"Hey, what the hell are you guys doing?"

The furious spider girl shouted at the nine white spiders (parallel consciousness)

「Woo......"The original body! You found it so quickly!"

One of the parallel consciousnesses said in telepathy.

"Why do you do such a stupid thing? Do you know what you are doing!"


「Body! How did you find us?」

「Someone must have complained!」

"Stop it! Can you afford the consequences?"

After hearing the angry command from the spider girl, the nine giants were not afraid, but looked at each other, staring at the main spider girl with eyes like a clown.

「The body is really weird」

「After all, wouldn’t it be better to kill all the Nagas and humans?」

「These are all"experience points"!"


What are they talking about?

The spider girl didn't quite understand what this meant.

"I don't understand your thoughts......Do you regard all the lives in this world as"experience points"?"

「You are the one who is most confused because you don't understand our thoughts."

After hearing this,

Spider suddenly understood.

The conversation just now made her understand the situation.

"turn out to be......I am the one who became the substitute!"

These guys are no longer her.

Spider-Girl originally gave these parallel consciousnesses new bodies and drove them out of her body.

She thought that this would allow her to manage the spider tribe on her behalf.

But unexpectedly, they ignored her orders after becoming independent and brought her huge troubles again and again.

Why do you say that?

First, because the nine giants maliciously slaughtered the human race, the administrator Qiu Lie Qiu Lie was dissatisfied and began to complain about Spider-Girl, and hinted that if she didn't stop it, he would do it himself.


Secondly, it would be fine if they attacked the human race this time, but they also completely offended Godzilla and his army who appeared here for no apparent reason. The fishmen suffered a lot of losses because of the sneak attack.

Being enemies with the Dragon God and Godzilla at the same time?

How is this possible!

Spider-Girl felt terrified when she thought about this. If she really offended both parties at the same time, even the Demon King might not be able to save her.

Spider-Girl, who was cautious by nature, naturally would not allow the existence of such aliens that constantly caused trouble for her.

If she didn't stop these guys, she would be killed by Qiu Lie Qiu Lie.


Maybe Godzilla can scatter his ashes today.

Spider-Girl was still very afraid of that monster from the bottom of her heart.

Since this... Then, there is no need to hesitate whether or not to kill them.

However, if it is one against nine, the situation is not favorable for me.

Judging from the ability values, the countless spiders other than the nine giants cannot pose a threat to me, so they can be ignored.

But even so, I am still outnumbered.

Because the opponent is my [clone] as a spider girl!

The ability values and skills should be comparable to mine.

If there is any difference between them and me, it is that the main body is a half-human, half-spider spider girl, and the parallel consciousnesses are small spider-type monsters like before. There are nine such enemies in total.

If I fight normally, I have no chance of winning.

"Are you sure you want to be my enemy?"

The spider girl calmly walked towards one of the parallel consciousnesses.

Then, without the other party noticing, she suddenly swung the white sickle in her hand and pierced her head.


「Body! Are you crazy?」

"You are the ones who are crazy, right?"

The spider girl continued to swing the spider front sickle on her lower body, and began to weaken the health of the guy pierced by the sickle.

"Dark Magic——!!"

Without giving the parallel consciousnesses who had not yet recovered a chance to react, the spider girl prepared a large-scale dark magic that exploded instantly like thunder!

No matter how fast they were, they could not escape such a large-scale attack.

The nine giant parallel consciousnesses were all hit by this magic.

However, the power of the range magic was too weak to kill them.

Because everyone's ability value was the same, it was impossible to solve the opponent with only magic that could be launched quickly.

However, as a preemptive strike, this was enough.

They should not be aware of her sudden attack.

While those guys haven't reacted yet, the spider girl gave the guy who was pierced in the head a fatal blow!

Because the spider girl is very familiar with their weaknesses.

Even if she is injured in the head, she will become powerless to fight back.

After all, the brain is an organ for thinking.

