The multiverse, somewhere on Earth.

In a humble rental house in Neon Country, the entire house and even all the windows are covered tightly, completely blocking out light and creating a dark atmosphere.

In the living room furnished with several paintings, sofas, refrigerators and other furniture.

Wakaba Jisei was lying on the sofa without any image.

Eating popcorn and wearing 3D glasses.

Staring at the mobile TV in front of the table as if watching a big movie - the scene playing on it is"The Space War between the Dragon God and the End Godzilla".

In addition, there is a pile of snacks on the table, including potato chips, cola and other foods.

Wakaba Jisei, with black hair, slightly decadent, wearing casual clothes but with a delicate face, looked expressionlessly at the black dragon Qiulie who died in the final explosion.

"Snap (potato chips sound)......That guy called Godzilla is quite capable.~~!"

She put her hands on the back of the sofa and knocked her legs on the table.

Then she picked up the remote control and switched the channel.

The screen suddenly changed to the battle between Spider-Girl and his group and the final boss robot. At the same time, she ruthlessly complained:"Quleidis is really weak. He can't even beat a newly promoted beginner god~ It's a waste of my mood!""

"Evil God D" Ruo Ye Ji stared at the picture on the TV screen

"But Godzilla, don't get complacent. You're next. After all, I never intended to say that I would allow this planet to be saved."

When she said this, Ruoye Jisai stretched out her right hand again, ready to take out a bag of snacks from the pile of snacks, but the remote control beside her accidentally fell to the ground.

When Ruoye Jisai lowered her head to pick up the remote control, she was suddenly stunned, staring at the red explosion button on the remote control.

"Hehehe......Got it!"

The evil god D, who claimed that he never interfered with the other world, snickered as if with revengeful intent, picked up the remote control, and pressed the button on the GMA bomb to detonate.

"The continent will be destroyed in ten minutes. I wonder how you can stop it!"

Her eyes under her black bangs seemed to have seen something pleasing, and gradually turned into a devilish light.......

""Evil God D, NMSL!"

At this moment, the one who cursed in his heart was none other than Spider-Girl.

As for the reason, let's look back at a few minutes ago.

The last leader robot moved countless mechanical arms and pointed the muzzle at himself and others who were the invaders.

As for that scum Potimas, he crawled on the ground silently like a snake, trying to invade the inside of the robot along the cable.

Maybe he felt threatened by this, or it was originally set that anything that entered here without permission would be destroyed, so the last robot began to fire wildly at full power!

Countless muzzles flashed at the same time.

Countless muzzles as big as tank cannons also shot at the same time. The light made Spider-Girl's eyes hurt as if seeing a strong flash.

Countless shells powerful enough to penetrate the puppet spider's defense of over 10,000 attacked them.

Once hit directly, they would be blown to pieces instantly.

But fortunately, the Demon King is here.

Because of the ability of gluttony, the rain of bullets that turned into a wall of light was easily eaten by the Demon King at this time. It

's just like a monster!

But even so.

The final mechanical arms of the machine were still aimed at herself.

Just as Spider-Girl was watching the battle situation anxiously, she completely ignored Potimas's actions.

That extremely dangerous man.

At this moment, he finally showed his vicious fangs.


Spider-Girl heard the Demon King's cry.

But at that moment.

She sensed a strong sense of crisis.

It was as if the world had changed, and it was as if the feeling itself had been reorganized.

Once you experience that feeling, you will never forget it.

Potimas's anti-magic barrier instantly covered it!

However, because of the thinking super acceleration, one of the few skills that was still working, Spider-Girl saw a world where time passed slowly.

Because of the decrease in ability value, the body could not move as usual.

As if the body was shrouded by a huge gravity, Spider-Girl looked at the slowly flowing world around her impatiently.

Potimas behind her pulled the trigger.

A beam of destruction erupted from the muzzle and penetrated instantly.

Damn, there was no way to dodge it!

But at this moment, the Demon King pushed Spider-Girl away and was penetrated by the light.

Time instantly returned to normal!

Spider-Girl looked at the Demon King who fell to the ground. At this time, she was recovering from her injuries.

And Spider-Girl's head emerged with a huge murderous intent. She knew that Potimas would betray her, but she still took it lightly.


In the midst of the thousands of thoughts that were turning around in an instant, there was a particularly loud shout.

Then the Naga Queen also picked up the gun and pointed it at Potimas.

"Damn it! I will definitely kill you!" the devil shouted

""Wow, this is really disappointing."

Potimas said this in a cold tone, holding the machine gun that shot through the demon king in one hand.

Although his tone was flat and lacked emotion, people could hear some joy in it.

It was as if he was a believer of the evil god.


Potimas moved the muzzle of the gun towards the fallen demon king without hesitation and fired wildly.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

As many bullets as he could!

As if he wanted to take the opportunity to bury the demon king, the robot also broke free from the spider silk, locked the target on the nearest demon king, and fired shells.

But this was originally aimed at Spider-Girl.

But she didn't expect the demon king to be hit instead of her. If the demon king was fatally injured under the cover of Potimas's barrier,......

She will die!

There is no doubt about it!

Potimas's judgment was not wrong.

Anyone can see that the Demon King is obviously more difficult to deal with than Spider-Girl.

This is a golden opportunity to kill the Demon King.

Spider-Girl certainly can't allow this to happen!

The muzzles of Potimas' and the final boss robot's guns glowed at the same time.

