Time flies, three days later.

Alabasta Palace, Vivi’s bedroom

“Now that the matter has been properly handled, I will take my leave for now.”

Li Yan stood by the window and said goodbye to Weiwei.

In the past three days, he had easily suppressed those cadres who went to the Rain Banquet.

After he drew some blood from the devil fruit ability users, he handed it over to Weiwei.

After thinking about it, Weiwei did not execute these people, but secretly handed them over to the navy, including Crocodile.

Because Crocodile is a Shichibukai recognized by the World Government.

If he is directly executed or imprisoned, the impact will be huge.

Not only will it directly slap the face of the World Government, it will also attract the attention of many pirates seeking fame.

In order to become the new Shichibukai, these lawless pirates don’t mind using Alabasta to establish their prestige.

By then, Alabasta will suffer the most. Vivi didn’t want to be an ordinary citizen.

When handing Crocodile and others over to the navy, she specifically reminded them not to let people know that Crocodile was defeated by Alabasta, and give all the credit to the navy.

The garrisoned navy commanders were shocked and delighted. They were shocked that Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, was actually planning to usurp the country, but was discovered and defeated.

They were delighted that they had done nothing and a great credit fell on them.

So they immediately agreed to Vivi’s instructions, after all, they didn’t want to let the credit slip away.

Of course, if they knew that the main text of history was involved, they would definitely not agree easily.

It’s a pity that neither Vivi nor Crocodile, who was unwilling to fail, had the idea of exposing themselves.

“I’ve really troubled you these past few days.”

Weiwei said to Li Yan reluctantly,”Are you really not going to stay for a few more days? I haven’t treated you well enough to thank you.”

Although they had only known each other for a short time, Li Yan was not only charming, but also helped her a lot, which made her feel very fond of him.

“Haha, no need for that.”

Li Yan chuckled and said,”I still plan to take a good look around this world.”

“And if I stay any longer, your father will really misunderstand me.”

He has been with Weiwei these days, which surprised Weiwei’s father.

If it weren’t for the fact that the two of them didn’t act intimately, he would probably think that his daughter was in love.


Weiwei blushed shyly when she heard this. She obviously knew that her father had been secretly observing her for the past few days.

“Well, I wish you a smooth trip, and I will thank you again when I have the chance.”

Seeing that Li Yan was determined to leave, she thought about it and decided not to keep him.

After all, she knew that it would be difficult to change Li Yan’s mind, and there was still a long way to go, so there would be plenty of opportunities in the future.

“Well, if you have any more troubles, you can contact me in the group. Goodbye.”

Li Yan nodded and left a word before disappearing like a dream.

“The real lord is really free and easy……”

Seeing Li Yan leave, Wei Wei couldn’t help but admire him in her heart.

As a princess, she couldn’t be as carefree and unrestrained as Li Yan.

After learning a lot of information from the chat group, she not only had to work hard to improve her own strength, but also had to learn all kinds of knowledge, and she couldn’t rest at all.

Because she wanted to carry out various reforms in the country, improve the country’s economic and military strength and scientific and technological industries, in order to cope with this dangerous and magical world.

It can be said that there is a long way to go.


Drum Island.

Drum Island is an island with many towering cylindrical peaks and covered with ice and snow, not far from the Kingdom of Alabasta.

At the top of the cylindrical peaks is the castle palace.

A fat figure with a big mouth, wearing thick winter clothes and iron armor is sitting on the throne.

It is the king of Drum Island – Wapol.

Wapol is a superhuman Swallow-Swallow Fruit user, who can process and synthesize the things he swallows in his body.

Below Wapol, there are several ministers standing.

“I’m so hungry. Get ready. I’m going out for a snack.”

Wapol yawned and told the ministers below.

“Lord Wapol! You can’t continue to do that!”

As soon as he finished speaking, one of the tall, square-faced young ministers scolded him with a look of deep pain.

His name was Dalton, and he was the user of the bison form of the Animal-type Bull-Bull Fruit, and he was also the captain of the Kingdom Guard.

The reason why he scolded Wapol was that the snacks Wapol was talking about were not snacks in the ordinary sense.

Wapol liked to devour the houses of the people of the kingdom, and the houses after being set on fire were more to his taste, which seemed extremely cruel.

Wapol’s cruelty did not stop there.

The Drum Kingdom used to be a medical power.

But since Wapol promulgated the”Eliminate Doctors” law a few years ago, many doctors were expelled, leaving only 20 doctors in the research institutes of the castle palace.

In this way, doctors throughout the country became his exclusive doctors, and as long as someone was sick, they could only kneel down and beg him and there was no other way.

In this way, he believed that his rule was perfect and he would be the king forever.

“Dalton, are you going to disobey Lord Wapol’s order?”

Seeing Dalton trying to stop him, the other ministers who were helping the tyrant looked at Dalton sinisterly and sneered.


Dalton paused when he heard this, and felt even more pain and anger in his heart.

He naturally couldn’t stand Wapol’s atrocities and didn’t want to help him, but the previous king had done him a favor, so he couldn’t do anything to Wapol.

“Haha… Dalton, hurry up and prepare the guards, Lord Wapol is leaving.”

Seeing this, several ministers laughed even more insidiously and unscrupulously. They just like to see Dalton get humiliated.

After all, Dalton is so righteous, doesn’t it make them look like villains?

Although they are indeed villains, they also have to save face, right?

“All right, Dalton, go get ready.”

Wapol stopped the quarrel among his ministers and did not blame Dalton for his previous offense.

Because Dalton was a capable subordinate left to him by his father, as long as he did not make any big mistakes, he could be tolerant of him.


Dalton looked at the indifferent Wapol and the sinister ministers, and felt powerless and dizzy.

He felt extremely sympathetic and angry about the plight of the common people, but he was unwilling to violate his loyalty to his master.

The entanglement and opposition made him feel extremely uncomfortable, and he didn’t know what to do.

“Oh, God, what should I do to not violate my loyalty and save innocent people?”

Helpless, he could only pray to the illusory God for guidance in his heart.

Since Wapol became king, he has no idea how many times he has prayed to God for guidance, but it is of no use at all.

He also knows that his thoughts are ridiculous, but this is the only way for him to seek comfort.

But this time, God seemed to respond to his prayers.

A figure emitting light suddenly appeared in the void of the castle hall.

The figure had black hair and white robes, and his clothes fluttered, transcending the dust, like a banished immortal.

Dalton looked at the figure that suddenly appeared, his eyes widened, and his heart was extremely shocked.

God…really came?

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