"Bragging? I don't have time to waste on such things."

Ye Yunchuan narrowed his eyes, then glanced at Long Yuan indifferently, and said coldly:

"I want to unify the entire Yucheng High School, so I don’t have time to talk nonsense with you. I will give you two choices: either surrender or die!"


Long Yuan's breath was choked, and his face turned a little ugly.

After all, Ye Yunchuan had a handsome face and a pretty face, and he didn't look like a ruthless person at all.

I didn't expect that he would say such ruthless words as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Humph, I don’t have the habit of bowing to everyone I meet. If you want me to surrender, you must show me your strength!"

"There is no need for that. Anyone who dares to challenge me will only die. Since you dare to challenge me, you will only die if you lose.

As I said before, either surrender or die!"

"You, you forced me to do this."

Ryuen Sho's face was terribly gloomy.

In all these days at Ikusei High School, it was the first time he had seen someone more domineering than him.

Wasn't this purely forcing him to fight him to the death?

In fact, Ye Yunchuan really did it on purpose.

After all, he knew very well that a man like Ryuen, who looked like a wolf, was like an ungrateful wolf that could not be tamed.

Even if he was defeated, the other party would only pretend to surrender, and then wait for the opportunity to overthrow him in one fell swoop.

Although this kind of person can be suppressed as long as you are stronger than him throughout your life.

Ye Yunchuan was also confident that he could suppress him all the time.

But it was always uncomfortable to keep such a person around.

Instead of feeling uncomfortable in the future, it was better to get rid of the other party now. Although

Sakayanagi Arisu's ability could also solve this problem, for some reason Ye Yunchuan just didn't want him to live.

It can only be said that he was born to dislike some people, and Ryuen was obviously one of these people.

"Hey, you are taking a high risk by doing this.

Seeing that the two were about to fight to the death, Horikita Suzune quickly stepped forward.

There was no other way, because Ye Yunchuan was her boss now.

She was still counting on Ye Yunchuan to help her find her brother.

If this happened, who would she go to for justice?

In response, Ye Yunchuan just said to her indifferently.

"Don't worry, you will win!"

After all, she had just joined Ye Yunchuan's team not long ago, and she obviously didn't know much about Ye Yunchuan's true strength.

If it was an ordinary challenge, she thought Ye Yunchuan would definitely win.

But a death match was different.

In this case, she was not sure to win against Long Yuanxiang.

"There is no other way, it seems we can only fight to the death!"

Long Yuan walked towards Ye Yunchuan

"Wait a minute, Ryuen, is it really necessary to fight to the death with the other party?"

Ibuki Mio on the side couldn't bear to watch.

Ryuen is the leader of their group. If he is beaten to death, they will have no backbone.

"Haven't you noticed yet? Ibuki Mio, that guy is here to kill me."

Long Yuan is not a fool, he obviously also sensed the murderous aura carried by Ye Yunchuan

"Why would he want to pick on you?"

Ibuki Mio was confused.

It's impossible to make enemies for no reason.

"How would I know? Maybe the Celestial Empire hates the Sakura people?"

Long Yuan rolled his eyes.

To be honest, he didn't know how he had offended Ye Yunchuan. He actually wanted to kill him as soon as they met.

But this was actually an opportunity for him.

"Hey, you Chinese guy over there, if I kill you I can rule Class A and Class D, right?"

"That's right, but you may not have this opportunity in this lifetime."

Ye Yunchuan didn't take Long Yuan seriously at all.

According to the system, the limit of human strength is 20 points.

But without the help of the system, the human beings in this world can only reach 10 points at most.

Even a wall-hanger like Ayanokouji Kiyotaka probably only has eleven or twelve points.

Compared with him, it is a world of difference.

Not to mention that Ye Yunchuan has broken the human limit and has a terrifying 26 points of strength.

And all four attributes have broken the human limit.

Now he can kill people even with his physical body, not to mention that he also has superpowers and Xiao Hei.

But these are all trivial matters.

The most disgusting thing is that he still has a subhuman constitution and is immortal.

Even if he is accidentally tricked by someone, he will not die. Not going crazy to the sky to become a native of the motherland is the greatest respect Ye Yunchuan has for himself.

"So arrogant, I hope you can be so arrogant when I step on you!"

Long Yuanxiang didn't say anything more and immediately swung his fist to attack Ye Yunchuan.


Ye Yunchuan didn't say anything, but sneered and easily dodged Long Yuan's fist.

"Such a slow punch. If this is all your strength, you will definitely die."

""Stop talking nonsense, don't underestimate me, watch out!"

Long Yuan was a little annoyed after missing the first blow.

But he did not lose his composure, instead he threw another punch, and after Ye Yunchuan dodged it, he quickly squatted down and kicked him with a sweeping kick.

