In the end, Hikaru Sato still did not go back directly.

In addition to Yoyo, the only conscience that does not allow to leave Akuya, it is also because of another small accident.

"Fireball! Fireball! Fireball! Ahhhh "

As Yoyo continued to use the fireball technique one after another, Hikaru Sato, who also shot the last arrow on the side, put down the longbow in his hand.

"If there are too many of them, it will be difficult to deal with arrows."

As for how much 'too much' this amount in Sato's mouth is.

It can only be said that at this moment, this mountain and this place! Looking around, not to mention the mountains, but indeed there are several giant frogs rapidly approaching in each direction.

The reason why this happened was all due to Megumi's burst magic that was full of volume and vibration in addition to destructive power, and tried her best.

In addition to smashing the three giant frogs that were originally targeted, the strong sense of vibration and sound waves also took those by the way.

The giant frogs, who had already finished foraging and began to dive into the ground to sleep, were woken up by the final preparations for laying eggs.

"Sorry Yoyo, although I know you are very busy, can you help me stroke my skirt."

However, Megumi, who collapsed to the ground after using the burst magic on the side, did not have any sense of urgency.

Instead, he said to Yoyo: "It seems that the skirt turned over when it just fell, and now it feels a little cold when the wind blows." "

"Fireball! Ahhh! There is no way to care about that now! Fireball!!! "

After throwing a fireball again, Yoyo looked around and found it.

Since Hikaru Sato's arrows were exhausted and stopped directly, after losing his firepower, some giant frogs had already touched a very close place.

"No, this distance is already close to the attack range of the giant frog, and it can't continue like this!"

"Indeed, this is not good, do you want me to help?"


"I don't need your help!"


Hearing Megumi's refusal, Yoyo realized that something seemed to be wrong.

When I looked back, I found Hikaru Sato squatting beside Megumi, his eyes staring directly at Megumi's skirt.

Obviously, the so-called 'help' just now was not talking to himself at all.

"Mr. Sato!!"

"Ahem, no thanks."

"Who wants to thank you! You pervert! "

Hikaru Sato, who casually helped Megumi smooth her skirt, ignored Megumi's shouts, got up and looked at the giant frogs gathering more and more around, and took out the staff directly from the system space.

"I wanted to get along with you as an archer, but in exchange for it..."

"Wait Sato, something seems to have grabbed my feet, ah..."


Hikaru Sato was halfway through the line when he heard Megumi's voice quickly moving away, and when he looked back, only Megumi's staff and wizard hat were left in place.

As for Megumi....

"Sorry, can you save me a little?"

"Aaa Huihui !! "

Seeing that only one head was left outside the giant frog's mouth, Yoyo hurriedly raised his staff and aimed it at the giant frog: "Wind oh-"

Hikaru Sato turned his head again, and sure enough, Yoyo was swallowed by the giant frog that secretly leaned over behind, and only one hand was still outside his mouth.

Scratching his head, he said a little helplessly: "Have you all forgotten, I have a magic shield by my side, why did you come out... Well! Wind Blade! "

Halfway through speaking, Sato Hikaru, who suddenly sensed that something was wrong, raised his hand and sent a wind blade towards the rear.

Directly cut off a frog tongue that sneaked up on him.


Carefully feeling the situation around him, Hikaru Sato was embarrassed to find out....

"It seems that when I went out today, in order to better experience what it is like to be an archer, I turned off the magic shield?"

"After that kind of thing, I feel like I'm going down, can you get me out first?"

Hearing Megumi's call for help, Hikaru Sato first propped up his mana shield, and then raised his staff: "This amount is a bit much, then-mana increase, power increase, five-fold casting... Thunder! "


Just when Sato Hikaru stacked a large number of BUFFs and was about to clear the scene with an AOE, a silver-haired thief suddenly appeared behind the giant frog that swallowed leisurely, and two daggers stabbed towards the back of the giant frog's head.

On the other side, a blonde knight in armor appeared, directly in front of all the monsters in that direction.

"You monsters, come and duel me head-on, taunt!!"

"Ah! Worst. "

Watching the uncollected magic power fly out from the magic array at the front of the staff, Hikaru Sato quickly shouted at the two who suddenly appeared: "Hurry up and lie down!" "

Hearing Hikaru Sato's reminder, the thief decisively fell directly to the ground.

On the other side, the female knight tightened her grip on her weapon and looked resolute.

"As a knight, I will never back down, uhhh

"I don't blame me."

Looking at the blond knight who fell to the ground with the giant frog in black and was still smoking under the blow of the super enhanced version of the thunder, Hikaru Sato looked away with some weakness.

"I've already warned you to lie down."

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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