Once the brain is damaged, it will become impossible to think and lose the ability to move.

However, because her body is half human and half spider, with a head on the upper and lower body, even if the head of one of them is damaged, she can still move normally.


「"The main body is going crazy! Kill her!"

This group of parallel consciousnesses no longer regarded the spider girl as one of them, and began to be hostile.

At this moment, a red light came running from a distance.

Then, the burning black knight came closer and closer.

「It's the Cinder Blade that slays the dragon!」

「Everyone, alert!"

When the parallel consciousnesses felt something was wrong and looked up vigilantly, the raging black knight had already arrived.

"Boom!!!" There was a sound of air exploding and tearing, and a huge flaming blade appeared in front of them.

""Crack! Crack!" The moment the Exploding Blade landed on the ground, the dragon's tail burned fiercely, spewing out flames and shock waves, instantly causing a large area of fire damage.

""Good opportunity! Well done, self-immolating earth dragon!"

The spider girl took the opportunity to use the sickle on her spider-shaped front legs to chop the brain-injured, incapable parallel consciousness individual into pieces.

Bang - countless pieces disappeared, turning into experience points and flowing into the spider girl's body.

Just like that, one was solved.

There were eight left.

"Self-immolating earth dragon, shall we cooperate?"

The first reaction of the spider lady was that this guy came to help her.

The blade-like tail spewed out red flames, as if it was a blade of destruction pulled out of magma.

Relying on super-high-speed mobility, the Cinder Blade Dragon ran on the ground.

It looked at the spider lady and roared as if it was the same as her:


The roar that shook the air seemed to have regarded the spider girl as an enemy.

Relying on her amazing intuition, the spider girl reacted and quickly retreated.

""It turns out he's not a helper! This guy looks dangerous too!"

When the spider girl was about to face the dragon slayer, because one of her companions was killed, the parallel consciousnesses seemed to regard her as an enemy.

「"Magic attack!"

The parallel consciousnesses prepared to cast magic.

Six of them planned to cast magic instantly, while the remaining two planned to cast powerful magic that would take time to prepare.

「"Dark Arrows!"

Six magic arrows instantly appeared from the air and flew towards the spider girl.

"Don't even think about it! Dragon barrier activated!"

A shining light appeared in the spider girl's hand, and the enhanced version of the dragon barrier that could instantly weaken the power of magic spread outward.

This move was learned from the Demon King, specifically to restrain���However

, she made a mistake.

The dragon barrier did not work because one of the parallel consciousnesses crashed into it and cancelled out the dragon barrier.


As the spider girl dodged the dark arrows, the dragon slasher seemed to regard the parallel consciousnesses attacking this side as the primary enemy.

Relying on telepathy, the spider girl understood the roar.

It was a ferocious and brutal voice:

"Target locked, hunting begins."

Cinder Blade Dragon Slash, all abilities released!

Like a Super Saiyan, the burning Black Knight exudes a more powerful aura, and the flames rising into the sky also begin to burn violently.

What's going on!

The spider girl looked at the huge earth dragon monster in astonishment. At this time, its HP was continuously decreasing by a percentage.

And any means of recovery were all ineffective!

However, the price of burning health points is a terrifying and exaggerated attack power value!

How much health points it loses will be converted into twice the attack power!

In an instant, Cinder Blade Dragon Slash became the most eye-catching monster in the field.

"Come on, Earth Dragon!"

The spider girl watched as the Cinder Blade Dragon rushed towards the eight parallel consciousnesses, biting, preying, and charging in with two consecutive slashes, a set of combos as fierce as fire.

Swish - the parallel consciousnesses that used spatial maneuvers began to scatter, which gave the spider girl a good opportunity to defeat them one by one.

Well done!

After dividing the battlefield, the spider girl also joined the battle.

On the other side.

The Cinder Blade Dragon began to use spinning slashes and drifting lava bombs to limit and offset the magic cast by the parallel consciousnesses.

Although there were eight of them on the other side.

