Fang Hao just pretended not to hear what Yu Zhuan Tianyuan said, it was just a job, you do this for me? Are you still playing the role of seniority class? In terms of performance, I'm much better than you, so you can enjoy it secretly because of your reputation.

Fang Hao put his hand on the Nichirin Sword. Since the words were not congenial, there was nothing to say. Iguro Kobanai was dissatisfied with him for protecting Nezuko, and Yuxuan Tianyuan was dissatisfied with his disregard of class status. He can't change these two things.

"If that's the case, the two of you might as well draw your swords and give it a try. After all, words are not as sharp as swords. Since the two of you are so dissatisfied, it would be better to face the enemy together, even if it is two against one."

"Um?"Ihei Xiaobane was eager to try. He was originally entrenched in the tree and now he made an attack posture.

"hehe."Yu Zhuan Tianyuan's face was also extremely unkind, and his eyes gradually became dangerous. His character was already arrogant, and Fang Hao's stimulation was naturally intolerable to him.

"You guys, stop it quickly."

Just when the atmosphere between the three of them was getting worse and on the verge of breaking out, Purgatory Xingjulang stood up decisively and stopped a few people.

"What do you think this place is? Is this the battlefield where you fight? The decision regarding Tanjiro and Nezuko is naturally decided by the lord. Do you want to be rude in front of the lord?"



The two of them naturally respect their lord very much. After hearing what Purgatory Xingjulang said, the two of them immediately stopped entangled and returned to their original positions, waiting for the lord's arrival.

Fang Hao had no objection to this. After all, he was the boss. Workers still have to give face to their bosses, of course, mainly because the Lord of the Demon Slayer Squad is really generous.

Now that nothing happened, Fang Hao naturally became stunned and began to recall the battle at Natian Spider Mountain. Suddenly, his expression changed. Zang, promised Zhu Shi to collect the blood of Twelve Ghost Moons……

"It's not my fault, the key is that I was so tired and weak, and my body disappeared all of a sudden. He was frantically trying to make amends for himself,"Anyway, Twelve Ghost Moon's Xixianchi boss is easy to make, and he even killed it casually. It's just a Xixian team, and he can make up for it quickly."……"

But even though he thought so, he still felt guilty after comforting himself, so he had to do something else to divert his attention.

"Open the panel."

Host: Fang Hao

Strength: E++

Agility: E++

Constitution: E++

Perception: E+

Charm: D+

(Note: All values of a healthy adult man except charm are E)

Talent: Swordsmanship Wizard A

Skill: Thousand Languages C 、Identity implantation D 、Thunder Breathing Technique B+ 、Sun Breathing Technique B+、Demon Slayer B

Crossing: Pass the final assessment of Fujiki Mountain, and you will be rewarded with 1 world crossing; kill the Twelve Demon Moons·False Zhushawan, and you will be rewarded with 1 world crossing; explore Spider Mountain, kill the Twelve Demon Moons·Rei, and you will be rewarded with 2 world crossings.

Current number of world crossings: 4

Current worlds that can be crossed: [Magical Girl Madoka Magica】、【The Spirit of the Halberd Eater】、【One Piece】

【Kill the twelve ghost moons】

【Bonus Skill Upgrade - Ghost Slayer C→B (When fighting ghosts, strength, agility, and physique are increased by one level each)】

"this……"He resisted the urge to laugh. He originally just wanted to divert his attention, but he didn't expect that the legend catalog would give him such a big surprise.

First, he was given two times to travel through the world, and there was also an additional world that could be traveled through. The key is that this world is still the Pirate King. This series of surprises really made Fang Hao overjoyed.

After all, the One Piece world can be said to be a very cost-effective world for Fang Hao. Physical skills, sword skills, domineering, fruit abilities...

Physical skills are Fang Hao's shortcomings. Without a sword, it is unknown whether Fang Hao can retain 30% of his strength. After all, all his moves are sword skills.

