Fang Hao had a pleasant chat with these famous people, although his voice was quite loud during the chat.

"You know nothing about kendo at such a young age. I have eaten more salt than you have eaten rice!"

"Lao Deng, you have such a strong taste!"

"Young people should study hard in the dojo, and exchange information on swordsmanship in a few decades. However, my dojo does not welcome ambitious young people like you!"

"You have practiced for decades more than me, and I have never seen you communicate clearly!"

"Young people should not be too young!"

"Lao Deng, don’t be too old. If you get older, you’ll have to sleep in a coffin!"


There was a lot of heated discussion about things like this. Not only did Fang Hao interact with them, there were also many exchanges between famous people like them:

"Isn't the Tennen Rishin-ryu just a school of hooligans? It's not worthy of being accepted by the upper class!"

"What is Beichen Yidao Style? Can I still use a gun in kendo? What does our exchange of swordsmanship have to do with you? Wouldn't it be better for you to be a ninja with a gun!"

"Kashin Akechi-ryu? The kind of swordsmanship that only depends on posture and form? Just perform on the stage. We are here to exchange swordsmanship, not to study juggling!"


At first, we still communicated in the house, but the atmosphere was too lively, so everyone had to come to the courtyard to communicate. And because it was an exchange of swordsmanship, everyone also picked up the sword. After all, communication in kendo cannot be done with words alone...

Later, after several famous masters whom Fang pointed at pointed to suddenly fell ill and entered the hospital due to excessive excitement, the remaining masters no longer spoke so fiercely, but instead He spoke to Fang Hao calmly.

And Fang Hao is a spring. Since you are all so polite, his words are no longer so powerful. Sure enough, in the next few days, no one suffered a sudden illness due to excessive excitement.……

"What a hearty exchange."Recalling the experience of the past few days, Fang Hao couldn't help but sigh. Although Fang Hao had less communication with those few because they entered the hospital, Fang Hao had also seen their swordsmanship.

Moreover, the rest They also gave Fang Hao a lot of inspiration, and the exchanges over the past few days have indeed benefited him a lot.

"Is it just that they walked a little faster, and couldn't they communicate more? What a rare opportunity."Thinking of this, Fang Hao was more or less dissatisfied.

Although they all had obvious smiles on their faces when they left, Fang Hao guessed that this might be because their wives were about to give birth. Although most of them were in their fifties or sixties, isn't this normal? Old but strong. As for whether they were happy because they couldn't see Fang Hao, Fang Hao would never admit this possibility. Impossible, absolutely impossible!

"Open the panel."

Host: Fang Hao

Title: Mingzhu

Strength: E++

Agility: E++

Constitution: E++

Perception: E++

Charm: D+

(Note: All values of a healthy adult man except charm are E)

Talent: Swordsmanship Wizard

Skill: Thousand Languages C 、Identity implantation D 、Thunder Breathing Technique A-、Ghost Killer B+、Transparent world A-、I flow B-

Crossing: Passing the final assessment of Fujiki Mountain will reward you with 1 world crossing; killing the Twelve Demon Moons·False Zhushawan will reward you with 1 world crossing; exploring Spider Mountain, killing the Twelve Demon Moons·Rei will reward you with 2 world crossings; killing the Twelve Demon Moons·Upper Six·Gifutaro and Daki will reward you with 1 world crossing; killing Upper Three·Akoza will reward you with 1 world crossing.

Current world crossing times: 6

Current worlds that can be crossed: [Magical Girl Madoka Magica]】、【The Spirit of the Halberd Eater】、【One Piece】、【Adventures of Little Carp】、【Type Moon】

I flow B-(This is a swordsmanship that Fang Hao created by combining the swordsmanship that he had learned in the past and the swordsmanship of various kendo schools.)

Fang Hao was very happy to see the additional skills on the panel, but he felt a little regretful when he thought about it. If he had used his talents as a swordsman earlier, he might have been able to punch and kick Hei Si Mo earlier, and reach the pinnacle of his life.

Then, his eyes narrowed,"Xingyue,……"Xingyue's world view is huge, and there are countless parallel worlds, but there is no specific world marked in the legend catalog. Of course, even if it is marked, there is a high probability that Fang Hao will not be able to go there temporarily.

In this world, Gaia, the restraining force of the earth, and Alaya, the restraining force of mankind, will probably be discovered as soon as he enters the world. Even if his identity implant is more powerful, let alone encountering the Awakened One, Zhu Yue, or the magician now, Beast and a series of big bosses, even if he meets a servant, he has basically no chance.

After all, Servants are clones of Heroic Spirits, and most Heroic Spirits are heroes who have left a magnificent mark in human history. After they become Heroic Spirits, various legends will enhance their abilities and form Noble Phantasms and unique skills.

Fang Hao would not be arrogant enough to think that he could compare to those heroes now. Of course, there is no need to favor one against another. He is only one step away from those heroes with his ID card from the Moon World. If he lived in that world, with his merits, he would be able to play"Fang Hao's Ghost Fight" and become a heroic spirit.

However, again, the water in the Xingyue world is too deep. Even if he wants to travel through it, he will definitely choose the One Piece world. At least that world has no restraint in the setting.

However, don’t think about these now. These are all plots later and are not important yet. Let’s get back to the topic first. Butterfly House’s treatment methods are indeed good. Now that Fang Hao has fully recovered from his injuries, he also needs to find something to do, or in other words, find something for a certain ancestor of ghosts.……

"Eternal Bliss Sect? Ubuyashiki Yaoya read the name in confusion,"The name sounds like a religion. Why is Fang Jun looking for it?""

Faced with Ubuya Shiki Yaoya's doubts, Fang Hao did not sell out,"Master, you should know that the second string is a child's grinder, right?"

A trace of pain flashed across Uyashiki Yōya's face, Douma, of course he knew that it was at the hands of Tomo that Styles and Butterfly Kanae died, and Butterfly Kanae was also the older sister of the current Insect Hashira and Butterfly Ninja.

"Is this what Fang Jun means?"His emotions became heated.

"Yes, although the Eternal Paradise Sect is a small religion, the god they worship is Tongmo"

"Ahem, God?" Ubuyashiki Yōya suddenly turned red and coughed violently. His usually gentle tone was full of sarcasm,"Does a ghost like Tōmo deserve to be revered as a god?"

Members of the Uyashiki clan were able to have their children live to be twenty years old because they married the daughter of a priest. Therefore, Uyashiki Yaoya respected the gods very much. When he heard that Tōmo, an evil ghost was revered as a god Of course he couldn't bear it.

But Fang Hao actually wanted to laugh when he saw Ubuyashiki Yoya's indignant look, and even wanted to complain: Don't your island country have eight million gods? I remember that the Oni King Shuten Doji seems to be the Ibuki Daimyojin. A clone, right? Isn't it normal for Tong Mo to be the god of a small sect?

Fang Hao's purpose in coming to Ubuyashiki Yaoya is simple, to use the Demon Slayer's intelligence network to find the Eternal Paradise Sect, and then find Tong Mo to verify his strength. Who would be more suitable than Shangxian 2 Tongmo? What's more, Shangxian wants to kill one less person. He wants to eradicate the ghost of Shangxian as much as possible, and then promote the decisive battle!

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