In fact, Fang Hao is very willing to accept this mission. Not only does he want to use the Twelve Ghost Moons to verify his strength, but the key is that he has one more time to travel since the last mission. At the same time, there are more worlds to travel through. Out of one.

Time Travel: Passing the final test at Fujisei Mountain will reward you with 1 world time travel; killing Twelve Demons and False Zhusamaru will reward you with 1 world time travel. Current number of world travels: 2.

Currently available worlds: [Magical Girl Madoka Magica]】、【Shokugeki no Spirit]

It’s a pity that he really doesn’t want to go to the world he can travel to. If there is no limit on the number of times he can travel, he would still be willing to go to the world of Shokugeki no Sorai, or maybe he didn’t play in Demon Slayer World. If there is a world suitable for him to travel through, it would be a good idea to go there.

After all, if there is a chance, Fang Hao would like to experience the world of drugged food. Not just to eat, but mainly to see if they really feel like being drugged after eating delicious food. Fang Hao is very interested in this. expect.

Of course, the prerequisite for going to the world of the Halberd Eater Spirit is that there is no world in the travel options that allows him to improve his strength. Then he will probably go there to satisfy his bad taste, eat delicious food, and create the world he likes.

Although there are only two worlds to travel through, Fang Hao has already summarized the rules. The rules are random, and the above is just nonsense. However, the option of time travel should not be based on his strength and needs, and the possibility of randomness is very high.

In this case, Fang Hao will of course be looking forward to the next mission in Spider Mountain. Twelve Ghost Moon can increase the number of time travels. You Twelve Ghost Moon really can't have nothing, right?

In short, Fang Hao set out on the road with full expectations. Well, it sounds a bit unlucky.

"Is this what you said about the others waiting for us? Are we going to meet them here?"Fang Hao did not go into the mountain immediately after arriving at Natian Spider Mountain. After all, there were no ghosts visible during the day, and besides, he had to wait for people.

But he did not see anyone else except Tanjiro and the others from day to night. At this time, there are four of Fang Hao and the others, Fang Hao, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Kubihira Inosuke, and Nezuko who is in the box.

By the way, Tanjiro has already told Nezuko about her existence. She is staying in the box except Zenitsu and Inosuke because Tanjiro is afraid that other members of the Demon Slayer Team will see her.

Of course, Nezuko is also willing to hide in the box now. As for the reason, she doesn't want to come out. After Douzi's existence, Zenitsu, who looked like an idiot and wanted to teach her how to turn the rope, should have something to say about it.

In Tanjiro's words, it was suspicious. If Fang Hao knew about it, he would say something obscene and say that he didn't know him. This person.

The Tool Bird hesitated at this time and was speechless by Fang Hao's question.

Fang Hao did not continue to mock the Tool Bird, but fell into deep thought. He really couldn't remember the plot here clearly. Remembering the Nata Spider Mountain family, Mizuho Tomioka Giyu

"I was careless, I should have thought more about it at that time."Fang Hao has some regrets. Fang Hao was very cautious in the early days when he came to the Demon Slayer World. He wrote down all the information he knew about many evil ghosts. He was mainly afraid of death and feared that he would forget the blood mentioned in the plot.

But other things, especially the little plot before entering the mountain, Fang Hao did not record, mainly because he did not recall it at the time, but it would be better if he was a mage. He is a swordsman, and I watched Demon Slayer a few years ago. He is really powerless.

"Yes, why is there no one there? Didn't it mean that many swordsmen would meet here and explore together?"Shan Yi also wondered.

"Something must have happened. In the worst case, the whole army might have been wiped out. Fang Hao pondered for a while and expressed his thoughts. Although he could not remember the plot, this was indeed the most likely scenario.

"No way! Zenitsu was startled,"Brother, you mean there are no reinforcements?" So now we can only rely on a few of us to explore such a big mountain, right? It's definitely not possible, right? Right, big brother?"

At the end of the sentence, he looked at Fang Hao, hoping that his eldest brother would support his idea.

Fang Hao did not deny what Shanyi said.

Although Shanyi said this entirely out of fear, what he said did make sense.

If you want to go into the mountain alone, it will be too slow to explore together, but if you separate, you will indeed be defeated by the evil spirits one by one.

After all, Fang Hao knows that there is a family of evil spirits here, although he cannot remember the details.

The number should not be less than three.

Otherwise, how can we call them a family? Wouldn’t it be better to call them a husband and a wife, a father and a son, and a sister and a brother?

Tanjiro is also thinking about this question carefully, although he doesn’t know if there are any in the mountains. There are ghosts, but it is more reasonable to go in a group of two, but there are five of them. One person must go in alone, or in a group of two, or in a group of three.……

"coward!"Inosuke didn't think that much and laughed loudly at Zenitsu. In his opinion, there is nothing to be afraid of in the mountains. He grew up in the mountains and could not understand Zenitsu's fear and Fang Hao and Tanjiro's hesitation at all.

"There's nothing to be afraid of in the mountains. To me, it's like going home. Hmph, let me show you my skills."

"Zamen Dangoro, sweets are good, this is my home court."

"The evil spirits hiding in the mountains should come out obediently to me and become my whetstone, hahahahaha!"

"The pig advances suddenly!"

"My name is Fang Hao, thank you."This Inosuke never called him by the right name.

"Why didn't he call me?"Zhan Yi didn't understand this. We were obviously three people standing together, how could I lose so completely?

"That idiot, how could he run in so recklessly?"

Tanjiro chased Inosuke anxiously, but Inosuke's speed in the mountain was so fast that Tanjiro managed to keep up by relying on his nose.

Fang Hao and Zenitsu managed to catch up by relying on Tanjiro. Inosuke.

Inosuke has always been confident in himself, especially in this mountain. He is running faster and faster. The stronger he is, the better in this dark night. In the mountains and forests, he is like the top predator, searching for his prey.

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