Function plug-in!

Ever since he got the watch, Lu Chen has been thinking about how to get the function plug-in.

It turns out that he got it in a place like this!

“What’s wrong? Is this thing valuable?”

Seeing the surprise and excitement on Lu Chen’s face, He Hua raised his eyebrows and snorted

“Fortunately, I have a keen eye, otherwise you would have missed it, why don’t you thank me now.”

She thought that Lu Chen would just say something casually to perfunctorily as before.

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen, who was in an excited state, reached out and touched her head.

“Good boy, you did a good job this time. I’ll give you candy when we get back.”

“……No, I’m not a kindergarten kid.”

Fengbin and Hua shrank their necks, remembering the last time they said”Don’t touch me” to Lu Chen, they could only let him touch their heads.

Sakurajima Mai, who was standing by, breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this scene, thinking that their relationship had finally eased.

She thought that Hua would be dissatisfied with Lu Chen, but it seemed that… they seemed to get along well?

I don’t know if they had met on the way here.���What happened?……


After installing the functional plug-in into the slot on the watch, accompanied by a prompt sound, an information interface appeared in front of Lu Chen’s eyes.

【Scanning plugin information】

【Scan successful, do you want to load the”Weather Forecast” plug-in?】

【After loading, you can check the weather information within 1 hour through the watch.】

【After returning to the safe house, you can also check tomorrow’s weather forecast on the computer】

【This function takes up 1 function slot】

“Weather forecast… it’s really a very common function.”

When he saw the function description, Lu Chen’s mouth twitched slightly.

He thought it was some kind of earth-shattering and awesome function.

Unexpectedly, it was just a simple weather forecast plug-in…

He didn’t expect that this function could be disassembled and used as a component.

“However, since the survivor game is set up like this, it means that this plug-in must be useful.”

“Weather forecast?……”

Lu Chen seemed to have thought of something and activated the plug-in directly.

Soon, an inconspicuous new function appeared in the function list of the watch.

“Check the weather conditions within one hour.”

The watch screen refreshed immediately, and a line of information appeared:

【Within 1 hour, the weather in the”Doomsday City” area will be cloudy and turn to light rain, and the average temperature will drop to 21°C. No special circumstances】

“It’s quite detailed, and it has everything it should have.”

When Lu Chen was testing the new function of the watch, Mai and Hehua also came over curiously, surrounding him from the left and right.

“Weather forecast? This function is very useful.

Mai took a look at the information on the screen and gave it a surprisingly good evaluation.

“Oh? Why do you say that?”

“When you are out shooting, if it is cloudy or rainy or snowy, it will delay the work schedule.

Mai thought about it and told her own experience.

“More responsible photographers will arrange the shooting according to the weather forecast in advance, which can avoid a lot of trouble… I think Hua has had similar experiences.”

“Hmm… That’s right.”

Fengbin and Hua nodded and also fell into memories.

“When performing on an open-air stage, it sometimes rains.”

“Singing and dancing in the rain… After becoming an idol, I realized that this job is not easy.”

The two sisters looked at each other with sympathy, sighed at the same time, and reached a certain empathy.

“So, this function is really useful.”

Lu Chen tried to refresh the function plug-in, but similar to some of the previous situations, it didn’t work.

“Is it because the functional plug-in itself is part of the watch?……”

Since he couldn’t brush the entries, Lu Chen didn’t continue to invest energy in it.

With the precedent of finding this functional plug-in with Hua, Lu Chen carefully checked the electronic reading room again.

Finally, he found another functional plug-in on the chassis of another computer!

“Not bad, this time it’s not a loss at all.”

After installing the new function plug-in on the watch, Lu Chen’s eyes reappeared the scanning interface

【Scanning plugin information】

【Scan successful, do you want to load the”Survivor Radar” plug-in?】

【After loading, you can scan the surrounding area, cool down for 5 minutes】

【Valuable materials and props will be highlighted in your field of vision】

【This function takes up 1 function slot】

“That’s right!”

Seeing the functional description of”Survivor Radar”, Lu Chen’s eyes suddenly lit up.

This is the plug-in function he wants!

Compared with it,”Weather Forecast” is at most a gift.

Lu Chen couldn’t wait to activate the Survivor Radar plug-in and test it.

I saw an invisible wave spreading out with him as the center, quickly sweeping the nearby area.

Lu Chen silently estimated the scanning range

“10 meters…20 meters…50 meters…hmm?”

“Isn’t this range a bit too large?”

He originally thought that the radar’s scanning range was at most 20 meters in radius.

But he didn’t expect that after using the scanning function, many signs of supplies appeared in his field of vision, and the farthest could reach about 50 meters! It was not until Lu Chen looked at the entry of the watch that he suddenly realized it.

Entry-wide area!

This entry can increase the range of all functions of the watch by 1 times!

Originally, only the”Survivor Broadcast” function could enjoy the effect of this entry.

However, the”Survivor Radar” is also a range-type function, which can take effect

“What a pleasant surprise! It seems this entry can be used for a while.”

Lu Chen waited silently for a moment. After about 1 minute, the highlight mark in his field of vision gradually dimmed and returned to normal.

“Cool down for 5 minutes, last for 1 minute, the frequency is OK”

“With this function, it will be more convenient to collect supplies in the future”

“But today… let’s retreat first.”

After exploring the library for a while, Lu Chen stayed there until the fifth hour.

The zombies that had been refreshed and not cleared out had already formed a long queue in the library, blocking the exit.

“It seems that the people from the”Mutual Aid Group” have almost withdrawn.”

“Otherwise, they won’t let these zombies go.”

While pulling out a gun and shooting the zombies downstairs, Lu Chen said to the two women beside him.

“When you get back, do you want to come to my safe house and have a seat?”

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