But under the ravages of the Cinder Blade Dragon, they had no chance to release powerful magic.

Because the spider girl also specifically targeted those guys who released powerful magic, she would interrupt them as soon as they were about to cast a spell.

With the Cinder Blade Dragon in the front line interfering with the parallel consciousnesses, the spider girl's situation instantly improved a lot.

【Aerial upper slash!】


【Upper Explosive Flame Slash!】

「Beware of explosion!」

【Crazy Flame Iai Slash!】

「This dragon is so fierce!」

【Explosive Flame Iai Slash!】

「"Support me now!"

But what shocked the spider girl was that the Cinder Blade Slasher had completely transformed into a fighting machine.

It was tireless and seemed to be exchanging its life for damage.

Is it not afraid of death?


Only then did the spider girl react that the Cinder Blade Slasher should be Godzilla's subordinate.

It appeared here, and its purpose seemed to be to destroy its own parallel consciousnesses. Moreover, it was not afraid of death, or it was born for death.

Because the Cinder Blade Slasher is not an ordinary monster, it is the ultimate biological decisive weapon! It is equivalent to the existence of steel and mechanical Gundam.

Godzilla created it, but did not give it a real soul, so it has no memory of the past, only the next purpose.

After the battle, it will die.

Return to Godzilla's body with a huge amount of MA energy points.

Just as it came with a fiery aggression, it swept across all directions like a raging fire.

The same is true when it dies.

"The second one!"

The spider girl swung the white giant sickle with a corrosive effect, like a death god reaping souls, and took the opportunity to kill another parallel consciousness that was forced into a desperate situation by the Cinder Blade Dragon Slash.

There are seven left!

「That sickle is too dangerous!」

「It's a corrosive attack! Don't let her get close!"

When the remaining parallel consciousnesses realized that the attack power of the spider lady's scythe with corrosive attack was close to that of the dragon slayer, the remaining parallel consciousnesses began to be alert.

During this period, the whole scene was like a fight between gods.

Parallel consciousnesses continuously cast spells like a magic rainstorm!

The dragon slayer with bursting flames of flames spun around!

The white death lady spider wielding a scythe!

All of them are at the level of mythical monsters, and any one of them has the power to destroy an entire country of humanity!

The aftermath of the battle alone swept several kilometers away, causing the human race hiding behind the city gate to be attacked by magic stray bullets from time to time. If you are not careful, a big pit will explode in an area of more than ten meters, and those who are hit will be shattered to pieces!

"We must speed up the battle!"

The spider girl was vaguely uneasy at this moment.

After all, the two that had been preparing from the beginning were constructing the Abyss Magic.

"You are so cruel that you cast a magic that can destroy the soul on me, who is the original body!"

It will kill me!

If I get hit, I will die.

But even if the spider girl said so, they would not stop.

In the eyes of those guys, I am already a dangerous enemy.

She had no choice but to activate the evil eye of the seal!

Although it is ineffective against abnormal conditions, if it is sealed, it is equivalent to interrupting the release of their abyss magic in disguise!

Sure enough.

Spider girl knew that she succeeded.

Because the parallel consciousnesses were panicking at this time

「Why can't I use skills?」

「Main body, is this your doing?」

「Damn it!」

"Mr. Earth Dragon, they can't use their skills now, please help me get rid of them!"

The parallel consciousnesses couldn't use their skills.

The spider girl naturally couldn't use her skills either, because she needed to keep staring at the other party and seal their skills.

However, she was worried that the Cinder Blade Dragon might not stop her command and attack her instead.

But soon, she realized that she was worrying too much.

At the moment when the Cinder Blade Dragon was extremely manic, a consciousness fell on the Cinder Blade Dragon.

The spider girl quickly recognized the owner of that breath.

That's right, it was Godzilla.

He was the one who had been giving remote orders to control the Cinder Blade Dragon.

It seemed that this time, he couldn't help but want to intervene personally.

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