serious, His Majesty Dagon, the God of the Sea, and show your majesty without getting angry."

"Why did it change again?"

Godzilla was a little angry and opened his mouth to roar.

"Yes! That's the pose, Nagas, record it down!"

Lucia said with joy, letting Godzilla maintain this pose, roaring to the sky, with his tail erect and his arms slightly spread out, showing his sturdy body and the beauty of strength.


Godzilla paused for about ten seconds, and then the four-armed Naga warlock quickly recorded it in the form of a sketch.

""Okay, Your Majesty Dagon, the God of the Sea, thank you for your hard work."

Naga Queen Lucia clapped her hands and motioned for a group of maids to come closer.

"Please lie down"

"Isn't it over? Why do you want to continue?"

Godzilla looked at them in confusion.

"Because we need complete details, we need to confirm every scale on your body, every protruding bone on your back, as well as a series of basic details such as teeth and tongue root."

"Is this true? Do you have to make it so realistic?"

Godzilla suspected that their intentions were not pure, and asked quickly,"Then what about the first generation of Dagon? Why didn't I see its statue?"

"Yes. In addition, as Dagon, he also needs to maintain a clean image."

5.7 Naga Queen Lucia seems to indicate that there are many places on Godzilla that need to be cleaned, such as barnacles, rock mineral residues, and traces of melting steel arrows.

"You look like you haven't had a bath in ten years."

Lucia pinched her nose and said with a little disdain, then signaled the Naga maids to come over with buckets of cleaning algae mucus, mud that looked like water slime, and brushes.

"Ah this......"

Godzilla followed the instructions and slowly lay on the seabed like a giant mountain.

The Nagas climbed up the ridge with mops and brushes in their four arms and started cleaning.

Wu Luo had never thought that this group of Nagas would be so well-organized, with a complete deep-sea SPA and cleaning package, and they were very clean.

"Let's get started!"

At this time, Godzilla covered his face with his claws. He felt that his image was completely ruined.

Among all Godzilla compatriots, he may not be the strongest one, but he is definitely the most delicate one.

But to be honest, it is quite refreshing to clean up so much dirt on the body.

After all, Godzilla's small claws can't reach the back. Either use the tsunami to wash the body, or scrape it on the giant mountain. Even if the parasite is burned to death by high temperature, it will leave residues and traces of battle accumulated over the years.

It seems that being a fat sea god in the deep sea is also quite enjoyable.

"I think I'm starting to change my mind.......Oh world, please forgive me, please suffer a little more!"

(Planet Will: Is this true?).

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