"I'm so stupid, really. I only knew that I need to use the breathing method to increase my strength and speed, so that I can use the air break to the maximum extent. I didn't know that the Nichirin Sword also needs to be reinforced.……"Fang Hao has fallen into Xianglin's wife mode and cannot extricate himself.

Tanjiro looked helplessly at Fang Hao in front of him. According to Fang Hao, this state was called"Yimo". Fang Hao had been in the state of Yimo all the way.

Tanjiro is not a person who takes pleasure in misfortunes, he can also feel the same, but when he sees Fang Hao in front of him, he always feels that this state is very ominous, and he must not enter it in the future.

"But it's no wonder, after all, Fang Jun's sword is like that."Fang Hao had shown him the Nichirin Sword before. When he thought that such a beautiful Nichirin Sword had turned into such a pitted appearance, Tanjiro couldn't help but shudder. He was determined to take care of himself. Although I felt sorry for Fang Hao for thinking this way, he really didn't want his sword to become like Fang Hao's sword.

Fortunately, Fang Hao was in emo at this time, and he didn't know what Tanjiro was thinking at the moment. Otherwise, you will definitely feel aggrieved and start complaining,"You little prince with a broken sword, how dare you say that to me?"

Actually, the reason why Fang Hao is so emo is not because of how much he cares for his Nichirin sword. He has never thought that he is a pure swordsman. The sword is just a tool for him. If there is something better and more suitable for him, He doesn't mind using other tools, even if it's an ax or a hammer that affects his painting style.

After all, he uses the sword because of his talent as a swordsman, and the breathing method can be adapted to other weapons, such as rock pillars. The hammer used, the chain used for the sound column, etc.

What really made him fall into this mood was his negligence. This negligence was not that he chopped the handball devil on the head, but his real negligence was that he did not consider the consequences. knife protection

"Even Sasaki Kojiro’s sword interferes with the parallel world, so there’s nothing wrong with it! Why is the Nichirin Sword like this?"He thought about it, but still felt that his level was not enough. It is obvious that Dugu Qiubai can turn every plant and tree into a sword, but his Sun Lun Sword is dull after killing a ghost. It should be because he simply does not understand the way of the sword enough.

After understanding this, Fang Hao returned to normal. In short, let's continue working hard. Fang Hao and his team's mission this time was to"investigate the evil ghost figure in Asakusa, Tokyo". It was probably more than a success. Fang Hao even felt that it was not too much to knock on a few pillars for them. It was obviously to investigate the evil ghost, but they were forced to find the ghost king's retreat.

Of course, according to Wu Mei's urine, he would probably change the place. Shrinking, but this is not the responsibility of

Fang Hao and the others. Tanjiro tied the news of the ghost king's presence in Asakusa, Tokyo, and sent it back to the Demon Slayer Team. It was too late, but there was no labor protection law to protect him, so he directly asked the tool bird to send back the news that his knife was broken. Although the tool bird complained for a while, Fang Hao obviously didn't care about it. It was difficult for the workers to do anything for the tool bird. What's the problem? No problem.

The two of them, who haven't received the next mission yet, are on their way home.

Although they don't live in the same home, they still go in the same direction. Yes, they walked together.

Along the way, the two also practiced hard. In addition to eating and sleeping, they also traveled and exercised.

This has always been their philosophy, maintaining a certain amount of exercise every day to keep their bodies at their peak. In peak condition, a swordsman's sword will become dull if he doesn't exercise for too long. Of course, Fang Hao's sword does become dull in a physical sense.

Of course, the most important thing along the way is the breath of the sun. After some attempts by Tanjiro, he discovered that the fire god Kagura dance passed down by his family was indeed the Sun Breathing Technique, and

Tanjiro was not only familiar with it. The Sun Breathing Technique was also taught to Fang Hao, and the two learned the Sun Breathing Technique on the road.

After a while, Fang Hao also returned to Taoshan.

"Old man, I'm back!" Fang Hao greeted Sangdao Jigoro before he saw him.

"You brat, come back right away, why are you so loud!" Kuwashima Jigoro still looked the same, with a serious face when he saw people,"Are you saying hello to me? Are you greeting the house?"

"it's the same."Fang Hao waved his hand. He felt very relaxed in Taoshan. Although he didn't pay attention to most of the evil spirits outside, he was not as comfortable outside as he was in Taoshan. Maybe it was because he had long regarded Taoshan as his home. Alright

"Why are you back again? Have you become lazy because you didn't see any ghosts during the several missions?" Kuwashima Jigoro frowned and asked.

Fang Hao curled his lips and translated directly:"Grandpa, are you afraid that I will encounter some troubles when I kill ghosts?"

"Don't worry, it's okay"

"I never said that!"Kangdao Ciwulang was furious, blowing his beard and staring.

"Don't be so harsh."Fang Hao has long seen through this old man. When he first came here, he over-completed his daily training because of his lack of security. Then after watching the old man for a few days, the old man angrily scolded him, saying that he did not follow the rules. It was about the training plan.

Later, after Shan Yi translated it, Fang Hao realized that the old man was expressing concern in a subtle way. At that time, Fang Hao understood the old man completely.

"I won't have any missions in the near future, the knife is broken."Fang Hao said casually

"As a swordsman, you can't be so careless with your sword. You have to pay attention to your sword when you kill demons."

Translation: Be careful when killing demons, pay attention to safety

"knew. I just cut too hard and accidentally broke the knife. I was not in danger."

When Kuwashima Ci Wulang heard what Fang Hao said, he had nothing to say. He had never seen such a situation in all his years. He had only seen ghosts break the knife, but never saw people chop the knife into pieces. Yes, it’s because he has little knowledge.

"Went to training."Fang Hao also took advantage of this leisure and started training again. This time he found a river and he wanted to train in the river. This was to imitate Yang Guo's practice in the tide of the East China Sea, but Fang Hao had no internal strength and his physical fitness was not that good. Well, you definitely can't practice in the tide, not to mention there is no sea nearby. In this way

, practicing swordsmanship underwater can not only improve your physical fitness, but also practice breathing techniques. He had never thought about it before, which was a pity. Maybe he was too content with the status quo and didn't have his own ideas after having the training method. Although it is not a bad thing to follow the steps, sometimes it might be better to have more ideas of his own.

Maybe it was because of his fixed mindset. When he learned the breathing method in Demon Slayer World, he naturally thought of the fusion breathing method and started working in this direction. He started to get familiar with the breathing method and started to integrate it after he got other breathing methods. This also caused him to fail. He thought about other things.

But no matter what, Fang Hao started practicing his sword underwater.

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