Spacious office interior

“Eh…creating a god is not such a simple thing after all.”

Azar, who had pondered in vain, could not help but sigh, feeling helpless and emotional.

For five hundred years, so many senior sages in the Ministry of Education have been researching, but the god-making plan has not made much progress.

Even though he claims to be a genius and erudite, he has to admit it in the face of this difficult problem.

He is afraid that his generation will not be able to successfully create a real god, and can only continue to leave the problem to future generations.

However, he was not discouraged by realizing this, but was full of fighting spirit and relief.

After all, for a grand goal, many scholars have come forward one after another, which is what people like them pursue.

Tap tap.

Just as he was helpless and sighing, a brisk sound of footsteps came into his ears, making him frown.

“How dare someone disturb me at this time?”

He had already ordered that no one should disturb his research.

He did not expect that someone would dare to disobey the orders of a great sage like him, which made him a little unhappy.

He quickly looked in the direction of the footsteps, wanting to know who was so bold.


When he saw the person clearly, he was stunned, as if he was a little bit unbelievable, thinking that he was dazzled.

He couldn’t help but take off the monocle on his right eye, wiped it, put it back on, and looked at the person again.

After finding that he was not mistaken, the expression on his face changed instantly.

Shock, confusion, fear… many expressions kept appearing on his somewhat old face, which was very exciting.

“How is it possible?! Why is it you?! How did you appear here?!”

The expression on Azar’s face kept changing. He gritted his teeth and spoke in a distorted voice.

A very young grass-green figure appeared in front of him.

He was not unfamiliar with this figure.

Because this was the real master of Xumi, the god of Xumi who had been imprisoned for many years by them – Nashida.

But this made him even more unbelievable.

How could a god who had been imprisoned for many years suddenly escape from the cage and appear in front of him?

“Azar, you are not mistaken, it is indeed me.”

Nashida looked at the extremely excited Azar, nodded slightly, and spoke in a gentle and tender voice.

Although the enemy in front of her was the one who had imprisoned her for many years, she did not have much fluctuation in her heart and seemed very calm.

Because she was the demon god who wielded great power.

From the moment she escaped from the cage, the fate of these enemies would be decided by her.

“It’s really you……”

Nashida’s calm words completely crushed Azar’s hope.

His face turned pale in an instant, and he felt powerless and fell into despair.

Although he and many scholars looked down on Nashida and felt that she was far inferior to the omniscient and omnipotent Great Kind Tree King, they even dared to imprison her.

But they did not forget that Nashida was a demon god.

Although young and weak, she was also a real demon god.

Their plan to create a god has not been completed yet. What can they use to fight against the god Nashida?

“It seems that… the God-making plan may never have a chance of success.……”

He closed his eyes with some difficulty and sighed helplessly.

Since Nashida had escaped from the cage, she would not let them, the usurpers, go easily.

The plan to create gods would naturally come to nothing as they were dealt with.

He did not think of resisting, because he was not a fool, but an extremely smart person.

Without the power to fight against the demon god, resistance would be meaningless and would only seem ridiculous. He did not intend to do useless work.

“How did you escape?”

After sighing, Azar came back to his senses, stared at Nashida, and raised his doubts.

Even though he had already admitted his failure, he still wanted to know who released Nashida, causing the years of hard work of the Order to go down the drain.

Nashida did not answer, but looked at a bookshelf in the office.

Next to the bookshelf, a figure was quietly flipping through a well-preserved paper ancient book.


Azar followed Nashida’s gaze and was stunned.

He then realized that there were other people in the office besides himself and Nashida.

He looked at the figure and his face was instantly moved.

Because he found that although the figure was not far away from him, it was like a layer of vague clouds.

Not to mention seeing the figure’s appearance, even the characteristics of its clothing could not be seen.

This shows that the figure in front of him is very unusual.

At the same time, he has already confirmed in his heart that it was the person in front of him who released Nashida from the cage and completely shattered their plan to create a god that has lasted for many years.

“Who are you? Why did you let her out?”

He gritted his teeth and questioned the figure with some reluctance and resentment.

The figure was naturally Li Yan who came with Nashida.

He came here just to see how Nashida would deal with it, and he did not intend to intervene.

