"Dustin, how many fighters can you send here?"

"Thirty thousand elite soldiers of the human race."

The Pope answered Potimas' question without thinking.

"Are you sure? Godzilla destroyed your army of 50,000 people in Sariela last time. Didn't the Word of God lose a lot of troops?"

The devil said bluntly.

"No problem. This time I sent out elite troops, the human army that will protect the country at an important moment. They are different from the miscellaneous soldiers in the past."

"But, doesn’t your own country care about it?"

"Don't worry about me. I think the most urgent situation is now. If the world is destroyed, the existence of the country will be meaningless. Where there are only people, there is the country."

The Pope said firmly.

Since he said so, others have nothing to say.

There is no need to worry about them.

"Now that the anti-UFO front has been established, I will also bring the combat power of the fairy tribe. However, I will personally participate in the internal infiltration of the G battleship. Because I am the best candidate to dismantle the GMA bomb!"

Podimas requested

"I object!" said the devil

"I object too!"

The Pope shook his head.

"Objection is invalid! You can't do without my technical support. Since you are so worried about my sabotage, why don't you, Demon King Ariel, Naga Queen Lucia, and that half-human, half-spider over there, sneak into the G battleship with me to monitor me. Did you hear me?"

"Humph! If you dare to do anything strange, I will kill you immediately, understand!"

"It doesn't matter. If you think you can successfully defuse the bomb without me, then go ahead and kill me."

Faced with the Demon King's warning, Potimas said he was fearless.

At this moment, there was a fluctuation in the nearby space.

Spider-girl looked closely and saw that someone had moved here.

The positioning was precise and neat, giving people a sense of efficiency.

Splash - a tide appeared in the space, and a large mass of cold sea water fell here along with the appearance of a human figure.


The girl spider stared at the front with wide eyes.

『"I am Lucia."

The Pope, Potimas and others also looked over. It was rare to see the deep-sea people appear on land.

Oh my god, she is so beautiful.

This was the first thought in Spider-Girl's heart.

Because mermaids themselves are a race favored by God, and their appearance is one in a million.

What's more, Lucia, a mermaid, is very beautiful in appearance. While possessing a beautiful face, the temperament of the Naga Queen is also extraordinary. With her watery skin, silver eyes, and smooth fins, I really don't know if she can adapt to the dry desert scorched earth. After all, the lower half of her body still has the characteristics of a mermaid, and she is half human and half monster like the girl spider.

The next moment, Spider-Girl's eyes widened.

Lucia, a mermaid, appeared in a group of sea bubbles, but the moment the sea bubbles burst, she suddenly shed her mermaid tail, turned into a beautiful human foot, and slowly stepped on the ground.

Completely changed into a human form!

Is this a reversion?

Because the ancestor was a human, she eventually became the ancestor after evolution.

It could also be a magical transformation, but in any case, she turned into a humanoid life form.

『Give me that."

Lucia's voice was very ethereal, pointing at the stereoscopic imager in Potimas' hand.

Under the gaze of everyone, Potimas had no choice but to silently hand the thing to her.

『As expected."

Lucia stared at the blueprints of the UFO and bomb stored in the stereoscopic imager.

Even without Potimas, as long as she had this thing, she would be able to dismantle the bomb.

In other words, this should be Potimas' trump card, but he gave it up so easily.

Did he have a backup plan?

Or did he really want to get rid of the UFO?

In any case, Potimas would not make any small moves before the crisis was resolved.

He didn't have the guts to do something bad in front of so many powerful people.

"I will leave for a while and transfer the troops here."

The Pope said this and asked the guards to teleport him away.

"I am also going to lead the elite of the goblins."

Potimas also disappeared after him.

"Ariel, I will come back after I get rid of the G meteorite above. Before that, don't force yourself."

"I understand. But it depends on the situation. It's impossible not to force myself."

"It's all the same. But don't die before I come back."

The administrator Qiu Lie Qiu Lie stared at the Demon King as if he was looking at a little girl.

He knew the Demon King a long time ago, and the Demon King was indeed a child at that time.


Qiu Lie Qiu Lie looked at the pitch-black monster that was as still as a mountain.

"If possible, I hope you can protect Ariel and the others."


Godzilla glanced at him without any response.

Seeing this, Qiu Lie Qiu Lie touched the Demon King's head, then looked up at the universe like an old father, and disappeared into the sky like a ray of light like Ultraman.

Since the Dragon God's battlefield is in outer space, they have no idea what happened and can only pray for him.

But it stands to reason.

As a"God", he should not be unable to stop an asteroid.

Although asteroids are indeed very powerful, one can destroy the surface of a planet.

In this way, there is no need to worry about meteorite attacks for the time being, as long as we figure out how to dismantle the GMA bomb.

『G Battleship. The holy relic left by our ancestors. Noah's Ark of unfulfilled oath......On that day in history, the world collapsed, the fountains of the vast abyss burst open, and the floodgates of heaven opened.』

『The flood lasted for forty days and nights, covering the earth.......The water receded from the ground and gradually descended. After many days, the water receded a lot. The ark stopped on an unknown mountain. '

Looking at the G battleship with a diameter of more than 4,000 meters, Lucia's eyes flashed with a great disaster that happened a long time ago.

How terrible it was at that time that such a battleship could not save them

【Don't worry. If the GMA bomb fails to be dismantled, we will be blown to ashes in an instant, and there is no need to worry about being submerged by floods. 】

Godzilla's declaration made the puppet spiders cry loudly

"If you can talk, talk more."

The devil began to complain.

Spider-girl was also trembling with fear about the future she was about to visit.

The loli spider doll Shar in her arms seemed to have lost her dream, and her eyes seemed to have burned into snow-white ash.

