Facing this fierce attack, Fang Hao's face was not panicked. He just tightened his arms around the girl,"Thunder Breathing·Change·Round Dance."

As his body rotated, the blade slashed in all directions, leaving a ring of lightning in the air, and lightning splashed everywhere,"Ah! Ah! Ah!" The rings passed through the faces of the three evil ghosts in turn and cut open their heads.

Unfortunately, the work was not done yet. The knife that was supposed to cut off the evil ghost's neck was blocked by the movement of the three evil ghosts retracting their bodies, and only split the heads of the three evil ghosts.

They retreated back into the swamp, but when they looked around, they saw a fourth figure in the swamp.

That figure was naturally Fang Hao, but that was not accurate. It should be Fang Hao holding the girl.

The evil ghosts hesitated for a moment after seeing Fang Hao in the swamp, and then immediately retreated.

No one knows the environment here better than them. The swamp constructed by their blood ghost art is not a real swamp. The environment here is closer to underwater. And since it is considered underwater, they have the help of blood ghost art and can breathe.���The movements will be normal, or even faster.

On the other hand, Fang Hao cannot survive for too long underwater, and his movements will inevitably become slow. Even if he has a breathing method that allows him to hold his breath, what about the burden in his arms? He will only die in his arms.

Thinking of this, the evil ghosts who were in tune with each other felt a surge of unbridled pleasure in their hearts. At such a long distance, what can this human do? We just need to deal with him until he suffocates to death. By then, we can also harvest the body of a member of the Demon Slayer Corps, and we will not lose the girl from before. It's simply...

The evil ghosts were delusional. Although they were paying attention to Fang Hao's next move, they were not too worried. In their opinion, Fang Hao and the girl in his arms were already in their pockets. Naturally, they did not notice the mockery in Fang Hao's eyes at this time.

"It's just as I thought. If that's the case, you're out of luck. Fang Hao thought, and his sympathetic eyes unconsciously showed.

"This human being is……"Suddenly, a golden flash caught their attention,"Thunder's Breath·Change·Thunder Return." The lightning struck them with the water in the swamp.

""What!" They tried to use blood ghost magic to control the water brought by the sword light, but were surprised to find that the water was out of their control.

Their intuition frantically reminded them,"Danger, death, definitely death." They instinctively fled quickly, but could not avoid this fatal blow.

The sword light combined with lightning and water passed through the neck of the evil ghost, and also cut off their life.

The next moment, the corpse of the evil ghost flew away, leaving only countless flashes. Fang Hao quickly wrapped these flashes with his sleeves, and then quickly swam to the surface of the water.

"Out."Fang Hao put down the girl in his arms and unfolded his sleeves. The mood that he was so excited about killing the evil ghost and saving the girl fell into a depression at this moment. Fang Hao quietly looked at the flashes left after the previous evil ghost disappeared.

Those in the The glitter in the water became clearly visible under the moonlight, and many hairpins and jewelry revealed their true appearance at this moment.

Fang Hao and the tool bird standing aside fell into silence,"There are so many. ?"Fang Hao undoubtedly hates evil man-eating ghosts. Although Fang Hao is a time traveler and has no direct hatred against these evil ghosts, he still hurts his own kind, especially after seeing evil ghosts eating humans in Tengxi Mountain. , this hatred becomes more and more clear.

But Fang Hao has never had an intuitive feeling about the destructive power of evil spirits, or the human casualties caused by evil spirits.

At this time, he looked at the things left by evil spirits. After eating the relics of the girls, Fang Hao finally had a more intuitive understanding of the hatefulness of evil spirits.

"I want to end this."Fang Hao's eyes showed an unprecedented perseverance. He knew that he had such a talent, just like Jiguo Yuanyi four hundred years ago.

Fang Hao's innate conditions were indeed not as good as Jiguo Yuanyi's. First, he was born with markings, and was born with a strong body; he was born with a clear understanding of the world, and he was able to control the operation of his opponent's organs and blood flow. Once he mastered these, it was only ordinary for him to predict the enemy's opportunities; his natural breathing method, fate Yi created the Sun Breathing Technique based on his own breathing since birth.

Fang Hao did not receive the treatment of a child of the world like Ji Guoyuan, but the talent of the swordsmanship prodigy brought to him by the legendary catalog gave him super skills in swordsmanship. Unimaginable talent.

