Although the main road of the commercial street is full of broken-down cars, it still exudes a sense of loneliness and desolation. Once upon a time, this place was bustling with people.

But now there is only a messy and messy ground and shocking bloodstains.

“I always feel like… it’s a place where horror movies would be shot.”

Sakurajima Mai subconsciously lowered her voice and whispered her thoughts.

She seemed to be afraid of zombies and other enemies that might suddenly jump out from the corner.

She followed closely behind Lu Chen, and tried to reach out and grab the corner of Lu Chen’s clothes several times, but she shrank back.

Perhaps she thought that this action was a bit childish and too intimate, and she was embarrassed.

Lu Chen, who was walking in front, was alert all around while searching for places where supplies might be.

Although the game rules mentioned that enemies would be refreshed near the player every 10 minutes.

But there was no clear rule that there would be no other enemies in the dangerous area.

Since it is called”Abandoned City of Doomsday”, there might be many zombies wandering in the city.

“But at present, this street doesn’t seem to be dangerous.”

After gradually going deeper into the commercial street, Lu Chen thought silently.

“Although… there wasn’t much to gain.”

From the weeds that have grown to knee height, it seems that this place has been abandoned for many years.

Even if there were a lot of supplies left, they are probably almost destroyed.

Food in particular is the worst hit area.

Lu Chen found a few restaurants and was immediately irritated by the stench of decay as soon as he entered the door.

“I am afraid that only canned foods with a longer shelf life can be preserved intact.”

“There should be a supermarket or something nearby.……”

While thinking, Sakurajima Mai’s slightly anxious reminder suddenly came from behind.

“Lu Chen, the enemy has respawned!”

Looking back, they saw a few staggering zombies on the street not far away.

Because they were coming from the same direction, they were sure that these were the enemies that appeared out of nowhere.

“The number of enemies… is still 4”

“It seems that the difficulty will not increase in the short term.”

Lu Chen walked to the front and protected Sakurajima Mai behind him.

“Just leave it to me from now on.”

Mai Sakurajima felt warm in her heart and whispered

“Well… be careful and don’t get hurt.”

The concern of the beauty behind him gave Lu Chen more motivation.

This time he did not take out the Glock pistol, after all, the bullets were limited.

After searching the commercial street for most of the day, although he did not find any supplies, it was not without gain.

Lu Chen got a brand new weapon from the fire cabinet of a store.——

【Fire Axe: E-level, lethality E, a firefighting tool used to deal with emergencies, with high sharpness and durability】

The slender wooden handle and the axe blade painted with red paint make this fire axe a rare long-handled weapon.

And Lu Chen also gave it an entry!

【Ding! The weapon”Fire Axe” gains a C-level entry:”Feather”!】

(Feather: slightly reduces the impact of the weapon and greatly reduces the weight of the weapon)

The axe that looks heavy is as light as a feather in Lu Chen’s hand!

When using it, you don’t need to consume much physical strength to swing the sharp axe blade to make a sound of breaking through the air!

With the new weapon in hand, Lu Chen was itching to try it out.

The four zombies that were refreshed were separated by the abandoned vehicles on the street.

Lu Chen mustered up his courage and slowly approached the nearest zombie.

After entering the attack range, he suddenly swung the fire axe in his hand!

The bullet may miss… but the axe in his hand will not!

Puff- the axe blade cut into the zombie’s neck fiercely, directly cutting off the fragile neck!

Lu Chen felt that he just waved his arm lightly.

The zombie in front of him was directly beheaded and the head rolled out.

The zombie without a head froze in place for a moment, and finally fell to the ground and gradually disappeared.

Only a few gear copper coins were left spinning in place.

“”So easy.”

Picking up the fallen coins, Lu Chen licked his lips with a fiery heart, and looked at the remaining enemies not far away with a fierce fighting spirit.

A bold idea suddenly emerged in his mind.

These zombies… can they also brush the entries?!

Since players can do it, there is no reason why zombies can’t!

“I just don’t know if the zombies will become weaker or stronger after gaining the entry.”

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Chen couldn’t help but use the ability to brush the entry on a zombie.

Even if something unexpected happened, he still had a gun as a killing weapon!

Soon, the system prompt appeared in front of him.

【Ding! The enemy”Zombie” gains a C-level entry:”Weak”!】

(Weakness: All attributes decrease by 1 level, movement speed decreases by 50%)

“It really can brush up the entries!”

“And the effect seems to be quite good?”

Lu Chen looked at the zombie with the prefix”weak” with surprise.

He found that the zombie, which was originally staggering like an old man, almost became a”wriggling” state.

It took several seconds to move a footstep, which was extremely slow.

In addition, its vitality was far less than the zombies killed before.

It looked like it was just dealing with official business, very perfunctory.

Lu Chen didn’t spend much effort and killed it easily.

“If every zombie could swipe out the”weak” entry, it would be so much easier.”

Looking at the remaining two zombies, Lu Chen raised his hand and swiped two entries with ease… but this time, an accident happened!

【Ding! The enemy”Zombie” gains a D-level entry:”Slow”!】

(Slow: Movement speed reduced by 50%)

【Ding! The enemy”Zombie” gains a B-level entry:”Superpower Mutation”!】

(Power mutation: Level +1, and gain a low-level power. After being defeated, it drops”Power Seed””)

A negative entry, a positive entry… and a positive entry with a B-level attribute!

Seeing the description of”superpower mutation”, Lu Chen was shocked.

Just as he was about to take out his gun to shoot the mutated zombie, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a rapidly approaching object from the corner of his eye.


Lu Chen barely dodged at the critical moment, then fired several shots, emptied the magazine directly, and finally shot the mutated zombie.

However, a sharp scream came from behind him.


It was Mai Sakurajima’s voice!

Was she attacked?! He didn’t bother to pick up the fallen items.

Lu Chen turned around and rushed back to Mai Sakurajima, but he didn’t see the enemy.

Instead, the girl’s current state made his nose hot – the attack launched by the mutated zombie just now was a ball of water!

Lu Chen dodged it, but Mai Sakurajima behind him was drenched in water!

Fortunately, the power of the water ball was not strong, it just knocked her to the ground and soaked her whole body, and no external injuries were seen.

It was just that the thin uniform shirt was wet by the water and stuck to the girl’s fair skin, revealing a flesh-colored color that made people reverie.

A pair of jade legs wrapped tightly in black silk, and after falling to the ground, they revealed a fleshy absolute domain.

Seeing Lu Chen stunned in place, looking up and down at himself.

Mai Sakurajima protected her chest with both hands, and said angrily and amusedly

“After you have finished admiring it, can you give me a hand?”

“……Excuse me.”

Lu Chen coughed lightly and reached out to pull the soaked Sakurajima Mai up from the ground. He felt a little embarrassed that he was staring at the girl so directly and was discovered by her.

“There is a clothing store over there. Let’s go see if there are any replacement clothes.”

“in addition……”

Lu Chen did not forget to kill the remaining zombie, and picked up the items dropped by the mutant zombie.

In addition to a few gear copper coins, the mutant zombie also dropped a brand new prop!

【Power Seed: E+ level, after use, there is a 30% chance to awaken a low-level power, a 10% chance to awaken an intermediate power, and a 60% chance to have no effect.

Power Seed!

After use, there is a chance to obtain”Power”!


(Thanks for the flowers! I’m working hard to update!)

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