""Retreat! Everyone, retreat!"

The voice of the Imperial Knight rang out.

At this moment, the fishmen who had climbed to the top of the wall surged up like a wave.

The sea crocodiles also approached the hero and bared their fangs at the human guards!


The brave man quickly drew his sword and tried to block the crocodile's tail, but he was too light to resist the brute force and was instantly blown away.


The brave man hit the wall, fell off the wall, and hit the ground below hard.

When he stood up while groaning in pain, the fishmen and soldiers had already started fighting.

"Gollum! Ulla!.--....."

The monster who looked like a fishman captain was shouting some slogans of attack. That guy had learned to wield a rusty iron sword and was wearing armor that looked like it was taken from a caravan guard.

"Soldiers, hold on!!"

Although the soldiers used shields to block in front and tried to push the fishmen back, they seemed unable to push back the crocodile army that kept coming from the rear.

The physical strength of a normal human soldier is about equal to that of 1.5 fishmen.

But the strength of a sea crocodile is greater than that of 15 humans.

When the group of crocodiles rushed forward with their bloody mouths wide open, the soldiers were knocked out with their shields, and the fallen soldiers were bitten on the legs and dragged out.

""Woooaaaaa! Help me!"

The soldier who shouted for help disappeared in the huge waves of crocodiles.

The same scene was played out everywhere.

The scene in front of him was like a nightmare.

But the brave man had no time to be dazed because the fishmen were also coming to him.

"Come on!!"

Faced with the threat in front of him, the brave man could only wield his sword to fight.

He roared and rushed forward bravely.

The soldiers and the fishmen fought together, and the war began!......


Spiders, spiders, spiders.

Spiders beyond spiders.

In the maze, a large number of spiders emerged, coming out from the ground and transferred out of the space magic.

The army of white spiders was pouring into the town.

「This is Parallel Consciousness No. 2! Discovery!」

「This is Parallel Consciousness No. 5! A large number of monsters other than the target have appeared in the target town!」

「This is Parallel Consciousness No. 9! I discovered a large number of fishmen and crocodile monsters emerging on the coast. Oh, it's seafood!」

「Woo......Seafood! It was deep sea variety, and it seemed to be the most delicious food we had ever tasted!」


「Hey~ Aren’t we planning to kill all the humans?」

「Change of plans! Humans and seafood, I want them all!」

「Great! Let's get started!"

The number of spider legions was so large that it almost covered the entire land. Nine parallel consciousnesses split from the spider girl and transformed into nine powerful spider monsters emitting different auras.

「They are all experience points and food!"

The white spider monsters incarnated by the parallel consciousnesses quickly rushed into the battlefield from the side.

「"Eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat!"

The battlefield between the murlocs and humans was instantly divided.

The army of white spiders suddenly appeared from nowhere and instantly cleared out the murloc soldiers with overwhelming combat power.

The ridiculously large number of spiders dominated the entire battlefield. Looking around, only countless spiders covered the ground.

On average, there were more than dozens of spiders attacking a sea crocodile, and after hunting it down, they quickly moved on to other targets.

The spider army seemed tireless and wantonly killed prey that did not belong to the same tribe.

「Multiple evil eyes!」

「Dark magic!」

「"Super Silk Spinning!"

A large number of terrifying spider legions devoured the sea monsters on land without mercy.

After all, nature is like this, predators are full of wildness, and they can do anything for food. The spider legions have too many asexual reproductions, and the maze can't support them at all, so they can only run to the ground and start looking for targets.

Originally, they were going to attack this city, but the fishmen got there first.

But the fishmen arrived at the battlefield first, but it didn't mean that the spiders would give in. Instead, it stimulated their desire to kill, so they joined the melee without hesitation.

"Damn, what is going on!"

The humans were stunned when they saw this scene on the city wall.

They couldn't believe why so many sea monsters suddenly appeared, and so many spider armies suddenly appeared, and they started fighting in an instant.

Soon, the addition of the spider army made the Naga army and the fishmen soldiers on standby in the deep sea ready to move.

"【Dagon] Your Majesty!"

"Report from the front line: we were ambushed by the Spider Legion. A large number of sea clan soldiers were slaughtered and fell down!"

"After confirmation, the group of white spiders came from the nearby Elro Great Labyrinth. It is unknown how they suddenly appeared nearby. It is speculated that it is a large-scale transfer skill."

"Spider army?"

Godzilla threw the captured deep-sea squid aside and was in no mood to eat.

"How many casualties did we have?"

"About 1,500 murloc soldiers died, and about 500 sea monsters died. The exact number of injured is unknown......."

"Where are the enemies?"

"0 casualties......"

Godzilla glanced at the Naga, and suddenly a terrible sense of oppression came over him, causing him to tremble.

"Your Majesty Dagon, please calm down!"

"No, I'm not angry." Godzilla said expressionlessly:"I'm just curious, is the enemy too strong, or is our side too weak, two thousand soldiers couldn't even save the life of a spider!"

"Sorry! The Spider Army suddenly attacked our flank. It happened so suddenly that we were totally unpredictable!"

"Let the Nagas take the field!"

Godzilla gave the order mercilessly, and the thousand Nagas who were ready began to prepare for the battle.


The three Naga priest sisters nodded and began to give orders.

""Naga, prepare for battle!"

A horn sounded.

A group of cold and beautiful female warriors with four arms, snake bodies and human heads suddenly appeared on the coast. They collectively exuded an aura that was no weaker than the White Spider Army.

These were all above LV20!

Compared with the weaklings of LV3 and LV5 like the Murlocs, they were more than ten times stronger.


"Nagas, attack the Spider Legion!"

""Oh oh oh oh oh!!"

