Although Wu Mei's popularity is very high, now is not the time for them to"chasing stars". Muzan is just a bargaining chip to protect Nezuko, not the focus of this meeting.

So, Fang Hao said:"Tanjiro's nose is very sensitive. Muzan has been avoiding meeting the Demon Slayer Corps, and he can also change his appearance, so whether it is searching or distinguishing Muzan, his help is indispensable."

After hearing this , After Fang Hao's words, the pillars gradually calmed down and began to think about Tanjiro and Nezuko again.

"Hehe, he is indispensable for having a sensitive nose. Is there any evidence for what you say?"Iguro Xiaobanai started to taunt again. In his opinion, ghosts should be killed without any compromise, so he also tried his best to prevent Nezuko from escaping. Of course, he did not believe Fang Hao. It is ridiculous that everyone has a nose and a keen sense of smell to search and distinguish!

"Well, if you don't believe it, you can stand outside the courtyard and let Tanjiro sniff out your location. Or if there are just a few more people, it would be okay for Tanjiro to identify them one by one."Fang Hao gave the suggestion calmly, don't believe it? It's better not to believe it, let Tanjiro perform it, it will be more convincing.

Fang Hao still trusts Tanjiro's metaphysical nose, even his emotions and so on You can smell it. Don’t talk about it. It’s really killing a chicken with a knife.

"That's right. Tanjiro's eyes lit up. He still had some confidence in his sense of smell,"If you have any doubts, I can prove it.""He must seize every opportunity now so that he can live up to the trust of Master Lintaki and the others and protect Nezuko.

After hearing what they said, Iguro Kobane's face was full of eagerness to try, but he did not He did not speak, but looked at Ubuyashiki Yōya with a respectful expression,"My lord?"

"If both Banai and Tanjiro are willing, then there will be no problem. And if everyone wants to verify it too, that’s okay too."

"Yes, my lord!

"Uzhuan Tianyuan and Immortal Sekawa Saneya nodded excitedly.

After all, no matter success or failure, it will make them happy.

If Tanjiro succeeds, it will prove that he is crucial to the search for Muzan, so that they can Knowing the whereabouts of Muzan; if they didn't have this ability, what would happen if they had seen Muzan? In this case, killing Nezuko was a matter of course, so the three of them hurriedly did it.

He walked out of the courtyard.

"Then, my lord, let me inform them of their situation.

"Fang Hao walked out, letting people know their location is essential.

He wanted to see their location with his own eyes, otherwise it would be bad if someone told lies to kill Nezuko.

Of course, after the three people are ready, they still need to have someone They came to inform personally, otherwise wouldn't their positions be exposed if they told them themselves?

When Ubuyashiki Yaoya nodded, Fang Hao also followed him out. The situation after that was very simple. Fang Hao confirmed their positions one by one. After that, you told Tanjiro outside the courtyard to start your performance.

Naturally, Tanjiro would not disappoint. He only moved his nose to confirm the position of the three pillars and told everyone present to wait until three. Hashira came in and checked the answers with Tanjiro, and then they really believed in Tanjiro's incredible sense of smell.

Since Tanjiro's sense of smell was really so sensitive, he had seen Muzan Kibutsuji and remembered his. Taste, then it would probably be easier for him to find Muzan than it would be for the entire Demon Slayer Squad to search for it.

"Well, since he has this ability, I recognize the value of Tanjiro Kamado. Immortal Sekawa Saneya sneered, and then said:"But, what does this have to do with Nezuko Kamado?" She is indeed an evil ghost. Although she has also seen Wu Misai, can she be of any help in finding Wu Misai?"

"Since she is a ghost, I think she should be killed!"Speaking of this, a ferocious smile appeared on the face of Immortal Kawa Saneya. He walked up to Tanjiro, who was already stiff at this time, and said coldly:"Hand over the wooden box! This ghost must be killed!"

Uzhuan Tianyuan and Yihei Xiaobanai nodded in agreement; Mingyu Xingming also expressed agreement while crying; as for Purgatory Xingjulang, although he did not agree, he did not say much; Ganluji Mili thought He said something, but looked at the people present and did not dare to speak; as for Butterfly Ninja and Tokitoru Muichiro, nothing could be seen from their expressions.

One had his mouth raised but his face was expressionless, while the other was still in a daze.

Tomioka Giyu stood between Immortal Kawa Saneya and Tanjiro.

Although his face was expressionless, his intention to stop him was obvious.


"No, there is something special about Nezuko."Hearing this voice, everyone present immediately stopped, because the person who spoke was Uyashiki Yoshiya

"Muzan Kibutsuji set out to pursue Tanjiro. Although he might just want to keep his mouth shut, I didn’t want to miss this opportunity for him to show his fox tail. I thought something might have happened to Nezuko that Muzan Kibutsuji didn’t expect. That's what attracted him. Can everyone understand?"

After hearing Uyashiki Yaoya's words, there was silence. For a moment, no one spoke.

"I'm sorry, my lord, I can't understand. Immortal Kawa Saneya's eyes widened,"If it's a human, such as Tanjiro, he can be helpful in finding Muzan, so he can be spared.""

"but……"At this point, his face became more ferocious,"No to ghosts! So far, our Demon Slayer Corps has been fighting against demons with such a sense of awareness, and I don't know how many people have sacrificed in the process. I can't accept it!"

To be honest, Fang Hao felt very complicated when he heard Fuzugawa Shiya say this. It's not because there is anything wrong with what he said, but precisely because what he said is right.

The Demon Slayer Corps has indeed sacrificed countless people to kill demons, and the existence of demons has indeed caused countless murders, and countless people and families have become victims, but……

"Hey, Wind Pillar, what you said is certainly correct, but have you forgotten one thing?"Facing the gazes of the crowd, Fang Hao continued:"Although it has not been clearly stated, the Demon Slayer Corps has always killed man-eating evil demons, and Nezuko has never eaten anyone. How can the Demon Slayer Corps' convention be applied to special cases?"

Strictly speaking, Fang Hao's words were sophistry, because the Demon Slayer Corps never used whether or not a demon was man-eating as a criterion when killing demons, because it was generally recognized that demons all eat people. But there was indeed nothing wrong with what he said, after all, a demon like Nezuko who did not eat people had never appeared, and the Demon Slayer Corps' convention of killing demons was indeed not applicable to Nezuko's case.

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