
There was a crisp sound of breaking, the porcelain bowl shattered, and the hot noodle soup and white tender noodles spilled on the ground. Tanjiro's hands were already red from the heat, but he didn't notice it at all, he just stared blankly, his face full of cold

"Hey, what are you doing?"The shop owner asked Tanjiro dissatisfiedly.

Whether it was from the perspective of the shop owner or the cook, the shop owner had enough reasons to ask for an explanation from Tanjiro.

If Tanjiro usually stood up long ago, He expressed his apology respectfully, but he seemed not to hear it at this time. His face was pale and his whole body was trembling.

Fang Hao took a deep look at Tanjiro. This was the first time he had seen this young man. When Teng Xishan encountered the hand ghost, he was only extremely angry, not like this now.

He was pale, cold, stiff, and unbelievable. The uncontrollable anger and murderous intention in his bones made this young man look like an evil ghost. Normal.

Tanjiro finally moved, his nose started to smell again, and the next moment, he stood up suddenly and put his hand on the Nichirin sword.

"Fang Jun, please, please help me take care of Nezuko.

Tanjiro's voice was hoarse and seemed to be filled with determination.

When the boss on the side saw this scene, he stepped back and said,"You threw the bowl, and I didn't say anything.

I just said what are you doing and don't use the knife.

""The boss thought this way.

He was frightened by Tanjiro's determination to kill him.

He was afraid that Tanjiro was going to kill him.

What's more, the other party had accomplices, and they had even considered their escape route.

Thinking of this, the shop owner would be even more worried.


Tanjiro rushed out of the store and disappeared into the night.

Looking at this scene, the boss breathed a sigh of relief. It would be okay if he saw Tanjiro's behavior. When something happened, he looked at Nezuko who was still confused and sighed,"I haven't finished the noodles yet. The most important thing is that they are quite delicious." He slapped the money on the table and took Nezuko after him.

When the store owner saw the look of these people, he really couldn't laugh or cry. He took the money that Fang Hao paid, struggled for a while, and still couldn't hold it back. He shouted at the door:"I didn't pay enough." Ah, bastard!"

Fang Hao thought he had left enough compensation and payment, but he did not consider that the price difference between Tokyo and Momoyama is still very big.


Tanjiro was running with all his strength at this time,"This smell, it's him, it's absolutely unmistakable, it's that bastard!"

At this time, the blood in Tanjiro's body seemed to be burning, his mind was blank, and his eyes and ears seemed completely empty. Unable to use it, I couldn't tell the direction at all. I could only sniff lightly with my nose, searching for the faint scent.

Even though his body had been tempered for a long time, running at this moment seemed to bring him back to his childhood, his whole body shaking uncontrollably due to the lack of strength. His spirit seems to be beyond the body. He is full of anger and murderous intent, but he is walking on smooth ground on this busy road. He runs and jumps. Pedestrians, vehicles, and buildings are not in his eyes, but he is quick and agile. walking through

"Almost... getting closer... That bastard!"

The smell became more and more obvious, and his brain and nasal cavity were stimulated by the smell all the time.


"found it! you! stop!"The young man yelled sadly and indignantly. The man was stopped and turned around.

The decent suit and top hat were the common Western-style gentleman's dress in this era, with a pale and handsome face. Beside him was an elegant man The young woman, holding a young girl in her arms, looked like an ordinary family of three. Tanjiro's pupils shrank, and he was a little confused. He did not admit it

, but these two were indeed human beings, and he would not be mistaken.

Naturally, ghosts cannot give birth to children with humans. Tanjiro does not understand reproductive isolation. He only knows that humans are bread in the eyes of evil ghosts. Will you have children with bread?

"What does he want to do? Playing human, pretending to be human, had he always been like this?"Tanjiro is calmer now, his brain is working rapidly.

"Ghost Dance Tsuji Mukai!" Tanjiro's calmness quickly dissipated when he saw that face. His hand rested on the handle of the knife, and the words squeezed out from between his teeth were accompanied by an unquenchable murderous aura.

""Oh, Daddy." The little girl seemed to be frightened by Tanjiro, hugged Muzan tightly, and glanced at Tanjiro secretly

"Honey, is this boy calling you?"The young woman asked doubtfully

"what to do? Tanjiro's hand holding the knife became weak,"Should I take action?" Do it now?"

Can he pull out the knife in front of them? Although Wuhan must have used some method to pretend to be their family members, can he do it in front of them now?

If he does, there are still them here, There are so many people, what should I do? Suddenly, Tanjiro's thoughts became more and more confused, and his hand unconsciously let go of the handle of the knife. He looked at the young man in front of him indifferently. He was really bored, and he clearly recognized it. I, however, take into account so many things, so I say that human beings have their limits.

"I don't know him, maybe I recognized the wrong person." His tone was full of tenderness, but there was no emotion in his eyes.

"Is that so?"Although she believed in her lover, the boy looked like he had recognized the wrong person. The ghost king's eyes were full of murderous intent. He disturbed me when I was playing games, hehe... His eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of the strange earrings on Tanjiro's ears, and the hand holding the child trembled slightly

"Haha, let you live a little longer."The Ghost King thought to himself. He decided to find a ghost to test Tanjiro.

Thinking of this, his eyes slightly glanced around. When an adult man passed by him, Wu Kai moved.

His nails scratched the man's neck. , at the same time, an imperceptible wound appeared on the man's neck. During the whole process, except for Tanjiro, no one else noticed that there was no movement.

"What did he just do?"Tanjiro didn't see Muzan's specific movements clearly just now. He just saw Muzan's hand touching the man.

"Hey, are there any insects?"The man felt a mosquito bite on his neck. He scratched his neck casually without paying attention to it, and then walked forward.

At this moment,"The smell of blood."Tanjiro suddenly smelled the smell of blood, and looked at the man before him."!"

The blood vessels on the man's neck were clearly visible, and the blue-black blood visible to the naked eye began to spread from his neck. Within a few breaths, the blood vessels swelled and spread to the whole body.

"ah!"The man's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes. He grabbed his face with both hands, drawing blood marks on his face. The blood marks recovered in the blink of an eye. His teeth protruded, and two fangs grew out of his gums. As long as his lower lip, a low growl of a wild beast came from his throat.

This change was sudden. Before the woman walking towards him noticed, he suddenly violently grabbed her and pierced her flesh with his sharp claws." ah!"The evil spirit ignored the woman's screams and opened its mouth full of sharp teeth to bite the woman on the shoulder.

"He turned into a demon!"Tanjiro opened his eyes wide, he never thought that this scene would happen.

He knew that Muzan had the ability to turn ordinary people into demons, but how could he have imagined that all this was done so casually by Muzan. He turned an innocent person into an evil demon and destroyed the happiness of others' lives.

Tanjiro couldn't help trembling all over when he thought of Muzan's malice. He took off his clothes, roared and pounced on the new-born evil demon, and forcibly separated the woman from the evil demon's mouth.

He pressed the evil demon to the ground, stuffed his mouth tightly with clothes, and locked the evil demon firmly under him.

"No misfortune!"

The man's sudden injury clearly frightened the people around him, and Tanjiro quickly vacated a large space.

Muzan looked back at Tanjiro, and then protected the frightened mother and daughter as they left. Incompetent and furious, he thought disdainfully. He had seen Tanjiro's performance before. Although he didn't think this young man could pose any threat to him, he still decided to send someone to kill him.

"Just let them be."

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