If Jiguo Enichi's talent is that he has no shortcomings, whether it is physical strength, perception, or breathing, it can be said that Fang

Hao's talent is entirely in the sword. However, this talent alone puts him at the top of the world. The Breath of Thunder Kai used by Fang Hao in the battle was the sword skill he created,

Breath of Thunder Kai Kai, as the name suggests. It is a sword skill that resists the enemy's attack, but the evil spirits did not attack at that time. Why did Fang Hao still use Thunder Return?

This is mainly because although Fang Hao was not attacked at that time, he was right in front of the evil spirits. In the vampire technique, the thunder return is to return the enemy's attack, so Fang Hao can interfere with the evil ghost's vampire technique. The water is already part of Fang Hao's sword skills, and the evil ghosts of course cannot control

Fang Hao's thunder.

The success of the regeneration was also due to his familiarity with water.

His previous exploration of water breathing gave Fang Hao a certain degree of control over water.

Although the evil ghost's swamp is not water, it still has properties similar to water.

After burying the jewelry, he left.

Although it would be good to return the jewelry to the girls' families, Fang Hao did not have the ability or leisure to deal with it.

He asked Tool Bird to report it to the logistics staff of the Demon Slayer Team.

Dig out the jewelry and give it to the girls' families.

Although it will inevitably make them sad, the jewelry ghost killing team has no power to deal with it.

As for the girl, Fang Hao sent her home after she woke up.

Facing the girl and her family's gratitude, Fang Hao just waved and left.

Although the Demon Slayer Squad rushed to Asakusa, Tokyo, they barely had any rest.

The next place is suspected of having evil spirits, but Fang Hao has no complaints in his heart.

After confirming his goal in this world, Fang Hao will not refuse such a task, and he even wants it.

What's more, there is Zhu Shi in Asakusa.

Jiro missed Zhushi, and Fang Hao still needed to make up for it.

Then,"Tanjiro?"Fang Hao looked at the young man in front of him dumbfounded and exclaimed. Huh? I'm already prepared. You're going to do this to me?"

"Fang Jun, it is indeed you."Tanjiro seemed very happy to see Fang Hao. He rushed over with a big box on his back and held Fang Hao's hand.

"I didn’t expect that we would meet so soon. The first mission was with Fang Jun. Well, it was really reassuring."

"First mission?"Fang Hao thought that Tanjiro's mission had changed because it was him, but he didn't expect that this was his first mission.

"Yes, yes. Does Fang Jun mean that the mission has already been completed?"

"Yep."The things Tanjiro mentioned made Fang Hao feel a little depressed and his voice became softer.

"Fang Jun? Tanjiro could smell that Fang Hao's mood had changed from surprise when he first met him, to disappointment.

Fang Hao simply told Tanjiro about the previous mission,"That's it." An angry look rose on Tanjiro's face,"Muzan and the ghosts he created, these many sins, one day, he must be made to repay them all.""

"Most definitely."Fang Hao nodded.

"By the way, do you want to release her?"

"What?"A trace of panic flashed across Tanjiro's face.

"There are more than just the two of us here, right?"Although Fang Hao said a question, his tone was extremely firm. He looked at the big box behind Tanjiro, and his meaning was very clear.

"this?"Tanjiro took a step back, his face became much paler, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Mr. Fang?"

"My instincts are pretty good. Don't worry, Tanjiro, you can explain slowly."

"What! Fang Jun, are you willing to listen to my explanation?"Tanjiro said in surprise.

Fang Hao did not answer the question, but just looked at Tanjiro, waiting for his explanation.

Although Fang Hao said nothing, Tanjiro was still very moved even so.

It was the same as the one in the animation. Unlike Tanjiro, who is not worried about being exposed at all when running around with his sister, reality requires logic.

His teacher, Rin Taki Sakonji, has long reminded him that Nezuko's existence must not be exposed to ordinary people.

That's all.

Almost all the members of the Demon Slayer Squad are people who have a deep hatred against evil spirits.

When they discover the existence of evil spirits, they will only draw their swords and will not listen to any explanations.

They will not care whether the ghosts have eaten people or not.

In their understanding, only one side can exist between evil spirits and them.

