In hotel room

“Not bad.”

After a moment, Li Yan absorbed all the information without changing his expression, feeling quite satisfied.

The knowledge he had acquired this time was already the highest level below the demon god level, and the categories were very comprehensive and complicated.

Even for him, he had only barely gotten started in a short while, and it would take him a long time to fully comprehend it.

“I didn’t expect you to be an adventer.……”

Looking at the satisfied Li Yan, Nashida had a complicated expression and was very surprised.

In Teyvat, not all foreign things can be called [Advent]. Only those who can rival a world and are at least equivalent to the level of a demon god are qualified to be called [Adventers].

She couldn’t easily absorb the previous knowledge without changing her expression, but Li Yan could. This shows that Li Yan’s mental will is stronger than hers. You know, although she is not qualified, she is also a demon god.

No wonder he acts so confidently and recklessly, it turns out that it is because of his strength.

“”Your Majesty, did you think I was weak before?”

Li Yan smiled and teased Nashida.

“I just didn’t expect you to be so powerful, a god from a foreign land.”

Nashida sighed. Although she knew that Li Yan was quite powerful, she never thought that he had the strength of a demon god.

This changed her previous thoughts a lot, and she became more cautious in her attitude towards Li Yan.

“Ha… It seems that my breath-retaining technique is pretty good.”

Li Yan chuckled and said to Nashida:”But these are not important. I have many doubts about the previous knowledge. I wonder if Your Majesty can communicate with me?”

Nashida has been studying for five hundred years. If he can get her help, he can absorb this knowledge faster and save some source points.

“”Hmm… OK.”

Nashida groaned after hearing this, and agreed to Li Yan’s proposal after a short thought.

Because this was the first god she had formally come into contact with, and he was kind and respectful to her, she became very curious about Li Yan and wanted to learn more about him.

So the two of them began to study and discuss within the framework of their previous knowledge.

The next morning

“Let’s leave it at that for now.”

Seeing the sky gradually brighten, Li Yan, who had been discussing with Nashida until now, announced the end of this discussion.

The font recorded on the panel also changed slightly.

Advanced Alchemy (Proficient), Advanced Elementology (Proficient).

Although less than a day had passed, he had gained a lot.

The advanced alchemy and elemental knowledge he sorted out had been mastered by him from entry level to proficiency, and his progress was good.

“”Master Taisu, your learning progress is really terrifyingly fast.” Nashida exclaimed, her eyes full of complexities.

Under the deduction and blessing of Taisu Yuanshen, Li Yan’s speed of digesting knowledge was amazing, even she, the god of wisdom and knowledge, could not compare.

But she did not gain nothing. During the discussion, Li Yan’s many novel ideas also gave her a lot of inspiration and made up for some of her basic deficiencies.

In general, she was very satisfied.

But soon, her satisfaction turned into helplessness.

The Teaching Academy, the Xipanduomo Academy where the Sulun School is located

“My fellow student, you just joined the College of Teachings yesterday and haven’t even attended a single class yet, but you’re planning on going out for a study tour?”

“Are you sure you are not kidding me?” A Sulun school scholar who was in charge of reviewing documents looked at the handsome young man in front of him with a look of astonishment on his face.

He checked in the void and found that the young man in front of him was just a junior scholar, Diliyeshi, who had just joined the Sulun school.

Although studying abroad was part of Diliyeshi’s research, he could leave the Jiaoling Academy freely and graduate only after completing a thesis on a subject.

But this young man in front of him had not even studied seriously in the Jiaoling Academy, and he dared to apply for studying abroad? Didn’t he want to graduate?

“I am sure of this.”

Li Yan looked calm and nodded slightly, saying,”Please reply as soon as possible.”

He had already acquired the knowledge, so he would not take classes in the academy like ordinary people.

If he had not promised Nashida to avoid being expelled from the academy, he would not even bother to apply for a formal study abroad.

“Since you insist so much, well, I wish you good luck.”

The person in charge nodded with a complicated look and approved his study abroad application. After all, this was in line with the regulations of the Ministry of Education.

After the application was approved, Li Yan did not stay for long and left the Ministry of Education with a calm and composed pace.


In a classroom at Sipantama College,

Gurash, with white hair and beard, is giving a lecture to the junior scholars below.

“Why hasn’t Li Yan come yet?”

He thought about it while teaching.

After he knew that Li Yan had joined the Sulun School yesterday, he checked the schedule arranged by the Void System for Li Yan and applied to be a tutor today, hoping to meet Li Yan.

Unexpectedly, he had been teaching for a long time, but Li Yan didn’t show up, which made him feel very confused and puzzled.

After class, he opened the Void Terminal and began to explore.

“Ah? Are you going abroad for study?”

“Going out to study without attending any class, this is simply… unheard of!”

Gulesh, who got the answer from the void, was stunned.

For thousands of years, every scholar who joined the Church of God was for learning and research.

Li Yan went out directly before he started any study or research in the Church of God, which really set a precedent.

“What on earth is going on in the mind of such a genius?”

He was very confused and didn’t understand what he meant. In the end, he could only shake his head helplessly and thought to himself,”Well, I can only wait until he comes back to get to know him better.”

Not only was he helpless, Nashida was also quite helpless.

On a small path outside Xumi City

“”That’s too much, Taoist Taisu, you’re taking advantage of a loophole!”

Nashida tilted her little head, put her hands on her hips, and accused Li Yan in an angry manner, looking quite cute.

She originally wanted Li Yan to stay in the Temple of the Lord and change him through the scholarly atmosphere of the Temple of the Lord.

Unexpectedly, he chose to go out to study, which made her plan go down the drain.

Li Yan looked at the petite Nashida with a mysterious and elegant smile on his face.

Although Nashida has lived for five hundred years, she can only be regarded as a simple-minded little girl who likes to dream but is philanthropic.

After all, she has been imprisoned and studying most of the time, and she doesn’t really understand the sinister nature of human hearts.

“May I ask your Majesty, what is the deal between us?”

Li Yan stood with his hands behind his back and asked in a nonchalant tone.


The angry Nashida’s momentum suddenly weakened, and she said in a low voice with some lack of confidence:”Well… I want you to join the Order Academy, and then give you knowledge.”

“Have I joined the College of Educators?”


“Now that I have joined, it means that I have kept my promise.”

“You…you are taking advantage of a loophole and making excuses!”

“There are loopholes to exploit, which only shows that our dear God of Wisdom in the Order Court is not mature enough.”Li Yan smiled and deliberately emphasized the five words”our Order Court” to emphasize that he did not violate the agreement.


Nashida was silent after hearing this, and could only glare at Li Yan angrily before disappearing without a trace.

Li Yan saw Nashida leaving the sight of the void terminal, and did not say much, but just smiled slightly.

He had plenty of ways to deal with a little girl like Nashida.

(ps: Please support the new book, please collect it, please give flowers, please comment, please recommend it, please do whatever you want.)

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