Long Yuan's set of moves was indeed very fast.

It's a pity that it was only in the eyes of ordinary people.

From Ye Yunchuan's perspective, Long Yuan's movements were as slow as a sloth.

As if he had expected it, Ye Yunchuan dodged Long Yuan's fist with a sideways move, and then took another step back to increase the distance between Long Yuan's sweeping kick and Long Yuan's leg.

Then he raised his foot and quickly stepped on the sweeping kick that Long Yuan was sweeping towards.


"Ah~" Along with a crisp sound, Long Yuan screamed heartbreakingly.

"So awesome!"Boss is so handsome!""Long Yuan..."

Everyone was amazed.

Ye Yunchuan was surprised and happy, while Long Yuan was worried.

""What a quick move!"

Horikita Suzune was very surprised. Because she had always been fighting zombies before, she thought Ye Yunchuan was about the same strength as her.

Now it seems that Ye Yunchuan is much stronger than her. At least she can't predict Ryuen's moves in advance, and she can't resolve Ryuen's combo as calmly as Ye Yunchuan.

"Is it just this little bit?"

Ye Yunchuan glanced at Long Yuan. He had no expression on his face from beginning to end, as if he had never taken Long Yuan seriously.

"Hahaha, awesome! You managed to injure me so easily. But I, Long Yuan, am not a small character who can be easily defeated!

Albert, what are you still standing there for? Come with me!"

Roaring, Long Yuan stood up with his injured leg.

He attacked Ye Yunchuan like a madman.

"Do you want to go?"

The black man next to him hesitated for a moment, but after thinking it over, he rushed towards Ye Yunchuan with a punch.

"If you can't beat them, you call for help. That's your style!"

Ye Yunchuan narrowed his eyes. He had expected this.

"This is a battle between Lord Yunchuan and Longyuan, I will not let anyone else intervene!"

Before Ye Yunchuan made a move, Ge Cheng stopped Albert.

"It’s okay, Katsuragi, let that big guy come over too!"

"But this is unfair to you"

"Do you think one more of these scumbags can deal with me?"


Out of trust in Ye Yunchuan's strength, Ge Cheng finally chose to let Albert go.

Unfortunately, even when facing two people attacking at the same time, Ye Yunchuan still dodged their attacks calmly.

"Let's punch together, Albert, I don't believe this guy can dodge it!"

Seeing that the attack was unsuccessful, Long Yuan became anxious, and then he and Albert punched Ye Yunchuan together, trying to block all his retreat routes.


Maybe they were almost done playing, Ye Yunchuan stretched out his palm to block the fists of the two men.


The two men's fists hit Ye Yunchuan's palm at the same time, but Ye Yunchuan not only caught it, but also did not move at all, and did not step back at all.


Everyone who saw this scene had a change of expression, Long Yuan and Albert looked like they had seen a ghost.

They knew how powerful the two of them were when they attacked together.

Ye Yunchuan took this attack without any skills, relying solely on brute force and excellent physical fitness.

"So strong, is this guy a human?"

Ibuki Mio's eyes widened. To be honest, it was the first time she saw someone stronger than Albert and Ryuen combined.

"I've let you fight for so long, it's time for me to fight back!"

After saying that, Ye Yunchuan didn't wait for the two to react, and pulled them over.

Then he punched them in the chest at the same time.


They flew backwards at the same time.

Albert couldn't get up, and Long Yuan struggled to get up.

As for why this happened?

It was mainly because Ye Yunchuan wanted to keep Long Yuan to play for a while, so he put a little more strength on Albert.

"Damn it, I won't admit defeat!"

Long Yuan once again rushed towards Ye Yunchuan with all his strength.

"It's over, Ryuen is in danger!"

Ibuki Mio's face changed drastically.

Unlike others, Ibuki Mio is a real martial artist. She has been practicing martial arts since she was a child.

An expert can tell the outcome with just one move.

After just a few seconds, she saw that Ye Yunchuan's strength was very terrifying, and Ryuen might not be his opponent.

But she still had a glimmer of hope for Ryuen.

Ryuen had such a fierceness, and it was with this fierceness that he defeated her.


Unfortunately, she overlooked one thing.

That is, ruthlessness is useless in front of a monster that is more than ten times stronger than her.

No matter how ruthless and desperate Long Yuan is, it is useless.

Facing Ye Yunchuan, whose attributes exceed the limits of human beings, he can only take the beating, and his body is kicked away by Ye Yunchuan again and again.

"I am almost tired of playing, let me send you to death!"

Ye Yunchuan was also bored of bullying others all the time.

He raised his foot and aimed at Long Yuan's face, intending to send him to death with one blow.


Just then, a voice called him

"I've been tricked!"

At the same time, Ye Yunchuan's mouth corners slightly raised.

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