Time flies, and a few days have passed in a hurry.

After visiting the factory area, Ningguang quickly drafted a contract and reached a cooperation with Li Yan.

From then on, the shops and factories of Taisu Pavilion were temporarily managed by Ningguang.

Ningguang was responsible for selling all the goods to the seven countries, and the profits were split 50-50.

At the same time, Ningguang also needed to purchase a large number of precious mineral specialties, rare ancient books and alchemical element secrets for Li Yan.

The two were already influential businessmen, and the effect of the cooperation was remarkable.

In just a few days, Liyue Port had undergone considerable changes.

“Why is the price of fabrics at Taisuge so low? No, I have to buy a few pieces quickly because my family is planning to buy new clothes.”

“Painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, fever medicine, cold medicine…are all of these reduced in price? Our Adventurer Association can’t miss it! I don’t know if there is a purchase limit?”

“All kinds of paper are also reduced by half…it’s really a good thing”


The locals of Liyue Harbor discovered that Taisu Pavilion and Ningguang’s shop had merged, and all kinds of goods had been greatly reduced in price, and there was no purchase limit.

This made everyone generous, after all, the goods were good quality and cheap, very affordable.

“Liyue’s products are so cheap? This is a business opportunity!”

“Hurry up and place an order with Taisu Pavilion and Ningguang. As long as you sell Liyue’s products to the other six countries, we will be rich!”

The multinational merchants were red-eyed. As long as they shipped these cheap goods to the other six countries, they could make several times more money.

Suddenly, more and more ships docked and left Liyue Port, and the prosperity soared several times.

“How can Taisu Pavilion and Ningguang’s products be so cheap? The selling price is much cheaper than our cost! What is their cost?”

“How is this possible?! No… It’s over! Now we can’t sell our products at all, we have to reduce the price to stop the loss!”

“Taisu Pavilion…Tianquan Ningguang! Why would these two suddenly cooperate? They don’t even give us a way out?”

“Well, now that things have come to this, I just hope that Lord Ningguang and Taisu Pavilion can show mercy and give us a meal, otherwise I will really go bankrupt.”


Taisu Pavilion and Ningguang quickly seized the market, and all the Liyue merchants who had overlapping businesses were broken and vomited blood.

They could not resist the offensive of the two giants at all, and suffered heavy losses. They either went bankrupt or sought cooperation and became offline.

Yujing Terrace.

An elegant attic, people came and went, carrying all kinds of items in and out

“My House……”

The haggard Mao Cai Gong stared blankly at the attic in front of him, looking very miserable.

Ever since Li Yan asked Zhao Gui to cut off the business with Mao Cai Gong, and a large number of cheap goods have flooded into the market in recent days, he, who could barely make a living before, went bankrupt in an instant, and even mortgaged his house and various furniture collections.

“”Get out of the way, don’t block the way!”

Several servants carrying furniture shouted and hurried past Mr. Maocai, even knocking him to the ground.

The servants didn’t care about this, and Mr. Maocai didn’t dare to say much, so he could only leave in despair.

Because he is no longer the high-spirited businessman he was a year ago, but an ordinary person with no money.

Heyu Teahouse.

There are many spectators under the stage, surrounded by water, and it is very lively.

“Well, you are worthy of being the mainstay of Yunhan Society!”

“Mr. Yunjin sings well!”


A young actor in gorgeous costumes was performing on the stage. His singing skills were profound and his style was unique, elegant and soft, which attracted praises from the crowd.

The actor was none other than Yun Jin, a famous actor of the Yun Han Society.

“Mr. Zhongli seems a little absent-minded today. Is it because my performance today was not good?”

But everyone didn’t know that when the famous actor on the stage was performing seriously, his eyes would occasionally turn to a corner near the railing below the stage.

In the corner, a figure was sitting quietly.

The figure was tall and well-proportioned, wearing a dress that was mainly black, embellished with platinum dragon scales, and looked like a suit and a robe.

He had short black-brown hair and a long ponytail. He looked young and handsome, but he had an extraordinary temperament and a calm and heavy demeanor.

