On the fifth day, various areas of the doomsday city.

In a parking lot full of abandoned vehicles, Busujima Saeko gently stroked the handle of a knife, with dead birds piled at her feet.

However, under the iron-gray clouds, there were still groups of dark shadows passing through the sky and circling nearby.

The dusty telephone poles were covered with vultures with dull feathers, as if ready to pounce on the corpses and feast on flesh and blood at any time.

On another street, a cautious survivor player was about to go to the store on the street to search for supplies.

But two zombie dogs covered in rotten flesh and more than half a person’s height suddenly rushed out of the pet shop next to him and knocked him to the ground.

Accompanied by horrifying screams and the sound of bones breaking, the street returned to silence after a brief bustle.

Only the creepy chewing sound was left, which lingered for a long time.

“Damn it, find it for me!”

“”We must find the couple who killed our brothers today!”

In a square, a thin young man with gloomy eyes kept shouting and cursing.

Dozens of thugs with fierce faces and different expressions gathered nearby.

And more people kept rushing here.

As the leader of the”Wolf Heart Society”, the thin young man exuded a fierceness all over his body.

“Especially that guy named Lu Chen, take clear pictures when killing him and send them to the chat room!”

“Let the people in this channel see what happens if they mess with us!”

Before the channel merger, the Wolfheart Society had suffered at the hands of Saeko Busujima.

So the thin young man was very afraid of her and didn’t dare to provoke her.

But this guy named”Lu Chen” had never been heard of before.

This made the thin young man feel like he had pinched a”soft persimmon” and planned to kill the chicken to scare the monkey

“Boss! I have a new discovery here! Help me!”

Suddenly, a member of the Wolfheart Society ran over from another street with a pale face.

Behind him followed several zombie dogs wearing”vests”.

The thin young man frowned, but still waved for others to help.

After dealing with the zombie dogs with all his might, he walked forward with his hands behind his back and asked in a dissatisfied tone

“You kid actually dared to lead the enemy to the assembly point, do you want to live?”

“Tell me about your new discovery, or I’ll feed you to the zombies!”

“Listen, listen to me! Boss, this is definitely good news!”

The rescued member of the association quickly pointed at the corpse of the zombie dog.

“Look at the uniforms on these dogs, they are all police dogs!”

“I found a police station, maybe I can get a gun there!”

Hearing this, the thin young man’s pupils shrank, and he obviously realized the importance of guns.

Although one bullet can only kill one zombie at most.

But against the survivor players who are also human beings… one shot at a time!

If I have a gun, even that crazy woman can be easily taken down!

“She killed so many of my brothers. If I catch her… I will make her live a life worse than death!”

The thin young man’s face showed undisguised desire, and he couldn’t help licking the corner of his mouth.

“Come on, take us there!”

“Leave a few people behind to explain the situation to the brothers behind and ask them to follow!”

“I must get a gun today!”


The battle in the sewer was over.

The stench of the pipe was now filled with a bloody smell.

“Such a big rat, must it be raised by hormones?”

Looking at the corpses of zombie rats all over the ground, Lu Chen frowned and walked by.

These rats are particularly fat, with a maximum length of half a meter and a height of about the same as the calf.

In such a narrow space, suddenly encountering such a group of zombie rats would be a headache for anyone.

Fortunately, Lu Chen has supernatural powers. When encountering such an emergency, he can directly use gravity to suppress and control it with great force!

Because it was not a refreshed enemy, the corpse of the rat did not disappear.

Looking at the fat dead rats, an idea suddenly emerged in Lu Chen’s mind.

These rat meat… maybe they can be eaten?

Thinking of this, Lu Chen suddenly shuddered.

“It’s not that time yet, and I don’t lack food.”

If it were other extremely hungry players, they would probably eat anything.

But Lu Chen at least had the leeway to be picky about food.

After advancing in the pipe for about ten minutes, no zombies spawned around. They were probably spawned in other places and could not enter the pipe.

Lu Chen once again issued a survivor broadcast to try to get in touch with Mai and others.

“This is Lu Chen, please report the situation during this period.”

Soon, Mai’s reply came over.

“I’m Mai, and I just dealt with the zombies that spawned with Kazuka… Judging from the number, there should be 4 people.”

“4…Does that mean that Teacher Kirisu is still not around?”

Lu Chen continued to ask thoughtfully.

“Any other findings?”


Mai suddenly lowered her voice, as if to avoid being noticed by something.

“Hehua and I found a very hidden campsite near the hillside.”

