"They have completed the integration in just a few days, and have even opened up a fishing ground on the beach. It can only be said that they are worthy of being Class B."

Looking at the wooden boats parked next to the sea view villa, and then looking at the students of Class B who were on guard outside the villa, even Ye Yunchuan had to admire the cohesion of Class B. If it were before the end of the world, these good kids in Class B would definitely not be suitable for surviving in a cruel school.

But it is different now. The strong cohesion has allowed them to save most of the members of the group in the first place, thus gaining a great advantage.

However, this is only limited to the early stage.

In the middle and late stages, these good kids will still die in the cruel external struggle because of their overly naive character.

Instead of letting them drown naively, it is better to let me teach them a lesson first.

This is what Ye Yunchuan originally thought.

However, plans cannot keep up with changes.

"Oh no, everyone, a monster has invaded the villa. Ichinose has suffered heavy losses. Hurry back to support him!"

A boy covered in blood suddenly ran out of the villa.

Seeing this, several students who were on guard had no choice but to give up their guard and rush to the villa as soon as possible.

"It looks like they are in trouble, what should we do?"

Sakayanagi Arisu said with an attitude of watching a show

"Let's go and follow them to see."

Ye Yunchuan easily used Xiao Hei to break the lock of the villa and let it open the door from the inside.


"What kind of monster is this?"

At this moment, Ichinose Hoba is facing the biggest crisis in her life.

Seeing the monster with well-developed muscles, body like a cheetah and speed like a ghost constantly harvesting the lives of her companions, Ichinose Hoba's eyes gradually became decadent and desperate.

"Run, everyone, if this continues, everyone will die."

""Run, Ichinose!"

Seeing that Ichinose was still in a daze, a girl with twin ponytails ran over and grabbed her hand

"Why are you here? Hurry up and leave, it's dangerous here."

Ichinose quickly pushed the twin-tailed girl away

"Then you come with me!"

The girl with twin ponytails was anxious because the monster's attention had turned to them.

"You take everyone away first, Jiye, we can't stay here anymore"

"What about you?"

"I'll hold that monster back to buy you some time to evacuate."

"No, how can we let you, Ichinose, be the bait? Compared to me, who is insignificant, it is more beneficial for everyone if you are alive."

Surprisingly, the twin-tailed girl named Himeno stopped Ichinose.


Then, before Ichinose could react, he threw the bottle of mineral water in his hand and hit the Speedrunner's head with a bang.

""Roar~" The sprinter was angry.

As a prey, it didn't go looking for the other party, but it didn't expect that this food would dare to provoke it.

So it was directly pulled by Ji Yexue's hatred.

"Come to my side, ugly bastard!"

After attracting the other party's attention, Ji Yexue ran upstairs as fast as possible.

"No, Ji Yexue, it's too dangerous for you to do this………"

Ichinose reacted and tried to stop Himeno Yuki, but it was too late.

""Hurry up, Hono, it will be too late if you don't leave now!"

After Himenoyuki left, a short-haired girl ran out from nowhere and grabbed Ichinose Hono's hand.

"But Jiye…"

"Ji Ye, she sacrificed herself to save you, so you have to live and lead everyone out."

Shiranami Chihiro looked at the direction where Ji Ye Xue left with a complicated expression.

To be honest, she was a little jealous of her.

Logically, she should have sacrificed herself to protect Ichinose.

But she didn't have the courage to stand up to that terrible monster.

"What should I do?"

That being said, Ichinose was still confused at the moment. After all, she couldn't bear to abandon Himeno Yuki who tried so hard to save her.

Should she lead everyone to escape, or go back to save Himeno Yuki?

Ichinose Honami was in a dilemma.

"Are you still hesitating? You are such an unqualified leader!

Seeing that Ichinose was still confused, Ye Yunchuan, who couldn't bear it any longer, led his men out.

"Who are you?!"

Seeing the group of people coming out in a mighty manner, the timid Bai Bo Chihiro was stunned on the spot.

"You are……"

Ichinose Hoba, who had regained consciousness, looked at everyone with some caution.

"Is this Ichinose Hoba?"

Ye Yunchuan was a little surprised.

When he saw the illustration, Ye Yunchuan felt that Ichinose Hoba was just so-so, at most one level higher than Hasebe Haru.

He even thought she was not as pretty as Hasebe. But when he really walked in and took a look, even he, who was used to seeing beautiful women, felt a little surprised.

It can only be said that Ichinose Hoba is worthy of being a beautiful woman in the novel whose beauty is as famous as Horikita Suzune.

Her beauty and figure are really top-notch.

In this regard, Ye Yunchuan can only say that the illustration misled me.

"Ye Yunchuan from Class D of the first year is here to take over your territory."

Faced with the beautiful woman's question, Ye Yunchuan put his hands in his pockets and said this in a very pretentious manner.

"Are you here to rob? Huh?"

What surprised Ye Yunchuan was that when he heard that Ye Yunchuan was here to rob, Ichinose was not nervous at all. Instead, he rushed over excitedly and grabbed Ye Yunchuan's shoulders and said:

"If you are here to rob, I surrender! I can give you all the supplies.

But before that, can you save my companions?

Please, Ji Ye is in danger now, save her quickly!"

"Humph, I don't lack food, what do I need your fish for?"

Ye Yunchuan looked disdainful.

In fact, Ichinose Hanami's fish was still useful. At least he hadn't eaten seafood for a while.

The reason he was so pretentious was because he wanted more.

"So what do you want? I can give it to you as long as you help save Jiye"

"I want you and the girl named Ji Yexue"

""Huh?!" Ichinose Hono was stunned for a moment when she heard this condition, and her face unconsciously flushed.

Although Ichinose was modest, she knew her own appearance. She was not surprised that Ye Yunchuan coveted her beauty.

But even Ji Yexue wanted it, which was too greedy.

"Um... you can give me everything I want. As for Ji Ye, I will go and persuade her later. Can you please go and save her first?"

"No, Fanbo, how can you agree to the request of such a despicable villain?"

Seeing that Ichinose Fanbo was about to fall into Ye Yunchuan's clutches, Shiranami Chihiro couldn't stand it anymore.

"Please, Yunchuan-kun, please go and save Himeno."

However, Ichinose continued to beg Ye Yunchuan as if he didn't hear her.

"You have to give me a reward before you let me do anything, right?"

Ye Yunchuan looked playful.

If it drags on, Ji Yexue will definitely die, but he has already asked Xiao Hei to rescue people in advance, so he naturally doesn't mind teasing Ichinose a little more.

"Reward? What reward?"

The simple-minded Ichinose was confused.

"Here." Ye Yunchuan pointed to his lips.


Ichinose Hoba blushed, she was not a child, how could she not understand Ye Yunchuan's intention after being reminded of this.

But in order to save Ji Yexue, she finally gritted her teeth and moved her face forward.

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