After taking a clean cold shower and drying his body, Lu Chen left the room feeling refreshed.

Although there was only cold water, it was clean and had no odor.

This immediately gave Lu Chen the idea of exploring the hotel.

The water supply system was well preserved.

Maybe there were other supplies left behind.

After telling Sakurajima Mai about this idea, she said she wanted to explore it together.

“I can’t help in the battle, but I can help carry things.”

Although Lu Chen felt that she was more afraid of being left alone and not being able to deal with danger.

But this reason made sense, and Lu Chen had no reason to refuse.

And he was not too relieved to leave Sakurajima Mai alone.

“We need to find a way to strengthen her fighting power.”

“But… we are just a temporary team now”

“It would be nice if there was a formal team system.”

Lu Chen actually wanted to allocate resources to Sakurajima Mai.

However, this was the first time they met, and their relationship was not close enough to the point where they could completely trust each other.

Not to mention, it was still unknown whether they could be teleported to the same location tomorrow.

Although Lu Chen had a lot of good stuff on hand, it was just enough for his own use.

In the absence of a guarantee of a stable team… the best he could do was to provide some protection and help like he was doing now.

Of course, if a fixed team could be formed in some way, that would be another matter.

In other words, in Lu Chen’s eyes, the current”Sakurajima Mai” was not yet”one of his own.””

“Look, there is a diagram of the hotel floors on the wall.”

Sakurajima Mai naturally didn’t know what Lu Chen was thinking, and her attention was focused on the surrounding environment.

“The first floor is the reception hall, the second floor is the functional floor, and the third floor and above are guest rooms.”

“There is another underground floor, which should be a storage room or something like that… Do you want to go take a look?”

Lu Chen also came back to his senses from his previous thoughts and carefully browsed through the structural diagram.

The basement part was marked with a reminder”Staff area, no strangers allowed”, but it was estimated that no one would care about this now.

“The basement… let’s not go there for now.”

Lu Chen shook his head slightly, rejecting Sakurajima Mai’s proposal.

“Don’t forget that there is no electricity here, and there is no light source in the basement, so it is very dangerous to explore”

“First go to the second floor to see if there are any tools like flashlights.……”

“I have some here.”

Sakurajima Mai took out two small flashlights from her handbag.

Judging from the logo on the flashlights, they seemed to be bought from a clothing store just like the handbags.

Seeing Lu Chen’s surprised look, the girl smiled.

“I thought it might come in handy, so I took it.”

“Good job.”

Lu Chen praised Mai Sakurajima for her attentiveness and reached out to take one of the flashlights.

【Flashlight: 85% remaining power, can be replenished by replacing the battery]

Seeing the information description appear, Lu Chen subconsciously swiped the entry.

The result was somewhat surprising – Lu Chen thought nothing would happen, but it turned out that an ordinary item like a flashlight could successfully obtain an entry!

【Ding! The tool”Flashlight” has gained a C-level entry:”Energy Saving”!】

(Energy saving: slightly reduce brightness, greatly reduce power consumption)

“Is this all right?”

Lu Chen was slightly stunned, and weighed the flashlight thoughtfully.

It seems that not all sundries cannot be brushed, and they must be functional.

In any case, this is a good thing.

The energy-saving entry is pretty good in the current situation and is very practical.

“Since you are so well prepared, just explore the basement.”

After thinking for a while, Lu Chen instructed

“Just like before, stay alert and follow me closely”


Sakurajima Mai nodded seriously, and was also a little happy because she finally played a role and was no longer just a burden.

When passing by the lobby on the first floor, the group of corpses blocked outside saw the figures of Lu Chen and the others, and they all roared excitedly.

“Have they accumulated so many already?”

Seeing the huge swarm of zombies, Mai Sakurajima’s face froze, and she found it hard to imagine how she could escape from their pursuit.

“Don’t be afraid, we’ll deal with them when we get back from the basement.”

Lu Chen was not afraid, after all, he had killed many zombies.

In his eyes, these zombies waving their arms and staggering were not as threatening as the mad dogs on the roadside.

Pushing open the iron door of the basement, a dull, rotten, dusty air rushed in.

Under the illumination of the flashlight, a quiet corridor appeared in front of the two.

There were many small doors on both sides of the corridor, with some peeling paint signs hanging on them to distinguish the types of rooms.

“……I should have worn a mask too.”