In order not to be noticed by the people of Xumi and affect his leisurely life in the mortal world, he even hid his figure on purpose.

So in the face of Azar’s questioning, Li Yan did not pay attention to it, but ignored it directly.

In his eyes, Azar was not only an ant, but also a loser.

He was not interested in dealing with a loser who was barking wildly.

Seeing Li Yan ignoring him, Azar felt even more angry and aggrieved.

He did not expect that as a great sage, one day he would be treated like a weed on the side of the road and completely ignored.

“Azar, this is not something you should be concerned about right now.”

But before he could say anything more, Nashida’s gentle and tender voice sounded.

It was as if he was poured with a basin of ice water, and he gradually woke up.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. He really has no right to ask the winner to solve his doubts.

On the contrary, he needs to face the winner’s judgment on the loser.

“”Hey…what are you going to do with us?”

He sighed and asked the young and immature Nashida.

Things were already set in stone, and he had no power to change them. He could only hope that his fate would be better.

“I intend to inform the people of Xumi of your crimes, and arrest all your accomplices and exile them to the desert, so that you can help the people of the desert as atonement.”

Nashida did not keep anyone in suspense, and directly stated her verdict on Azar and others.

She did not intend to execute Azar and others, after all, her character was not that cruel, and it would be too wasteful.

Being able to participate in the god-making project, his wisdom is top-notch in the Order Institute.

Instead of executing him directly, it is better to let him go to the desert and contribute to the development of Xumi as atonement.

And this will also be of great help to her future industrial undertakings in Xumi.

“We are going to be exiled to the desert, and we are also expected to help the desert people?!”

Azar’s face turned green when he heard Nashida’s verdict, and he felt uncomfortable.

Exile to the desert was nothing, after all, they also exiled some crazy scholars to the desert.

But helping the desert people was something he couldn’t accept.

The House of Commands discriminated against the people of the desert and imposed many blockades on them.

Even he, a great sage, was the same, and he even discriminated against and hated the desert people more.

Now he was asked to help the desert people who had always been discriminated against by him to atone for his sins, which made him feel more uncomfortable than killing him.

He wanted to commit suicide to escape this verdict, but he couldn’t make up his mind and courage.

After all, he was in a high position and had been pampered for many years, and he had long lost his sharpness.


Nashida looked at Azar’s miserable performance and shook her head, feeling a little bored.

After losing interest in continuing to talk to Azar, she sent a message to the guards through the void, ordering them to come to Azar’s office.

“This is… the order of Lord Little Jixiang Grass King?!”

After receiving the message from Nashida, the guards were shocked and their faces changed drastically. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

They never thought that this God of Sumeru, who had not appeared in front of people for 500 years and had little presence, would send them a special order. However, they did not dare to neglect it at all and hurried to Azar’s office, because this was the order of the gods.

In the seven earthly kingdoms of Teyvat, the orders of the gods are almost absolute, and ordinary people can’t even think of disobeying them.

After all, crazy scholars like Azar are only a minority.

After a while, they came to the office[]

“”Little King of the Auspicious Grass!”

Looking at the young but extraordinary Nashida in front of them, they hurriedly saluted respectfully and waited for her next order.

At the same time, they also curiously looked at the pale and somewhat decadent Great Sage Azar in the office.

What happened to make this Great Sage become like this?


Narrator nodded slightly in response, and then continued to issue orders to everyone.

“Arrest the great sage Azar and his accomplices and exile them to the desert.”

She issued the order while informing everyone of the list of Azar’s accomplices.

“This… actually requires arresting and exiling so many people?”

“Moreover, they were all high-ranking officials of the Decree Court. Even most of the sages were exiled. It was simply unbelievable.”

“No wonder the great sage looked so depressed. It turned out that he was punished and exiled by the little auspicious grass king.”

“What’s going on? Why did Little Jixiang Grass King suddenly appear? And why did he make such a big move?”


Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Because the list given by Nashida had a huge impact on the Church.

Except for the two sages from the theory of cause and the theory of life, all other sages fell, and a large number of senior scholars were implicated.

This was already a serious blow.

Although the order of the demon god Nashida was absolute to them, they would also complete this order.

But this did not affect their doubts and curiosity in their hearts, and they wanted to know what happened.

How could Nashida, the god of Sumeru, do such a thing to harm the Church ?