Like cold-blooded Valkyries, the Nagas swung their snake bodies quickly, approaching the bloody battlefield filled with smoke and chaos, and quickly engaged the white spider army.

This time they blocked the attack of the spider army!

The sharp blades wielded by the four arms instantly cut open the bodies of the spiders. It seems that although the spider army has high agility and high attack, its defense is average, and its spell ability is average.

"Everyone, enchant your weapons!"

"As you command!"

The blades swung by the four arms were instantly enchanted with freezing, corrosion, lightning, darkness and other effects, which were very lethal to the group of spiders.

「It seems that a new enemy has appeared!"

The nine white spiders transformed by the Nine Giants (referring to Spider-Girl's parallel consciousnesses) noticed that someone was attacking their subordinates from behind.

「It's Naga!」

「It seems quite powerful, but a little difficult to deal with!」

「Naga is a water-attribute monster, so she should be afraid of the poison attribute!」

「Yes! And they only have four arms, and we have eight legs!」

「Spiders, use venom bombs!"

Under the command of the nine giants, the white spider army immediately began to retreat, avoiding direct confrontation with the Nagas, and began to choose to use venom spray.

A large amount of dark purple venom sprayed out of the spiders' mouths like a flood and rain, flying towards the Nagas.

"Oh no, it’s a poison attack!"

"Spell shield!"

The Naga warlock began to summon oval shields emitting halos to fall on himself, resisting the poison magic falling from the sky. The spell shield has no attributes and can absorb a certain degree of magic damage.

However, the poison magic began to penetrate the sea water and spread far away along the water flow. The concentration of venom is getting higher and higher.

Even if the shield can resist, the Naga's body will still accidentally touch the water, and the poison will begin to invade their bodies at that time.

「Report! The poison magic is taking effect!」


「We have never eaten Naga.」

「First get rid of this group of monster army, and then kill all the humans!」

「clear!」...... at the same time

·· ·······Request flowers····· ·········

In the Demon King's territory, when the vampire and Mera are away

·· ·······Request flowers····· ·········

The spider girl, or Spider-Girl herself, was still enjoying the process of transforming the puppet spider, but suddenly she noticed the distortion of space.

This was a sign of transfer magic.

Someone was transferred here.

Spider-Girl did not question the identity of the person who came.

Because this perfect space vibration had already given her a rough idea.

"Is it Qiu Lie Qiu Lie?"

As she expected, the person who appeared was indeed the administrator.

After all, if there were other people in this world who could perform such a perfect transfer, it would be great.

As an administrator, Qiu Lie Qiu Lie's transfer magic was more precise than hers.

It was even better than her who had the ultimate magic.

There couldn't be another person like this.

Spider-Girl was quite confident in her dimensional magic.

"Long time no see, little spider."

After the administrator Qiu Lie Qiu Lie appeared, the puppet spiders around Spider-Girl all showed nervous expressions.


Spider-Man pretended to be calm and nodded, looking very calm.

"The situation is urgent, so I will just say it straight. Your clone is rioting, please go and deal with it immediately."


Huh? What did he just say?

My clone is rioting?

Spider-Girl was confused, did he mean that the parallel consciousnesses were rioting?

"Let you see the actual situation faster"

......... 0

......... 0

Administrator Qiu Lie simply waved his hand, and a screen appeared in the air.

Damn, what kind of magic is this?

The next second, the astonished Spider-Girl saw an even more horrifying scene.

What appeared on the screen was a coastal city in the middle of a brutal battlefield.

A storm made the weather gloomy, and a large amount of rain washed away the blood. Groups of sea monsters and ugly monster corpses like fishmen fell to the ground.

And the army of white spiders was pouring into the town.

A fierce battle broke out with the Naga monsters that rose from the sea, which had the upper body of a human and the lower body of a snake.

Looking from above.

There were faintly visible spiral currents rising into the sky in the sea, and under the sea ravaged by the tornado, there was a terrible shadow of a monster.

"What is this about?"

She didn't even know that her parallel consciousness was attacking other forces.

"As you can see. If this is not your instruction, I hope you can stop it. Because the consequences are serious."

Huh? Huh? What's going on?

Seeing that he ignored himself in the chaos, Qiu Lie Qiu Lie exuded a dangerous aura.

"ah......Have I gotten into trouble?"

Spider-Man asked weakly.

"Your men are attacking Godzilla's army, and it seems to be a one-sided situation."

As he said, although the White Spider Army fought back and forth with the Nagas, the fish people suffered, and the poisonous magic rain began to penetrate the sea, killing many aquatic creatures on the spot.

"Oh my god!"

Spider-girl was dumbfounded. She never thought that those idiots with parallel consciousness would dare to attack the guy who made the Demon King lose face!

And most importantly, if it was one-sided, it would be fine. It would be okay to apologize.

The key point is that the Spider Army is about to kill all the fishmen. Although the loss of the Naga is not that serious, if the battle continues, the Spider Army will not lose.

"Anyway, what on earth are these guys from parallel consciousness doing?"

"Is your brain broken? Why don't you just die? No, I'm going to kill them!"

Spider-Girl hated others holding her back the most, but she didn't expect that even"myself" would hold"me back"!

The furious Spider-Girl happened to catch a glimpse of the helpless puppet spiders.

They were the people sent by the Demon King to monitor her, and if she disappeared, they would definitely be blamed by the Demon King.

""Do you want to go together?"

When Spider-Girl asked this, the puppet spiders looked at each other and nodded at the same time.


"Then let's move together!"

"The destination of the transfer is behind the Spider Army"

"I'm going to kill all those guys who are causing me trouble!"......

(Godzilla: I am so embarrassed! I shouldn't have trusted these deep sea creatures. It would be more powerful to raise a few monsters!)

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