“What’s wrong? Why do you look like this all of a sudden?

The girl who was fixing Lu Chen’s collar looked up and saw his expression, and said in surprise

“Nothing, I just want to see you more.”

Lu Chen answered without thinking, carefully observing Mai Yi’s pretty face, as if immersed in it.

“Saying this early in the morning……”

Mai blushed and let Lu Chen’s eyes wander over her.

In fact, he was checking her attribute panel.

【Player: Mai Sakurajima】

【Status: Healthy】

【Attributes: Strength E, Constitution D, Spirit E】

【Trait: Dawn Star]

(Dawn Star: The effect of one’s own ability changes with the fluctuation of mental power)

(When mental power is sufficient, the strength of all abilities is improved)

(When mental power is low, the mental power consumption of all abilities is reduced)

Because”Until Death” also has the effect of”Be Frank and Honest”,

Lu Chen can directly see Mai’s various attributes, including the”Traits” she just obtained.”——

“Traits can actually be obtained through entries……”

“However, judging from the description of”Unwavering Until Death”, this trait can only be obtained once in this way.”

Lu Chen observed Mai’s attributes thoughtfully.

D-level physique was obviously improved by using the bottle of B-level strengthening potion.

It was good luck to be able to add it to the physique attribute.

Although the strength attribute is also critical, physique is the foundation of strength.

It can not only increase endurance, but also improve survivability.

Mai’s trait”Dawn Star” has two effects.

The first is to enhance the effect and intensity of various abilities, which requires sufficient mental power to trigger.

The second is to reduce the mental power consumption of performing abilities when the mental power is low.

From the effect point of view, this seems to be a trait that exists specifically for superpowers.

After all, skills like”Charge Throw” consume physical strength rather than mental power.

“Not bad”

“Although there is no function to add attributes of type 723……”

“But there are no negative effects.”

Here, Lu Chen used the”murderous rage” trait of Saeko Busujima to compare.

Although the latter can simply and roughly improve many attributes, it is also accompanied by the serious negative effect of losing mental power.

“Stop looking, it’s time to eat”

“We will have to gather everyone and make preparations for departure later.”

After hearing Mai’s reminder, Lu Chen closed the attribute panel, and the girl’s slightly shy face appeared in his vision.

“Today’s breakfast… well, needless to say, it’s still a soldier’s ration.”

“We can’t help it, these are all we have right now.”

Mai tore open a bag of MRE, poured the contents onto the coffee table, and began to”cook.”

She called it cooking, but in fact, she just put the staple food that needed to be heated into the heating bag, poured water into it and sealed it.

“At least these things can be heated up compared to the canned food from the past few days.”


Lu Chen weakly squeezed a lump of paste-like stuff into the plate.

Although this thing exudes a smell similar to”spaghetti bolognese”.

But the shape and color look like something that can’t be said while eating.

Coupled with the hot steam emitted after heating, it looks even more like…

I really want to eat fried chicken and rice. I haven’t eaten proper food for nearly a week. Even Lu Chen can’t help but miss the old days.

Even if it’s just ordinary daily life, it seems precious at this time.

“Not to mention where the ingredients for the dishes come from……”

Mai said helplessly

“There is no kitchen or gas in the safe house.”

“Although there are lights and computers, there are no sockets on the wall and I can’t use the electrical appliances I brought back.”

“If you want to cook, you can only find a place in the Doomsday City… For example, the kitchen of the hotel building.”

Hearing this, Lu Chen imagined it and laughed out loud.

“Cooking surrounded by zombies? It feels like some kind of variety show.”

“Then the planning of this program is really terrible.”

After the tasteless dining experience, Lu Chen stretched and sent invitations to the team members.

Before everyone gathered, he still had time to check the weather and brush up on the entries in front of the computer.

“Hmm…it’s raining again today, although it’s just a drizzle.”

Lu Chen glanced at the information of the weather forecast plug-in, searched for a few umbrellas from the messy storage space, and put them in a place where they can be easily found.

He probably doesn’t need this kind of thing now.

Since the spiritual attribute has reached D level, both the”quality” and”quantity” have been greatly improved.

The”gravitational field” that was more difficult to maintain before can now be opened for a long time, and only a small part of the mental power is consumed.

Although it is a bit of a waste of talent to use it to shelter from the rain, it is also one of the functions.

These umbrellas are prepared for other people in the team.

Like Mai, although her ability is to control water

But the mental attribute is too low, still only E-level, and the total mental power is limited.

If you keep releasing your superpowers during the several hours of exploration,

I’m afraid you’ll have to be carried away in the second half.

In terms of entries, since Mai has already obtained the”Unwavering” entry, you don’t have to worry about refreshing the entry in the future.

The remaining three people, I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or simple probability…

All of them refreshed the”Telepathy” entry!

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows, but he was not too surprised. After all, this entry is also a common type.

In addition to Mai who also has the”Telepathy” effect.

Today’s action… Lu Chen can sense the location of all team members!

?”Collection is more convenient”

“There will be some money left to send survivor broadcasts.”