Therefore, Tanjiro must not reveal the existence of Nezuko in the box, at least not until it is recognized by the senior management of the Demon Slayer Corps.

Of course, normally, Normal people would not suspect that there is an evil spirit hiding in the box behind a member of the Demon Slayer Corps. Generally speaking, Tanjiro carrying his sister is fine, but the box makes people feel unique.

Only those with sensitive senses would suspect it. Tanjiro, or people like Fang Hao who knew the plot, knew this.

At this moment, Tanjiro was really panicked because he had never thought about how to explain it to others after it was exposed. I was very happy and touched when I heard that Fang Hao was willing to listen to his explanation.

"So that's it." Although Fang Hao had known about this for a long time, he still pretended to be hearing it for the first time.

"Sorry to bring up your sadness"

"No, Fang Jun did nothing wrong. Instead, I would like to thank Fang Jun for being willing to listen to my explanation. The only one who is truly at fault is Wu Mei, who is the real villain."

"Let's not talk about this anymore." Fang Hao saw Tanjiro's angry face and changed the subject:"It's night now, let Nezuko come out first."

"Thank you Fang Jun."Tanjiro smiled softly, and then opened the box

"Hello, Nezuko."Fang Hao looked at Nezuko behind Tanjiro and showed a kind smile.

"This is our first meeting. Please take good care of me, Nezuko. He sounded like an elder.

But in his heart:"This is too cute!""

""Hmm?" The girl tilted her head in confusion and said nothing.

The Nezuko in front of Fang Hao was indeed extremely cute. She was not wearing gorgeous clothes, but just a kimono made of ordinary material, and a simple coat on the outside. Her clothes could even be described as rustic.

However, even with such rustic clothes, on Nezuko, she looked"a lotus emerging from clear water, naturally without any decoration". Coupled with her innocent temperament and beautiful face, anyone would say she was cute.

It's a pity that Nezuko can't speak. This is not because she wears a bamboo gag on her mouth, but because she has not yet mastered the ability to speak after becoming a ghost.

That's right, such a cute girl is not a human, but a [ghost]. Tanjiro's sister became a ghost.

Tanjiro was born in an ordinary family. His family makes a living by selling charcoal. One day, the ghost king Muzan came. They went to his house and killed his family. Only he survived because he was out.

Among his family, I don’t know whether to say that Nezuko is lucky or unlucky. Fortunately, only Nezuko survived the attack, but unfortunately, she was turned into a demon by Muzan’s blood.

Nezuko, who turned into a demon, attacked Tanjiro, but in the end, due to her attachment to her family, she overcame her hunger and would protect Tanjiro when he was in danger.

But Nezuko is indeed a demon, and demons have the instinct to eat people. Family affection allows her to maintain her last humanity, but the urge to eat people will not disappear.

Tanjiro put a gag on Nezuko not because the gag can block the teeth of demons. The gag is just a prop for Nezuko to maintain her rationality. When the gag is on, it represents rationality.

And Nezuko wearing the gag, after being identified by Fang Hao, is so cute, too cute,"Zenitsu, you really deserve to die."I am afraid of my brother's suffering, and I am also afraid of my brother driving a Land Rover. This is Fang Hao's mentality at this time. In the original work, Shan Yi, who married Nezuko, is more unforgivable than Muzan in Fang Hao's view at this time.


Tokyo Prefecture during the Taisho period was extremely prosperous even in this era.

"This, this, is this a big city?"Tanjiro brother and sister, who have been living in the countryside, have never seen so many people gathered together at the same time. Tanjiro was stunned, and Nezuko, who looked confused, was in the crowd, feeling weak and helpless.

The crowd seemed like The sea never stops, and people still don't seem to need sleep even late at night. The flow of people on the street has not decreased at all.

Tanjiro stares at the steel creation in front of him running on the track, but the crowd and the steel creation are not at all together. He was surprised, but it was as usual, and even seemed orderly. White smoke was exhaled from the steel, followed by a continuous roar.

All of this shocked Tanjiro, who had never seen a train before. He looked at Tanjiro with a smile, what a handsome boy. Then he also looked around. Fang Hao had never seen a tram in this era. Of course, the foot of Momoyama was also in the countryside.

"It’s not bad to enjoy it."Fang Hao thought.

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