"Yay! That’s great! I’m going to spend some money this month!"

"I happen to have a game console to buy, so it seems I don’t have to worry about it anymore!"

"I have been craving for that brand-name bag for a long time. With these points, I won't have to worry about not being able to afford it!"

Looking at the excited students below the stage, Chabashira's eyes flashed with disdain.

Defective products are indeed defective products. The quality of this class of students is as bad as before.

"No one wants to ask questions? If no one wants to ask questions, I wish you all a happy school life.……"

Feeling impatient, Chabashira no longer wanted to stay

"Wait a minute, Mr. Chazhu, I have a question to ask!"

But unfortunately, Ye Yunchuan obviously would not let the other party go so easily.

"If you have any questions, feel free to ask!"

Chazhu was a little surprised, but his expression was still very cold.

"Will the school give out the same points next month?"


After these words came out, the whole place fell silent.

Even Chabashira, who had always had a cold face, was stunned for a moment. After a long silence, he said hesitantly:

"I can't answer this question"

"Interesting! Does that mean it is a confidential matter for teachers?"

Ye Yunchuan raised the corner of his mouth, thought for a moment and said:

"Chabashira-sensei, there are only two answers you can give. One is that we can get the same points next month, and the other is that we cannot get the same points next month!

The former does not need to be kept secret. The latter... each person gets 100,000 points a month. There are 40 people in a class, 160 people in a grade, and about 480 people in a school. That's 48 million a month, and about 600 million a year.

Even the richest man in the world can't afford such a waste.

So the answer is obvious. We can't get 100,000 points next month!"

"Interesting, I didn't expect there is such a smart person."A hint of joy flashed in Chabashira's eyes.

She thought that only Ayanokouji Kiyotaka was smart among this group of people.

Unexpectedly, this Dragon Countryman named Ye Yunchuan gave her a surprise.

"Amazing! I didn't expect that someone in this class would think of this."Ayanokouji Kiyotaka had no expression on his face, but he was shocked in his heart.

"Why didn't I think of this?!"

Horikita Suzune was very surprised, but also a little frustrated and unconvinced.

After all, it was beyond her expectations that Ye Yunchuan, a pervert, was so smart.

"Interesting boy." Gaoyuan Temple Zhuren looked at Ye Yunchuan with a little surprise.

He had never thought that there was such a person in the D class of defective products.

"How is this possible? You must be kidding me!"

"That's impossible. The school won't break its promise."

"But what this student said is not without reason. Teacher Chazhu did not say that he would definitely give out 100,000 points next month."

Unlike the above big guys, the other students obviously did not want to believe Ye Yunchuan's words.

But the facts are in front of us.

What Ye Yunchuan said makes sense no matter how you look at it.

"Am I right?"

"……"Chabashira did not answer, but not answering was the best answer.

Seeing this scene, the students present all had a bad premonition.

"No way, could what that person said be true?"

"If that's the case, wouldn't it be terrible!"

Ignoring the rumors of others, Ye Yunchuan continued to talk to himself:

"Is it still confidential? That means there won't be another 100,000 points next month. I'm curious about the basis for awarding points next month. Can you tell me? Chabashira-sensei!"

"You can analyze so much on the first day. I have to say that you are really excellent, but unfortunately this is still a confidential matter!"

Chazhu Saeda looked at Ye Yunchuan with admiration.

The appearance of such a student did give her a little hope.

But it was still not enough.

"It's still a confidential matter. It seems that we can't get much information from you, teacher."

Ye Yunchuan shook his head.

After all, he had seen the plot and knew very well that his so-called cleverness was completely fake.

To be honest, he didn't like to pretend, but in order to get more rewards, he had to pretend.

Girls all admire strong men, and he could only get the favor of the opposite sex by showing his strength.

Only by pretending more can he get more... cough cough, this is fair!

"But there is one thing I still need to confirm, can I really buy everything in this school with points?"

"This is of course true!"

Chazhu did not hesitate at all.

"So how many points do I need to buy a teacher?"


Everyone was shocked when this was said. Even Gaoyuan Temple, who only cared about himself, was stunned.

After all, this question was very rude no matter how you looked at it.

At the same time, it was also very explosive.

"You..." Chabashira was a little annoyed at first, but soon calmed down and said with a smile:

""You are quite courageous, classmate Ye Yunchuan. Although I am very unhappy, I still have to give you an answer. I also have a price, but you may not be able to afford this amount until graduation!"

After saying that, Chazhu turned around and left gracefully.

Her action was obviously hinting at something.

Ye Yunchuan did not hesitate and followed immediately.

However, when he passed by Karuizawa Hui, he suddenly leaned close to her ear and whispered something.

After hearing this, Karuizawa Hui widened her eyes and her body trembled subconsciously.

Sure enough, after walking for a while in the corridor, Chazhu stopped at a corner where there were few people.

"Do you really want my body?"

With his arms crossed, Chazhu couldn't help but stare at Ye Yunchuan with a sharp gaze.

"Yes, but I not only want your body, I also want you to give birth to a child for me!"

Ye Yunchuan was not afraid at all. On the contrary, his eyes looked at Chazhu more and more unscrupulously.

It must be said that Chazhu's figure is really good.

At first glance, it is the type that can't let a child go hungry.

At the same time, the house type is also conducive to childbirth.

"You!" Chazhu almost laughed at Ye Yunchuan's anger.

A student dared to ask the teacher to give birth to his child. I have to say that this family is really arrogant.

"It seems that you are very confident in your own ability, Ye Yunchuan. Since you are so arrogant, I have to give you a chance. As long as you can upgrade this class to Class A before graduation and maintain it, everything of Chabashira Sae will be yours. I will not complain if you want me to give birth to as many children as you want!"

"Are you working so hard?"

Ye Yunchuan was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Chazhu would work so hard to get promoted.

"Interesting, I can actually be promoted to a higher class.

Teacher, did you leak the secrets just now?"

Ye Yunchuan raised his mouth and took out his mobile phone with the recording function turned on in front of Chazhu Sae's shocked eyes.

"You plotted against me!?"

Chazhu Sae was stunned. She didn't expect Ye Yunchuan to plot against her under such circumstances.

Her face suddenly became gloomy and scary.

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