The moment the huge ice man arrived, Fang Hao felt a cold air rushing towards his face. His body reacted naturally and began to tremble unconsciously. Only the hand holding the knife remained stable as before, swinging it according to the original trajectory. The knife comes down.

Fang Hao's blade clashed fiercely with Iceman's hand blade. At this moment, red-gold thunder and ice breath violently collided in mid-air. The red-gold torrent and the blue-white cold current meet in the sky and intertwine with each other, forming a spectacular scene, but they are distinct and maintain clear boundaries.

The next moment, Fang Hao relied on his superb skills to suddenly change the direction of attack. His black eyes were particularly bright under the lightning. He did not hesitate to slash the blade to another part of the cold current, the red-gold sun. The wheel knife accurately struck the weak point of the cold current. In an instant, the blue-white ice breath was completely annihilated.

He took advantage of the situation and struck the Iceman's body with a knife. Dense cracks suddenly appeared on the Iceman's body. Endless red-gold lightning shot out from his knife and invaded along the cracks on the Iceman's surface. Internally, Iceman's entire body has also undergone tremendous changes.

In an instant, the blue and white iceman turned into red gold from the inside out. Exploding light emerged from Iceman's body,"Bang!" With a deafening explosion, Iceman's entire body exploded. At this moment, ice crystal fragments scattered everywhere and turned into endless small particles. In the blink of an eye, Scattered in the wind and disappeared without a trace.

Fang Hao looked unusually calm in the chaos. His eyes were always staring forward. The smoke generated by the explosion could not hinder his sight at all. His eyes never left Tong Mo's position and moved with the change of Tong Mo's position. With.

Stepping over the iceman's remains, he continued to move forward without any hesitation, each step being steady and powerful. The hand wielding the sword never dropped, and the direction of the sword tip kept changing as his eyes changed, but only one thing remained unchanged - the sword pointed at Tong Mo.

The butterfly ninja and Inosuke seized the opportunity when Tong Mo released the blood ghost technique just now. Although the two had never fought against the enemy together, they had a tacit understanding at this moment due to the same hatred of the enemy. When one was repelled, the other quickly stepped forward to attack..

Both of them had thrusting sword skills in their breathing techniques. After being repulsed, the tip of the knife came again between the lightning and flint. Tong Mo seemed to be dancing on the tip of the knife at this moment. It was thrilling, but he was still able to do it with ease.

"Vampire magic·frozen cloud!"

A large number of ice crystals shot out from his fan, forming a huge ice cloud, and Butterfly Ninja and Inosuke were also forced back by this huge ice cloud.

"Vampire Art: Cold Bai Ji!"

Two frosty girls were created by Tong Mo. They slowly opened their mouths, exhaled a lot of cold air from their mouths, and headed towards Butterfly Ninja and Inosuke.

Tong Mo, who had finished releasing the vampire technique, narrowed his eyes and looked at Fang. Hao laughed softly,"It seems they can't do anything to me."

"There's nothing I can do against you. Fang Hao said calmly:"As for the puppet, no matter what you do to him, he will not react." Then I have no choice but to destroy the doll.……"

As soon as he finished speaking, the ground under Fang Hao's feet instantly sunk, and he took advantage of this force to fly towards Tong Mo. Fang Hao's movement was extremely agile, and the collapsed ground acted as his starting point, which instantly increased his speed. To the extreme. The air around him seemed to be distorted by his speed, and the lightning formed a dazzling trail behind him, like a meteor streaking across the night sky.

His eyes flashed with determination, and every breath he took in breathed a large amount of air into his body. During this period, his strength also increased rapidly.

"Vampire Art·Winter Icicle!"

Icicles fell like rain, but Fang Hao jumped over them first. The icicles that fell to the ground crushed the ground.

"Dance of Bee Fang·True Drag!"

"Breath of the Beast·Eight Shape·Explosive Advance!"

When Butterfly Ninja and Inosuke saw this, they were not to be outdone. They understood that this was the final blow! When Tong Mo saw the three people rushing towards him, he felt no emotion in his heart. He had no emotions or nervousness in the first place. It will not appear in his dictionary.

He keeps casting the Vampire Technique, and his body keeps retreating.

Long-range attacks are his advantage, and he will naturally make good use of this under the influence of the Vampire Ghost Technique.

, the generation of ice crystals reached an astonishing level.

They continued to emerge from around Tongmo, quickly covering the surrounding environment.

Endless ice crystals continued to spurt out from around him, and the intense cold air enveloped the entire house, seeming to engulf the entire house.

This space is frozen.

This extreme low temperature not only has an inevitable visual impact on the people present, but it also poses a huge threat to everyone present at such low temperatures. It quickly condensed into frost, making it extremely difficult to breathe, let alone the breathing method that required a lot of air.

However, these conditions did not seem to have any impact on Fang Hao.

He was surrounded by lightning and ignored the cold air around him.

He moved freely in this environment made of ice crystals.

His red-gold blade drew dazzling light in the air, and layers of red-gold light soon filled Fang Hao's surroundings, accompanied by every swing of his sword.

The blazing air waves and the hard ice seemed to be vulnerable to his sword, melting quickly, and the blue-white ice was quickly replaced by red-gold light.

At this moment, his body was like red-gold lightning. , emitting vigorous heat waves. The moment he entered the depths of the ice mist, his presence seemed to become a small furnace, constantly converting ice crystals into water vapor and dissipating it in the air.

Tong Mo saw this particularly spectacular.

In the scene, just as he was about to retreat, his neck was suddenly cut off by a red-gold sun blade that passed through the ice mist.

His whole body fell heavily to the ground, and his head also fell aside...

The decapitated Tong Mo Shishi There is no sign of fear or discouragement.

He once heard Lord Muhan say that powerful ghosts can break through boundaries when facing death.

In the past, as the second son of the upper string, he had never been in a crisis, but now he happened to be a Opportunity.

He recalled his daily life and the ghosts or people he knew, but he didn't think of anything that could make him nostalgic for the world.

"Ah, really, it can't be done. Even if I know I will die, I still have no fear. How can this push the boundaries?"Tong Mo still had that smile on his face.

Butterfly Nin looked at Tong Mo quietly, his eyes full of the pleasure of getting revenge and the lingering sadness.

But he should have been killed because of this Inosuke, who was frustrated after losing to Fang Hao in the demon-killing duel, had only sadness and nostalgia on his face at this moment.

Fang Hao also called the kitten before Tong Mo's body dissipated, and took out the tools to collect Tong Mo's blood.. Now that Zhu Shi has joined the Demon Slayer Corps, he no longer has to hide anything.

In a short while, Tongmo, the second string of the string, died!

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