After leaving the basement, the bright ambient light made Lu Chen squint his eyes and quickly adapt.

The number of zombies gathered outside the lobby on the first floor increased, forming a tide. It was a dark mass and looked quite scary!

Calculating the time, they stayed in the basement for almost an hour.

It was mainly because it took a lot of time to collect supplies.

In addition, they took time to rest and take a shower after arriving at the hotel.

Lu Chen and Sakurajima Mai have been in the danger zone for four or five hours!

The number of zombies that were refreshed naturally increased.

Looking down from the upstairs, it can be found that hundreds of zombies have surrounded the hotel gate!

“With so many zombies, even if they just stood still and let others chop them, it would still take a long time.……”

Lu Chen retracted his gaze, sighed, and cut the bed sheet into strips with a dagger.

“It would be difficult to clear out the corpses using ordinary means.”

“When the quantity accumulates too much… it will lead to qualitative change”

“Fortunately, there is a lot of wine in the basement, which can be used to make Molotov cocktails.”

As he said this, Lu Chen stuffed the cloth into the mouth of an opened beer bottle and shook it up and down.

When the end of the cloth was soaked by the wine, he put it on the ground and continued to pick up the next bottle of wine.

The floor was already full of dozens of simple Molotov cocktails made in this way!

Sakurajima Mai was standing by, constantly removing the bottle caps with a bottle opener to prepare materials for Lu Chen to make Molotov cocktails.

“I actually thought of this method… Would ordinary people think of turning wine into Molotov cocktails first?”

“This is normal for boys.

Lu Chen shrugged and said as a matter of course.

“I used to think about what weapons I could make if the world ended.”

“Now I am just putting my thoughts into practice.”

Hearing this, Mai Sakurajima glanced at him with a rather strange expression.

Who would spend all day thinking about what will happen after the end of the world?

“This is the last one.”

It took about half an hour to prepare all the Molotov cocktails.

Sakurajima Mai rubbed her right hand. She had used the bottle opener to open so many bottles of wine in a row, and her hand was left with the mark of the bottle opener.

However, seeing the neatly stacked Molotov cocktails, the two of them also felt quite accomplished.

“The time limit is almost reached.”

Based on the number of prompts refreshed by the enemy, Lu Chen calculated the remaining time.

“We must return to the safe house from the evacuation point within half an hour.”

“Next, use Molotov cocktails to kill these zombies.”

“Then quickly collect the gear coins they drop and use up the draw times at the slot machine.”

“Finally… go to the evacuation point in the parking lot and return to the safe house”

“That’s the plan, any other questions?”


After listening carefully to Lu Chen’s action plan, Mai Sakurajima shook her head slightly, indicating that she had no objection.

However, she felt a little empty and lost in her heart.

The time she spent with Lu Chen was about to end.

“Then start taking action”

“Take these Molotov cocktails and throw them towards the zombies!”

Lu Chen took the lead and directly picked up a Molotov cocktail, lit the alcohol-soaked cloth with a lighter, and threw it out quickly!

The size of the zombies was so large that there was no need to deliberately aim.


First there was the sound of a bottle breaking, and then the flames spread with the splashing wine, attaching to the nearby zombies and burning continuously!

Although zombies have no sense of pain, it does not mean that they are not afraid of fire!

The tattered clothes left on their bodies have become fuel for their accelerated death.

“The effect is good.”

After observing for a while, Lu Chen nodded with satisfaction, and then brushed an entry on the Molotov cocktail at hand.

“Next try the ‘plus’ version!”

【Ding! The item”Homemade Molotov cocktail” gains a D-level entry:”Flammable”!】

(Flammable: Can more easily ignite attached items)

【Ding! The item”Homemade Molotov cocktail” gains a C-level entry:”Explosive Flame”!】

(Explosion: triggers an explosion after hitting, increasing the killing range by 100%)

【Ding! The item”Homemade Molotov cocktail” gains a C-level entry:”Fire”!】

(Diffusion: The burning damage caused by this item is increased by 100%, and the diffusion range is increased by 100%)


Various entries were displayed on the homemade Molotov cocktails, giving them more powerful effects!

Lu Chen picked up a bottle of”Homemade Molotov cocktail of Explosion” and threw it hard.

With a”bang”, an orange fireball exploded in the center of the zombie swarm, engulfing the nearby zombies!

The power of the explosion alone killed about 10 zombies!

Seeing this scene, Sakurajima Mai blinked, with confusion written all over her pretty face – is this thing a Molotov cocktail?

Are you sure you didn’t stuff a grenade into the wine bottle…?

Before she could think about it, Lu Chen excitedly handed over several Molotov cocktails with the entries filled in.

“You can try it, it’s quite relaxing”

“You don’t have to aim too accurately, just throw it into the group of corpses.”

Faced with Lu Chen’s enthusiastic”promotion”, Sakurajima Mai couldn’t refuse.

And she saw Lu Chen throwing so happily, and she was also eager to try.

“Well, then I’ll give it a try.……”

Sakurajima Mai held a Molotov cocktail in both hands and walked to the window very carefully.

After Lu Chen lit the cloth strip on the bottle mouth with a lighter, he quickly threw it outside.

A blazing line of fire quickly spread from the point where the Molotov cocktail landed, igniting the nearby zombies.

The entry for this Molotov cocktail is to increase the burning range and damage, and the effect is very significant.

“You see, it’s actually very simple to kill these zombies. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

Lu Chen patted the girl’s shoulder encouragingly, and then divided the Molotov cocktails into two piles.

“Half and half, we don’t have���The rest of the time can be wasted.”

Feeling the weight on her shoulders, Mai Sakurajima took a deep breath and nodded vigorously, with a resolute look on her pretty face.


In less than a quarter of an hour, the zombies gathered on the first floor were almost completely cleared.

Although there were still some zombies on the edge that were not affected by the Molotov cocktail,

Lu Chen continued to use the tracking effect of”Charge Throw” and used the dagger to accurately kill the remaining zombies.

“I have more than 200 gear copper coins here, how about you?”

After cleaning up the battlefield and reuniting, the two quickly counted the proceeds from the massacre.

“I have about the same number, more than 200 as well.

Mai Sakurajima seemed to be counting and collecting them at the same time, and quickly gave an answer.

“That adds up to more than 400… enough.”

Lu Chen looked at the time, quickly took the girl’s hand, and rushed towards the slot machine.

“Hurry up and draw the lottery, it’s almost too late!”

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