Rubbing her itchy nose, Mai Sakurajima muttered in a low voice with regret.

Lu Chen was not so particular. Although the environment here was not clean, it was barely tolerable.

He tried to open the iron door with the sign”Uniform Storage Room”, but found that the door was firmly locked.

No matter how hard he pushed, it seemed to be fixed in space and did not move at all.

“”Locked… As expected.”

However, judging from the name, this room did not contain the supplies he wanted.

As he walked along the corridor, most of the rooms were locked, and some were half-closed.

The unlocked rooms seemed to have been looted long ago, with nothing useful left.

This disappointed Lu Chen, who thought there was a piece of fat meat here, but it turned out to be just a gnawed bone.

But as he went deeper, the room gradually showed a third situation – the door began to show signs of violent damage, as if someone was pounding it outside, trying to force his way in.

“Be careful, something is wrong.”

The dim vision made Lu Chen involuntarily lower his voice to remind the girl behind him.

After receiving an equally nervous response, he carefully poked his head out of the corner of the corridor.

Under the refracted light, a tall guard zombie wearing a worn security uniform and with a very burly figure appeared in Lu Chen’s field of vision.

As if he had noticed the change in light, the guard zombie suddenly turned around and stared at Lu Chen with his rotten eyes!

“Discovered… Let’s fight!”

Lu Chen was shocked at first, then he gritted his teeth, activated the”Charge Throw” skill, and threw the flying knife in his hand fiercely!

Although the aim was a little off at the beginning, under the”tracking” effect, the flying knife finally hit the head of the guard zombie accurately!


The sharp dagger directly penetrated the face, leaving only the rubber knife handle outside.

But the guard zombie was not knocked down, but rushed over with a dagger stuck in his head!

“He has a weapon in his hand!”

Sakurajima Mai used a flashlight to provide light and reminded him at the same time.

Only then did Lu Chen realize that the guard zombie was holding a crowbar in his hand, which was covered with black and red blood.

“Can’t get close to him……”

Lu Chen quickly came to a conclusion in his mind, and while retreating, he held the fire axe in his hand.

Although the dagger would soon return to his hand, he was not limited to using only one weapon.

The fire axe… could also be used for throwing!

This time, Lu Chen aimed at the legs of the guard zombie!

——Charged Throw!

After using the skill twice in a row, Lu Chen was sweating profusely and breathing heavily.

But the results were very gratifying. The fire axe that was thrown out easily cut off one of the legs of the guard zombie, causing it to stagger to the ground!

At the same time, the dagger that had just been thrown out was automatically recovered in Lu Chen’s hand.

As long as he hit it again, he could kill the guard zombie!

Faced with this situation, Lu Chen would naturally not miss the opportunity to brush the entry!

He wanted to maximize the value of this guard zombie!

【Ding! The enemy”Zombie” has obtained a B-level entry:”Superpower Mutation”!】

“……Another supernatural mutation?!”

Seeing the familiar entry, Lu Chen’s eyelids jumped suddenly!

Just when he was about to give the zombie in front of him the last blow, his body suddenly became extremely heavy as if he was carrying a thousand-pound boulder!

Not to mention attacking, even moving his fingers slightly was extremely difficult!

This situation made Lu Chen horrified!

“Oops… Is it the ability to control ‘gravity’?!”

“Damn it, how could I get this ability by chance!!”

Realizing that he had failed, Lu Chen was filled with regret.

I let you play! I let you brush the entries! Now you’ve played too much!

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

Just as Lu Chen was trying his best to resist the gravity load imposed on his body.

He suddenly saw a figure rushing towards the guard zombie with a broken leg.

Sakurajima Mai, who had never killed even a zombie before, gritted her teeth and stabbed the guard zombie’s eye socket with the dagger in her hand!

The filthy black blood gushed out, killing the girl.���The freshly washed body was splashed with dirty colors.

At this moment, Lu Chen felt the restraints on his body suddenly loosen, and he suddenly regained his freedom!

“”Well done!”

Taking advantage of the gap when he was out of the control of the superpower, Lu Chen growled, picked up the fire axe on the ground, and cut off the head of the guard zombie directly!

The guard zombie was naturally dead and could not die again. He lost his vitality on the spot, and his body gradually disappeared.

Only a small pile of gear copper coins and a glowing”superpower seed” were left on the spot!

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