Well. Thank you very much for your encouragement, Mr. Godzilla.

Thank you for making us more scared.

【Don't thank me. Those who need to take shelter should take shelter, and those who need to prepare for battle should start preparing in advance. We'll gather later. It doesn't matter if we run away from the battlefield, because we'll all die just as quickly. 】

After saying that, Godzilla walked towards the direction of the Naga and the fishmen army.

In addition,

Spider-Girl decided to let Vampire and Mera take shelter in the Elro Great Labyrinth.

And let the spider army born by her parallel consciousness take care of them.

In this way, the safety of Vampire and Mera is guaranteed.

Next is the issue of combat.

If the opponent is a robot, she won't lose, but if the opponent is an armored vehicle or tank, it's different.

The enemy's main gun can penetrate the defense of the puppet spiders, but the puppet spiders' attacks are useless against tanks.

From now on, they can only hide.

If there is a way to break the armor, the puppet spiders should be able to fight the opponent.

But the surface of the tank armor is covered with the mysterious barrier used by Potimas, which can make any magic ineffective.

Because even the effect of enhancing the ability system is likely to be offset, so if you want to break the armor of the tank, you can only rely on pure physical attack power.

Although the spider girl's scythe can easily penetrate that kind of armor, the efficiency is too low, and there is also the risk of being bombarded by concentrated fire.

Next, how to improve the weapon?

Spider-girl began to have a headache.

First of all, the type of weapon, swords will not work.

It is impossible to challenge that kind of armor with swords.

Blunt weapons are no problem, because from ancient times to the present, blunt weapons are the most suitable weapons to deal with hard armor. It is kingly to smash instead of chopping.

As long as the impact force is strong enough, the machine inside can be destroyed.

But who has such a big strength.


Of course, there is no need to worry about Godzilla, it is a super monster

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But what they have to consider is what to do if they enter the UFO. Godzilla can't come to support them, because the G battleship is always watching them.

It seems that they can only use the metal melted by Godzilla, cool it down, and temper it into a blunt weapon for the puppet spider to use.���

Let all puppet spiders change their jobs from sword assassins to blunt weapon warriors.

In this way, the puppet spiders are ready.

As for the actions of the Demon King during this period, she summoned the Queen Spider Monster.


Monsters similar to Spider-Girl's mother, the Demon King summoned four of them at once!

Spider-Girl's expression at that time was like this:Σ(△|||)︴

She was stunned when she saw four monsters like her mother.

It seems that the demon king has more than one queen spider monster under his command.

No wonder she quickly endured it after Godzilla killed a queen spider monster.

"Don't hold back, bring out all your trump cards!"

The four queen spider monsters stood majestically together.

They faced Godzilla and his army. Demon King Ariel seemed to want Godzilla to show his trump card.

【As you wish!】

【Come out - the volcano that appeared amidst the frequent rumblings, the king of this world, the"molten dragon" that transformed into the earth」!】

""Boom!!" The shaking made everything tremble violently.

The spider girl stared blankly at the shaking of the earth and rocks. Her long eyelashes trembled, and her watery eyes widened as she looked forward.

........ 0 0

........ 0 0

It was a volcano, blocking everyone's vision. Under the sun, it cast a shadow covering the whole world.

It was huge and released super high heat all over its body, like an active volcano. Under the back made of volcanic rock, there was a body about 257 meters high, standing beside the sea, and walking towards this side. A closer look showed that it was not a volcano, but a super huge dragon!

Just looking at the size, it was twice as big as Godzilla!

Extremely terrifying, extremely thick, composed of countless lava-like shells, the huge body brought a terrifying sense of oppression.

The tall body, thick hands and feet, and long tail were full of ancient and majestic feelings.

On its back, the high-temperature volcano was emitting black smoke, which raised the temperature of the entire area by a large margin.

The moment she saw the monster, a strong sense of crisis flashed in the heart of the girl Spider, making her involuntarily enter a state of tension.

She widened her eyes, stared blankly at the huge body, and said in a complicated tone:

"Who said that?...Godzilla has no subordinates of his own......"

This Molten Mountain Dragon is a giant monster formed by the fusion of an underwater volcano and Godzilla's ultimate cells.

The super-large ancient dragon raised its head and let out a dull roar:"Roar, woooooooooooooooooooo!!!"

The dragon carrying the volcano appeared!

"Zora Magdalos is a super-giant ancient dragon that is said to be an active volcano and a moving mountain. It is the closest subspecies to Godzilla and one of Godzilla's four ancient dragon subordinates.

Why four?

In addition to Tenhui Dragon, there are three other backups!

【Come out - the beast fangs that threaten the ancient dragons, the tyrannical predator that destroys the thorns and destroys everything"World Annihilation Dragon"」!】

In the howling clouds, an ancient dragon with extremely developed muscles glided quickly from high altitude!

The ancient dragon with developed limbs and tail, and white giant horns extending to both sides of its head is called"World-annihilating Nergigante"!

The skin appearance style, which is mainly a mix of dark black and dark purple tones, makes the manic personality of Nergigante fully reflected.

It is an ancient dragon that hunts ancient dragons for food!

When the giant horns full of deterrence and lethality overlap with the dense bone spurs on its body, its posture is like a demon!

It makes people feel chilling!

It is precisely because of its own strong melee ability and super-speed regeneration ability that it has become the number one executioner and destruction and killing machine in Godzilla's eyes!

【Come out - the storm that splits the heaven and earth apart, the eternal and immortal emperor"Snake Emperor Dragon」!】

Finally it's here!

That—— world-class disaster!

The legendary"Hydra King" of the Naga clan, which has absorbed a large amount of MA energy after mutation through G cells, appears now, stirring up the world.

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