Even Tong Mo, who launched the attack, did not expect Fang Hao to run directly into his blood ghost technique. After thinking for a while, he still put on a puzzled expression.

In fact, in the eyes of others, Fang Hao's operation looks a bit like a pig teammate. Even if he doesn't surround Wei and rescue Zhao, and directly attacks Tong Mo, at least he can't interfere with his teammates. It is definitely wrong to directly hug Butterfly Ninja. In this kind of battle, even a moment's delay may endanger lives.

But Fang Hao obviously didn't think so. Even if it would disturb the Butterfly Ninja, he would do it. Strictly speaking, Tong Mo's vampire technique is very restrained for swordsmen. After using the vampire technique, the air will be filled with small ice crystals. The key is that they are not easy to detect during the battle.

The breathing method naturally requires inhaling a large amount of air to maintain it. The butterfly ninja in the original work inhaled ice crystals, which caused alveolar necrosis. Even if she was not devoured by Tong Mo in the end, she would have almost no chance of surviving.

Therefore, in Fang Hao's opinion, Tong Mo's blood ghost technique is not only a special attack on swordsmen, but also a special attack on butterfly ninjas. The butterfly ninjas who have been blinded by hatred can hardly keep calm in the battle, even if they die together with Tong Mo. The behavior is not surprising.

And after Tong Mo used the bleeding ghost technique, how could Fang Hao stand by and watch? If Butterfly Ninja was eaten by Tong Mo, or died of alveolar necrosis, then Fang Hao would simply stop staying in this world. Find a daily routine to support your retirement. If there is no positive change after time travel, doesn't this mean that there is no time travel?

"Kang Hao! Butterfly Ninja!"Inosuke, who was fighting fiercely with the evil ghost at this time, saw Fang Hao and Butterfly Ninja being swallowed by the ice mist. The beast's breathing method was operating to the extreme. After defeating the evil ghost with one blow, he flew towards the ice mist.

Suddenly , in the frozen mist, the golden light was like the dawn, piercing the silent sky. Then, like a violent thunder god, it hit the ice mist hard and exploded into pieces in an instant. Jumping and flickering in the darkness, like wild elves dancing in the night sky

, two figures emerged from the broken ice mist.

"I finally got the right word, it was not easy. Fang Hao raised the Nichirin Knife and pointed it at Tong Mo, and he did not forget to complain:"Butterfly Ninja, you remember it clearly, what is the principle of this?""

The unharmed Butterfly Ninja launched another attack on Tong Mo's body. Seeing this, Fang Hao followed suit and lifted Tong Mo directly. There would probably be no danger, right?

His breathing was like a strong wind.

Every inhalation carries the majestic power of air, and every exhalation is a warm ode to life.

At this moment, his blood is no longer a simple liquid, but like a burning flame, beating and full of energy.

The energy contained in his body, nourished by the oxygen-rich blood, erupted like a volcano, and a large amount of air was squeezed into his lungs at this moment.

The blood is no longer a simple liquid, but is beating like a burning flame.

The energy contained in his body, nourished by the oxygen-rich blood, is like a volcano erupting, and the hand holding the knife becomes heavier.

After a few moments, the Nichirin Sword in his hand also changed.

The original sky blue blade turned into a deep dark color, and the golden thunder light shuttled back and forth on the blade like lightning, giving the Nichirin Sword its power.

The power of the sun.

At this moment, the sun blade is no longer a simple weapon, it is more like the perfect fusion of thunder and the sun, a magic weapon that kills evil spirits.

Tong Mo's face gradually became serious, and he was emotionless. There would be no such emotion as fear, but the blood in his body was flowing crazily, and he seemed to feel the pressure coming from Fang Hao. A memory also appeared in his mind. The crimson-haired man seemed to be using such a method. Cut off most of his exploded body with a knife

"Is this the memory of Master Wuhan?"Tong Mo respects Wuhan very much, because Wuhan is the ghost king who gave him blood. He also understands Wuhan's strength, but if his body behaves like this, it must be the blood of Lord Wuhan that is afraid of him!

"Do you actually have such strength?"Tong Mo originally didn't take Fang Hao seriously. Although he had the memory of Fang Hao killing Yi Wo Zuo, he never felt that Yi Wo Zuo's strength could be compared with him and Hei Shimo, even though he had the memory of Fang Hao killing Yi Wo Zuo. There was only one difference in ranking between them.

Compared with Fang Hao, he wanted to spend time with this person who looked similar to the woman who breathed with flowers, so Fang Hao stood aside and Tong Mo did not. Don't care at all

"Blood Demon Art·Mist Ice·Water Lily Bodhisattva!" In an instant, a huge ice man appeared in the courtyard. Its appearance was like a Bodhisattva with his hands clasped together. The temperature around it suddenly dropped, and frost formed on the ground.

Kocho Shinobu's stab was also blocked by the ice man who suddenly appeared. After discovering that her attack was easily blocked by the ice man, she immediately showed her ninja-like agility and adaptability.

She flashed and quickly changed her tactics. She flashed and made a gorgeous turn in the air. Her movements were extremely smooth, as if she was drawing a perfect arc in the air. Her target was clear, that is, Douma behind the ice man. Her body left a trail of afterimages in the air, making it almost impossible to see her true position. She was like a gust of wind, silently attacking Douma.

And Fang Hao planned to defeat the ice man from the front."Thunder Breathing·Yang Thunder."Fang Hao's movements were extremely swift. The red knife in his hand seemed to resonate with the thunder between heaven and earth. A fiery red-gold thunder with a strong destructive aura gathered on the blade.

As he swung the knife, dazzling lightning flashed along the blade as if it had life, continuously shooting out and hitting the ice man in front of him. These lightning flashes were not only visually shocking, they carried strong energy, and every collision was accompanied by a deafening roar, as if to tear the air apart.

The ice man seemed extremely fragile in the face of this violent thunder and lightning.

Cracks began to appear on its body, and the ice crystals gradually melted under the burning of the lightning..

Fang Hao did not relax at all.

He gripped the hilt tightly, concentrated all his strength on the tip of the knife, and continued to launch a fierce offensive.

The ice man controlled by Douma did not sit still and wait for death.

The ice crystals he spewed out of his mouth faced the lightning head-on like a blizzard.

In an instant, the confrontation between lightning and ice crystals formed a spectacular picture.

The contest between ice and lightning reached its peak at this moment.

With the continuous erosion of lightning, the red-gold light continued to press towards the blue light.

In the end, the ice crystals disintegrated, and the ice man was unable to withstand the impact of this force.

He shattered with a loud bang, and fragments flew in the air...

Douma and Shinobu Kocho also reappeared in Fang Hao's sight.

"Let's do it in one go."Fang Hao's eyes clearly have not changed at this moment, but his sight seems to be able to see through everything in the world. All changes cannot escape his perception. The transparent world is opened...

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