Moreover, the physical attributes of strong men in One Piece are fully utilized. Akainu and Aokiji can fight for ten days and ten nights. To describe them as physical monsters is to underestimate them.

As for swordsmanship, One Piece's swordsmanship is of a type that is so powerful that it can make a brick fly. It is also a complement to Fang Hao's swordsmanship, especially since their swordsmanship adds a lot of destructive power.

Needless to say, Haki. Armed Haki strengthens the body and can enchant weapons. If Fang Hao had learned this before killing the Killer Ball Demon, the embarrassing situation would not have happened.

The domineering power of seeing and hearing can make up for Fang Hao's lack of perception. Although Fang Hao, as a martial artist, has long been able to hear and see in all directions, that's all. The breathing method has no special help for perception, unless Fang Hao can Develop the breath of thunder into electromagnetic force, otherwise perception will always be his shortcoming.

As for the overlord's domineering energy, it not only attacks in a wide range, but also can be entangled with the overlord's color to strengthen the attack when practiced to a high and deep level.

Not to mention the fruit abilities, they are all kinds of strange. However, if Fang Hao cannot avoid or alleviate the curse of sea water, there is a high probability that he will not eat the fruit. Of course, Fang Hao would still be very tempted by rock berry fruits, frozen fruits, and sparkling fruits that were not afraid of sea water.

"If you kill a person with abilities, will you get the fruit ability directly? If this is the case, the curse of the sea water should be avoided by relying on the ability of the legendary catalog, right?"Fang Hao began to think about this issue.

"Killing evil spirits can obtain the evil ghost killer skill, and those with the ability to kill evil spirits should also be able to obtain it.……"

"Hmm? Killing a superpower user won't give me the skill to be a superpower killer, right?" Fang Hao was shocked by his own idea at first, but then the more he thought about it, the more reasonable it became,"Then I am the superpower nemesis."

Suddenly, his face turned bitter,"Isn't the superpower nemesis the Dark Dark Fruit or Seastone? I will be called the Seastone Swordsman in the future!"

Thinking of this possibility, Fang Hao felt like dying. This was not what he wanted.���Wind……

"It's great. I feel relieved to see everyone is still in such good spirits."

Ubuya Shiki Yaoya, who was supported by two seven or eight-year-old children, walked towards them. His voice was very soft, which was not suitable for his identity as the master of the Demon Slayer Squad. At this moment, no matter what he had said before, Muichiro Tokitoru was in a daze in the sky, and it was the arrogant Kobanai Iguro and Tengen Utsuo. All Hashira didn't hesitate at all and half-knelt down towards Uyashiki Yōya.

"See Lord!"

"A few months have passed, and now I can still see you all exactly, and I feel relieved. Ubuyashiki Yaoya sat down with the support of two young children, and then said harmoniously:"Don't be so reserved, everyone, please stand up and speak.""

"The reason I called you all here this time is because the matter between Tanjiro and Nezuko is really important, so I plan to discuss it with you."

"My Lord! With all due respect."

Uzhuan Tianyuan's face was extremely respectful, but the ice coldness in his words did not diminish."Since she is a ghost, there is no need to keep her alive! Also, the two people who tried to protect the ghost, Kamado Tanjiro, Fang Hao, they all need heavy punishment!"

"Lord, I second the proposal!" Yihei Xiaobanai's tone was as cold as ever, like a snake about to prey,"The Demon Slayer Corps has never had a precedent of letting evil spirits go. Any evil ghost who indulges them may be killed. It will cause irreparable consequences, so all evil spirits should be killed"

"Namo Amitabha."Mingmingyu Xingming said with compassion on his face:"How pitiful. Watching your sister become a ghost every day but being unable to do anything about it must be an extremely painful thing, so I want to cut off this pain. Agree with killing ghosts."

As the three pillars suggested killing Nezuko, the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

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