“Judging from the surrounding fortifications, I infer that it may be some kind of military facility… such as an air-raid shelter, an ammunition depot, or something like that.”

“But there were many zombie soldiers in camouflage uniforms around the camp, so Hehua and I didn’t dare to act rashly.”

After listening to Mai’s report, Lu Chen was very surprised, but also worried for her.

Military base! Ammunition depot!

If this is such a place, it’s perfect!

This is a good place to get a lot of weapons and ammunition!

If we can get him, the whole team will be armed to the teeth and don’t have to worry about not having weapons!

“You did the right thing. Don’t act rashly until Futaba and I leave the sewer.”

“Send me the coordinates of that camp, and try to stay away from it. The zombies that are refreshed may disturb the soldier zombies.

Although Lu Chen is not sure about the combat effectiveness of the soldier zombies, they are definitely stronger than zombies transformed from ordinary people.

“Okay, we will be careful.”

Then, Mai’s voice disappeared in the channel and the link was disconnected.

However, there was still a connection in the temporary channel.

This means that Futaba was there all along, but she just didn’t speak.

“”Futaba, where are you? Can you hear me?”

After a while, the girl’s voice appeared in the channel, and it could be heard that she was a little nervous. The fact that Futaba, who had always been calm, showed such emotion was enough to show that she had encountered a very difficult situation.

“Sorry, I left my original location.”

“A pack of mutant rats just attacked me.”

“I used up my fire cocktail, temporarily blocked the road, and hid in a small room… It should be the sewer maintenance station”

“My flashlight is at the door, I didn’t turn it off.”

“If you pass by, you can judge that I am nearby.”

It seems that she has just escaped, but is in trouble.

Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief. Shuangye’s situation is not the worst. At least her life is safe.

“I’ll go find you now”

“”Hold on.”

In the dark maintenance station room, the girl held the watch against her chest.

It seemed that the sound coming from inside could soothe her violently beating heart.

The flashlight was left outside the door, and Futaba had no means of lighting at this time.

Trapped alone in the dark hut, she didn’t know when she would be rescued. In such a situation, anyone would feel anxious and uneasy.

In the darkness, it seemed that at any time, a rotten and shriveled zombie arm or a group of mutant rats might stretch out.

“……”Hold on.”

Although her body was shaking, Futaba still whispered to herself to encourage herself.

However, she didn’t know how long she could maintain this strength and calmness.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, there was a rapid knock on the door.

“”Shuangye, are you in there?”

Lu Chen picked up the flashlight that had fallen on the ground and realized that this should be the place Shuangye mentioned.

He scanned the surroundings of the pipe and found a hidden iron door. He knocked on the door, but before he could shout a few more words, a petite figure suddenly rushed out from behind the door and threw herself into his arms.

“……It’s okay, I’m here.”

Lu Chen felt the delicate body in his arms trembling constantly, and it seemed that she was very scared.

He said while gently patting the girl’s back. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Did you find anything in there?”

“No, I can’t see anything.”

Shuangye reluctantly left Lu Chen’s arms and looked behind him.

“I should have brought an extra flashlight with me earlier.”

Although everyone in the team was equipped with a backpack, the capacity was limited.[]

Not everyone is like Lu Chen, who has storage space without having to worry about capacity and weight.

“Let me see, maybe there are clues to get out here.”

Lu Chen returned the flashlight to Shuangye, and walked into the maintenance station himself.

Under the illumination of the beam of light, the situation in the room was also clear at a glance.

Some rusty and decayed maintenance tools, and the ground was covered with fungi and moss.

There were a few dirty labor gloves in the tool cabinet, which should be useless.

But in the drawings on the wall, Lu Chen found useful information.

“This should be the sewer maintenance diagram.”

Lu Chen reached out to wipe the dust off the drawing and identified it.


Futaba on the side seemed to have thought of something.

“Try scanning this drawing with your watch.”

“You installed the city map plug-in, maybe it will be useful.”

Hearing this, Lu Chen also reacted.

He hadn’t used the scanning function of the watch for so long that he almost forgot the correct use of this function.

“OK, I’ll try it.”

Then Lu Chen raised his wrist and began to scan the drawing.

After a few seconds, a message popped up in front of Lu Chen.

【You have scanned additional data:”Doomsday City” sewage treatment system maintenance diagram】

【[Loading the attached map… Loading successfully]

Soon, a detailed three-dimensional map appeared in front of Lu Chen.

The route to leave was marked on it very considerately.


Lu Chen looked at Shuangye in surprise.

“It seems that this scanning function is not only used for taking pictures…ah.”

After saying this, Lu Chen immediately realized that something was wrong.