“It seems that I am lucky today. I wonder which area of the city I will be teleported to.”

Although I was teleported to the wilderness last time, I accidentally discovered a military base and made a fortune.

The team is now fully armed.

Including Lu Chen, all members have tactical vests + military knives and various treasures collected from the laboratory…

Thinking of this, Lu Chen suddenly remembered that he still had two bottles of strengthening potions in his hand.

“Although it’s too late to use it, at least I can refresh the entry first.”

With two crisp prompt sounds, the two bottles of medicine appeared with different brilliances.

【Ding! The item”Strengthening Potion” gains a C-level entry:”Wild Bear”!】

(Wild Bear: Allows you to gain both strength and physical attributes)

【Ding! The item”Strengthening Potion” has obtained a D-level entry:”Choice”!】

(Choice: You can freely choose the attributes to be upgraded, no longer upgrade randomly) (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

These two terms have appeared before, and the effect is very familiar.

“The Wild Bear entry can be used on Futaba, she is now the only member of the team who has not undergone attribute enhancement”

“As for this bottle of choice potion… it’s just for me.”

Both of Lu Chen’s attributes have been strengthened to D level and can no longer be improved through”strengthening potions”.

Only”physique” has room for further strengthening.

Although the choice entry is only D level, you can choose to strengthen from between two attributes, which is just right for Lu Chen at this time.

There is no waste, and the three times of”strengthening potion” are perfectly used up.

His three attributes can also reach D level!

If it were other survivors, even if they were lucky enough to get 3 bottles of strengthening potions, they could only strengthen one attribute to D level at most.

This is the influence of the entry effect!

“Finally… I’m still going to add a new entry to the supernatural power”

“This should be the fourth entry of Origin-Gravity Control”

“After this time, there is only one entry left.”

Lu Chen rubbed his hands, and with a little expectation, he swiped it casually!

【Ding! The supernatural power”Origin-Gravity Control” obtains a B-level entry:”Tracking”


An entry that does not need to explain the effect! It is also the entry that Lu Chen’s first skill”Charge Throw” has obtained!

“Old friend.”

When Lu Chen saw this entry, his eyes lit up.

Although it was an old entry, its effect was still powerful and practical!

With the tracking entry, he could save a lot of energy.

For example, when a bullet bounces, there is no need to aim, and the attacker can be tracked directly!

Combined with the”precision” entry, maybe some more sophisticated operations can be performed…

While thinking, the sound of other people’s conversation came from the living room.

It seems that the people who received the invitation have been teleported in and are waiting for the gathering.

Lu Chen glanced at the time and found that it was almost 6 o’clock. He was about to teleport, so he pushed the door and went out.

“Captain, I have some bad news.

Seeing him appear, Futaba took the initiative to greet him.

“Not good news?”

Lu Chen was a little surprised. How could there be bad news before we even entered the danger zone?

“Tell me”

“The team is about to face the problem of insufficient funds.”

Futaba pushed his glasses and reported seriously

“Yesterday we got a lot of equipment and precious strengthening potions.”

“But later, because of the evacuation, I didn’t care about the zombies that were refreshed.……”

“This resulted in almost no game coins being received yesterday.”

“To make flaming cocktails and other items, you need to purchase materials”

“Although I still have some funds, should I think of a way today?……”

At the end, Futaba’s meaning was clear.

Make money!

“The team is short of funds… This is a problem.”

After listening to Shuangye’s words, Lu Chen realized that he really hadn’t considered this aspect.

The main reason was that there was no large-scale production of E+ attack props before.

“It seems that today’s action plan needs to be determined in advance.”

After thinking for a while, Lu Chen turned around and said to everyone

“Today we will focus on grabbing airdrop supplies”

“Not only can you get special rewards in the airdrop supply”

“The most important thing is… there must be a large number of zombies gathered near the airdrop!”

“This is a good time for us to harvest the zombies and earn a lot of game coins!”

When Lu Chen grabbed the airdrop for the first time the day before yesterday, his attributes had not been strengthened.

He could only temporarily suppress the zombies near the airdrop and run away after grabbing it.

But today’s Lu Chen… is no longer the same!

Not only have the three attributes been comprehensively enhanced.

Even the superpowers have evolved!

At this time, the offensive and defensive situation has been reversed.

Originally, these zombies were stumbling blocks that prevented him from obtaining airdrops.

But now… they are part of the”resources”!

“But the airdrop will not be delivered until an hour later.”

Hehua interrupted and asked

“Before that, what do we need to do?”

“Gather together, and then make plans based on the area you are teleporting to.”

Lu Chen did not answer this question directly.

“The location you are teleported to is different each time, so just act accordingly.”

“We should be able to gather faster this time, so we will have plenty of time to explore in the first hour.”

“Oh, it’s going to rain today, so if you don’t have rainproof equipment, remember to come and get an umbrella.”

After giving instructions, Lu Chen raised his wrist and found that the time was exactly 6 o’clock.

Then, his vision was covered by a white light.

【Transmission starts].

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