For geniuses, fighting is always the best learning.

And for the 'protagonist', breaking through in battle is a matter of course.

Which protagonist does not break through once or twice in the battle, counterattack and kill several enemies of the great realm, and go out embarrassed to say that he is the protagonist.

Mitsumoto Sato thought he would have this experience too.

Unfortunately, as the number of rounds with Houst increased, he found that he seemed to think too much.

Maybe it's because the plug-in is more open.

In terms of combat, it took him only a few rounds to go from a blank sheet of paper to barely being able to catch Houster's attack.

And with the continuous exchange, his dry sponge gradually filled with moisture and became full.

And as you absorb more water and experience, the easier it is to deal with Houster's attacks, and the faster and sharper you can counterattack.

And the completely angry Houst not only did not tie his hands because of the change in Sato Hikaru, but completely abandoned his defense and directly attacked with Sato Hikaru, fighting fast and fast.

The number of times the two fought in seconds slowly increased from dozens of punches, and finally all the movements between each other turned into afterimages.

The surrounding air is compressed into air waves by the aftermath of the encounter, and the waves continue to spread outward.


Although Houst is a high-level demon, compared to Hikaru Sato, a krypton gold player who is armed with external plug-ins inside and out, the strength he can burst out has a limit after all.

After about twenty rounds of fighting, Hikaru Sato had already begun to try to counterattack, and after fifty rounds, Houster's speed and strength had increased to the limit, and after sixty rounds, Houster began to fall into the downside in full.

By the 80th round, Houst was getting more and more injured, his all-round form began to decline, and the scales of victory and defeat began to tilt.

When the 90th round of the meeting was reached, Houst failed to retract his right foot in time and was broken by Hikaru Sato's elbow.

Since then, Houst has completely lost the possibility of victory.

The left shoulder was pierced by a punch in the 93rd round, and the right arm was kicked off in the 95th round, followed by Hikaru Sato's jack drop and directly crushed the remaining left leg.

"You lose."

As early as the eighty rounds when Houst's form began to decline, Hikaru Sato had already withdrawn from the madness state.

Hikaru Sato, who had completely recovered his composure at this time, stood quietly in front of Houster.

Looking at the demon whose limbs were ruined and lying on the ruins that had been blown out by the previous burst magic, he let out a long breath: "Thank you for 'teaching' me how to fight, although it is not your own will." "

"Huh... Unexpectedly, there would really be a monster like you..."


Looking down at his powerful hands, Hikaru Sato closed his eyes and recalled his unstrengthened self yesterday...

"Maybe I do think I'm as strong as a monster in your opinion, even yesterday, if I knew that I could grow to this point after a fight, I would feel like a monster."

After carefully comparing yesterday's and today's self, Hikaru Sato finally glanced up at the sky.

"In the past, I couldn't understand what it means to learn more and discover my ignorance, but now that I have become stronger, I have understood my weakness..."

Shaking his head, Hikaru Sato did not have the interest in continuing this topic, and looked directly at Houster and persuaded: "For the demon, an injury like yours should not cause death, but now you have lost."

"Also for the sake of that child's face, I won't kill you, as long as you give up looking for Warbak's doppelganger and leave Axel."

"Do you know that imp too? Scold...... I didn't expect that in the end, I would have to rely on the face of that child to survive. "

"Haven't noticed yet?"

Seeing that Houst didn't seem to have found it, Hikaru Sato, who had just had some emo, also showed a smile and reminded quite amusedly.

"If you think about it, don't you think that the girl holding the Warbak doppelganger looks similar to the Mimi you said?"

"Ahhh... So that's it, sister. "

Reminded by Koichi Sato, Houst immediately thought of the correct answer, and then sighed with emotion: "It seems that the sisters are both very big people." "

"Indeed, my sister contracted the half-body of the evil god as an enchantment, and my sister contracted the servant of the evil god as an enchantment, which may also be some kind of fate."

After chuckling, Hikaru Sato said seriously to Houster again: "So, your choice, is it to continue to fight and be killed by me, or to give up the Warbak matter and return to the Red Devil Village to wait for that child to grow up?" "

"Do I have any choice as a loser, I will leave..."

"Divine Purification !!"


Watching the already seriously injured Houster under the divine light, the pain mixed with doubts slowly dissolved, and finally all turned into dust.

Hikaru Sato actually wants to ask, why?

The battle is over, both sides shake hands and make peace, and the bosses are whitewashed and intend to leave the enchantment who will become the next generation of protagonists....


Turning his head to look in the direction where the attack came from, he saw a certain blue figure crawling out of the soil with a gray face.

"Wha! In the end, it was purified by this goddess! "

While patting the earth and rocks buried on her body after being blown away by the bursting magic, she still snorted, looking at the place where Houster disappeared with a mocking face.

"Deserve it! Bugs like demons should all go back to hell! "


"MD, ah! Storehouse!! Ya !! "

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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