“You guys go do your work first, I will explain the reasons to you in detail later.”

Nashida looked at the guards who were confused and curious, and did not give a direct answer, but let them go first.

Because the matter was quite complicated, she planned to sort out the crimes of Azar and others, and then inform the people of Xumi.

“”Yes, Lord Little King of the Grass.”

The guards responded respectfully and escorted Azar out of the office to complete the task assigned to them by Nashida.

As a result, the people in Xumi City soon discovered that something was wrong.

They found that the guards broke into the houses and laboratories of some senior scholars without explanation and directly detained them.

“How dare you arrest me?”

“How dare you be so rude? Do you know who I am? Let me go now!”

No matter how these senior scholars shouted and questioned, they remained unmoved and just firmly put the shackles on these scholars.

“How dare these guards do this?”

“Oh my god…are these guards crazy? They dare to detain even a sage?”

“Am I dreaming today? Where is the discipline officer? Why doesn’t he do anything?”

“Did something big happen at the Ordinance House? Why is it so strange?”


The ordinary people of Xumi City were stunned to see many scholars and even sages being detained by the guards without explanation.

In Xumi, scholars have a very high status, far beyond the reach of these ordinary guards.

But at this moment, the guards violently arrested and detained these senior scholars, and no one came to stop them. This was too abnormal.

“The little King of the Auspicious Grass actually began to interfere with the Church Order… But what exactly happened?”

The discipline officers who had placed high hopes on them were actually very confused and curious.

When they first saw the guards arresting scholars, they planned to go forward to investigate and inquire.

But an order from Nashida instantly made them dare not move rashly, and they could only quietly wait for Nashida’s instructions.


In a large prison

“What?! Little Lucky Grass King escaped?!”

“She is also going to exile us to the desert to help the desert people as atonement?!”

“Damn… Has our plan completely failed?”

“Oh… it’s over. I didn’t expect things to turn out like this.”


After many captured scholars learned the whole story from Azar, they couldn’t help but burst into an uproar.

They didn’t expect that the reason they were captured was because Nashida escaped.

Soon, they sighed and stopped making unnecessary excuses and struggles.

It was not unfair for them to be defeated, after all, they were defeated at the hands of the gods.

Although they dared to imprison the gods and even planned to create gods, they only dared to do it secretly.

Because they knew who the real owner of Xumi was, as long as Nashida escaped and the people knew these secrets.

All their plans would become empty talk.

Just thinking that they would not only be exiled to the desert in the future, but also have to help those desert people, suddenly made them feel a chill and discomfort.


In Jingshan Palace

“Not bad.”

After realizing that the soldiers had captured Azar and his accomplices, Nashida nodded slightly and praised.

Then, after a moment of silence, she began to send her experiences over the past five hundred years and the crimes of Azar and others through the void to all the Xumi people wearing void terminals.

“”A message from Little Jixiang Grass King?”

Everyone who received the message was stunned, but soon came to their senses and started to check it out.

They were very curious. How could a god who had not appeared for so many years suddenly send them a message?

Combined with the abnormal events that happened today, there might be a big connection.

When they finished reading the message, their faces were instantly moved, and they were deeply shocked and could not calm down for a long time.

“Little Jixiangcao Wang was imprisoned in Jingshan Palace by the Jiaolingyuan for five hundred years?!”

“The sages of the Order are planning to create their own gods?!”

“Those scholars were arrested today because of the order of Little Jixiang Grass King?! No wonder… they were arrested well!”

“How dare they imprison the Little King of the Auspicious Grass? Exiling them to the desert is really a bargain for them!”

They didn’t expect that their own gods had been imprisoned by the Ministry of Education for five hundred years.

It turned out that their gods had not appeared for so long, not because they didn’t care about the people of Xumi, but because they were imprisoned and powerless.

It was not until now that they broke free from the cage and began to clean up the Ministry of Education, arresting scholars related to the imprisonment of the gods.

They had no objection to this, but rather agreed with it.

Not only because these scholars imprisoned their own gods and were usurpers. It was also because these scholars of the Ministry of Education���It was too crazy to want to create a god of their own.

If the gods of other countries knew about this and became angry, they would probably suffer a catastrophic disaster.

(ps: please subscribe).

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