It was the Rock King Emperor Morax, one of the seven rulers who was incarnated as Zhongli and wandered around the world.

He looked calm, raised his teacup and took a sip, but his attention was no longer on the stage, but on the dock in the distance.

There were many ships passing by the dock, and it was even a little crowded, which seemed lively and prosperous.

Although Liyue Port is the largest trading port in Teyvat, it is also a prosperous and long-standing ancient trading capital, known as the Golden Port.

But the scene before his eyes was far beyond the past and had not happened in thousands of years.

He has existed for more than 6,000 years, and the title of God of Commerce is included in his name, but this situation is the first time he has seen it, which shocked him and made him feel very novel.

“This foreigner’s methods are really not simple.”

He nodded slightly in his heart, and a trace of surprise and curiosity flashed in his golden brown eyes.

Liyue Harbor is not big, and of course he has seen and known Li Yan, and he knows that Li Yan is not from Teyvat.

After all, both of them are idle and have overlapping interests and hobbies, so they will naturally meet and have some intersections.

It’s just that neither of them has a deep friendship, nor has they revealed each other’s identities.

They can only be regarded as friends who occasionally help pay the bill.

As a demon god standing at the top, the changes in Liyue Harbor in the past few days naturally cannot escape his insight.

But this also makes him feel more curious in his heart, because he knows that the changes in Liyue Harbor do not rely on extraordinary power.

It is a kind of power that he can’t say, but he has a hunch that it can change the world.

In the face of this power, Liyue and even the seven countries of Teyvat faintly reveal a hint of decay.

If Li Yan knew what Zhongli was thinking at the moment, he would definitely tell him with a smile that this was the power of technology and industry created by humans.

“Well, Li Xiaoyou, let me see what you can do.”

“I can learn a lot from you, an old man.”

He smiled and decided to let it go without stopping it. After all, the demon god loved people, and he was even more so as he had protected Liyue for thousands of years.

He had protected and led Liyue for thousands of years, and the lives of ordinary people were actually not bad.���How wonderful.

Now that Li Yan has just arrived for a year, Liyue Harbor has undergone significant changes.

He is naturally very curious and expectant, and his mentality has also changed a little.

In the past, he governed Liyue by making laws, regulating and guiding the people of Liyue.

Now he sees mechanical power different from the immortal mechanism in Li Yan, and wants to learn more about it.

On the other side, the Qun Yu Pavilion in the sky.

Two figures are standing on the deck overlooking the ancient Liyue Harbor below.

Both of them stand in the wind, their clothes fluttering, as elegant as immortals.

“I have never seen such a bustling and prosperous Liyue.”

Ning Guangyu had a mysterious and elegant smile on her face, her eyes full of joy.

She liked Mora, but she liked Liyue more, which was her well-hidden weakness.

“Under the leadership of Miss Ningguang, Liyue will become more and more prosperous in the future.”

Li Yan smiled and looked at Ningguang, praising her.

“This is all thanks to you, sir. I dare not take credit for it.”

Ningguang shook her head, not agreeing with what Li Yan said, and then asked,”Are you ready to leave, sir?”


“When will you return sir?”

“I don’t know, maybe soon, maybe a long time”


Ningguang was silent for a moment, then smiled beautifully and said,”Then I wish you a safe journey and a smooth trip.””

“Haha… As Miss Ningguang said, I will leave now.”

Li Yan laughed, and then his figure flashed and disappeared directly in front of Ningguang.


Ningguang felt a little disappointed when she saw Li Yan leave so abruptly.


Just as she was feeling a little disappointed, a clear light suddenly flashed in the void in front of her.

The light faded away, revealing the true appearance. It turned out to be a simple bronze mirror, about the size of a palm, with a line of words on the mirror:

“I almost forgot, this is a communication device, Miss Ningguang, you can contact me anytime if you have any questions.”

“This guy… really likes to make people angry!”

Ningguang’s breathing stagnated, and then she shook her head helplessly, and put away the bronze mirror with a smile on her face.

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