But she also ran quickly, swung her scythe at Potimas' bullets, deflecting them, and used her shield to block the final boss robot's shells.

"Even though I can't use magic, I still have this......"

Although the Naga Queen's skills were sealed, she still shot in the direction of Potimas.

And Spider-Girl also blocked the robot's shells. She is a half-human, half-spider girl spider, so she can do more actions.、


Even Potimas didn't expect it.

Lucia's shooting skills were very accurate, and she shot the weapon out of his hand. Spider-Girl also took the opportunity to rush over and cut off Potimas's android body along with the final boss robot behind him!


The white scythe showed an unparalleled honey, as if the space was cut open, Potimas was cut in half, and the robot was also cut mercilessly, and finally turned into pieces and fell to the ground.


When the leader robot finally fell, a round object rolled down.

"Sneak attack! How dare you sneak attack me!"

The remaining half of Potimas looked at Lucia angrily, completely ignoring the fact that he was the first to attack.

However, Spider-Girl and the others were now focusing on the sphere that looked like a bomb.

Under their gaze, Spider-Girl trembled and picked up the bomb that had not yet shown any abnormality.

"Are you okay?"

"fine......But it's this Potimas."

The devil stepped on the head of Potimas who was still speaking harshly.

After all, he was a cyborg, and there was no fatal injury.

"I thought it would work. Unfortunately, I overlooked the cooperation of the three of you. But so what? Can you defuse the bomb?

Potimas said coldly.

"It's no use for you to kill me. Now I want you to take me to the control room of the G battleship. I want to seize control of the G battleship and make it make an emergency landing."

"Xiaobai, Lucia, how could you possibly?"

"With only one head left, Potimas can't be playing tricks."

"That's right."

Then they looked at the bomb in Spider-Man's hand.

"By the way, this bomb won’t explode suddenly, right?"

"Don't worry. I locked it a long time ago."

Potimas seemed very confident in his skills.

"Just give it to Chrysodystys. He should be able to dispose of it safely."

·· ·······Request flowers· ··

·· ·······Request flowers· ··

That's right, leaving it to Qiu Lie Qiu Lie to solve is the safest way.

Although they don't know that Qiu Lie is dead yet

""Alas, what a pity. If I can kill you this time, seize the GMA bomb, and then control the G battleship, this world should belong to me."

Until this moment, Potimas had not given up.

This guy is really not a good guy.

Not only the bomb, he even wants to take away this UFO.

Thinking of this, Spider-Girl felt scared.

"In short, we now......!"

At this moment,

Potimas' words suddenly stopped.

"Interference from outside? Oh no! Someone is unlocking the GMA bomb!"

This is the first time Spider-Girl heard an anxious voice from Potimas.

It was at this moment....9...8......

Like a countdown, the bombs began to flash, then faster and faster, emitting a stronger light.

"It's going to explode!"

The devil screamed

"Oh no, it's going to explode!"

"Is there any way to stop it?"

"No, it's too late!"

Lucia, the Demon King and Potimas were extremely anxious.

Spider-Girl was confused, but she always felt that something was wrong.



Who detonated the bomb?

She could only think of some evil god, and it must be her doing.

But what to do!

Now is not the time to think about such things!

Is it really going to explode?

It feels a bit desperate to leave a last word now.

Oh no!

Oh no, oh no, oh no!

It's over, it's over, it's over!

I'm dead, I'm dead!

Once people panic to the extreme, sometimes they will do things that even they can't understand.

It's like when Godzilla was fighting with the Dragon God, who would have thought that it would destroy its own core, a completely fearless act of dying together.

And now, Spider-Girl is also panicking.

She deeply felt the feeling of anxiety, and her mind was blank at this moment, and she didn't want to think about anything at all.

Her body instinctively and weirdly lifted the rapidly flashing bomb and stuffed it into her mouth - swallowed it into her stomach.

""Huh? Huh?!"

Potimas was stunned.

"Xiaobai! You can’t eat this!"

The devil panicked

"Spider-girl, you are crazy!"

Lucia was also panicked.


Spider-girl herself was confused. She couldn't understand why she did this.

But the bomb was still eaten in her stomach.

"I...I want to eliminate it���So it won't explode......."

Spider-Girl made inexplicable actions out of panic, and now she is explaining incoherently.

But her train of thought is outrageous!

Because she thinks that the Demon King has the ability of gluttony and can devour everything, then she might......

Through Spider-Girl's body, you can see a strong light coming out of her stomach.

In the next moment!

"Ah - I'm dead!"

Spider-girl screamed and fell to the ground.

But nothing happened.

A lot of information emerged in her mind, causing her to crash instantly.

《Skill"Divine Domain Expansion LV9" upgraded to"Divine Domain Expansion LV10"」》

《Satisfy the conditions. Start deification》

《Skill restoration》

《Ability value restoration》

《Title restoration》

《Skill Points Restore》

《Experience value restoration》

《Start installing Administrator D's carefully crafted"Things to note after becoming a god" and"Basic Lecture on God"」》

《Deification is complete. MA system support is now complete. Thank you for your use.》

《System logout completed. 》

The bomb did not explode.

However, the pain did run through Spider-Girl's body.

Her consciousness was gradually fading.......

(PS: The continental destruction chapter is over. The main quest of the next storyline is codenamed Evil God D. Shiraori's wife is online.) Tintin.

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