After all, Futaba had sent him a sexy selfie.

“Of course.”

Futaba didn’t react, and urged

“Never mind this, just leave this place”

“If I stay any longer, I’ll be soaked by this stench.”

“That’s true. I hate the environment here too.”

The two reached a consensus and quickly headed towards the exit along the established route.

According to the route shown in the maintenance diagram, they needed to reach a wide underground space.

Then they left the sewer and went to the ground through the ladder in the maintenance shaft.

The whole journey was no more than 500 meters, which seemed very simple…

But after arriving at the underground space where the ladder was located, the two faced the dense red light spots under the pipes, and they all felt a chill on their backs and tingling on their scalps.

These red light spots… were all mutant rats!

“It seems that they regard this place as their nest.”

Futaba lowered her voice and whispered

“Do you want to use fire attack?”

She knew that Lu Chen brought all the Molotov cocktails he made.

If they were all used up, this mutant rat nest could be burned down directly!

“Our goal is to leave the sewer, there is no need to get entangled with these rats.”

Lu Chen shook his head, pondered for a moment, and suddenly said

“Hold on tight”


Before the girl could react, Lu Chen picked her up by the waist and flew into the air!

Zero gravity mode!

The mutant rats below sensed the breath of humans and suddenly became excited, making a squeak like a tsunami!

Countless scarlet dots of light gathered at this moment, staring at the two people floating in the air.

You can even hear them grinding their teeth and making a tooth-aching squeak.

It seems that if anyone falls, they will rush up and eat them up!

Futaba glanced at the rats gathered below, and her voice trembled a little.

“……Next time, before I do something that is bad for my heart, I hope you can remind me first.”

“”Sorry, I neglected it.”

733 Lu Chen replied casually, but his eyes fell on a corner of the rat group.

There was a pair of eyes that were scarlet and more ferocious than those of other mutant rats!

The mutant rats around it also took it as the center, as if they were surrounded by stars.

All signs indicate that the owner of this pair of eyes is not a simple person!

“Could it be the Rat King?!”

It is said that wealth and honor are sought in danger.

Although Lu Chen did not know what”wealth and honor” there was

, based on his gaming experience… this kind of”elite monster”, there must be something good if you kill it!

“Come here!”

Lu Chen shouted in a low voice, locked onto the individual suspected to be the”Rat King”, and dragged it directly in front of him!

This mutant rat was even more burly, as big as a calf, weighing three or four hundred pounds!

Fortunately, after Lu Chen’s spiritual attributes were upgraded twice, his abilities were also greatly enhanced.

In the past, it would take some effort to pull the Rat King in front of him out of thin air. Feeling the invisible gravity lifting himself into the air.

The Rat King screamed in fear, as if calling on the rat group!

Hundreds of mutant rats below suddenly boiled up and became a mess!

Mutated rats kept jumping towards Lu Chen’s position, but no matter how hard they tried, they could not cross the distance of more than ten meters.

“Still want my little brother to bite me?”

“Keeping it will be a nuisance… Die!”

With the crazy output of mental power, the Rat King in mid-air suddenly exploded into a ball of flesh and blood, and died tragically on the spot!

The bones and flesh crushed by gravity splashed to the ground.

The mutant rats who were just obeying the Rat King’s orders began to scramble for the Rat King’s flesh and blood!

In a moment, the rat nest was in chaos, and the mutant rats began to fight each other for the Rat King’s flesh and blood.

“Tsk tsk, beasts are beasts after all.”

Lu Chen glanced at the miserable scene below and stopped paying attention.

He didn’t know when a black card covered with blood appeared in his hand.

This was something found in the body of the Rat King.

The card did not have any information, indicating that it was not a prop.

But since it appeared here… it must be useful.

After killing the Rat King, Lu Chen had no reason to stay any longer, and left directly from the patio with Shuangye.

He thought he would appear in the wilderness like Mai and the others.

But after arriving on the ground, he and Shuangye were stunned on the spot.

“This place looks like a warehouse.”

Futaba glanced around and his eyes fell on several zombies walking towards here.

“My intuition tells me that the uniforms they wear and the guns they hold are not just for show.”

“I think so too… Go back quickly!”

At the critical moment, Lu Chen directly dragged Shuangye back to the underground space of the sewer.

The next moment, the deafening sound of gunfire exploded like the firecrackers of the New Year!

“Damn, it’s over.……”

Lu Chen stuffed two pieces of toilet paper into his nose again, and looked up with lingering fear.

“Zombies can actually shoot? Are there any laws left?!”

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