After luring the multi-headed water snake to shore and making sure that it would not be able to retract into the water in the first place, Hikaru Sato immediately began plan B, which had been planned earlier.

However, it is simply impossible to completely restrain this behemoth just by relying on the chains that are wrapped around the multi-headed water snake controlled by Yoyo Activation.

Therefore, the person responsible for restricting the multi-headed water snake in this plan is not actually Yoyo.

Yoyo's effect is actually to make the multi-headed water snake stop for a moment.

Later, Hikaru Sato took advantage of this opportunity to quickly soften the land under the multi-headed water snake into a swamp!


Although snakes are rare creatures that can walk quickly on swamps without sinking.

But if it's a multi-headed water snake as big as an island, that's a different story.

Almost at the moment when Hikaru Sato completed this combination magic and softened the earth into a swamp.

The huge body of the multi-headed water snake suddenly dropped a lot.

"It's a pity, Yoyo won't be superior magic, otherwise it will be done directly with one magic, why do so much foreshadowing."

Looking at the magic swamp that was successfully created, Hikaru Sato was still quite dissatisfied, and...

"Sure enough, this kind of middle and low-level magic is still a little too reluctant to deal with the multi-headed water snake with this kind of magic that is put together from all over the place?"

Looking at the multi-headed water snake trapped in the swamp, Hikaru Sato did not have much joy in his heart, but frowned.

Because the swamp he forcibly combined with magic was deep enough to drown an elephant, it was still too shallow compared to the behemoth of the multi-headed water snake.

"Yoyo resist!"

"I, I try my best!"

After letting Yoyo resist it first with activation magic, Hikaru Sato turned his head and shouted at the hillside where Megumi and Akuya were, "Master Megumi! Please! "

"Hmph, just leave it to me!"

Standing on the hillside, Megumi flicked her robe, and then held her staff high, and the huge magic power quickly gathered, and the terrifying fluctuations of magic fluctuated straight into the sky.

"My name Megumi is the premier magician of the Red Devil Clan, the master of burst magic, let's get a good look at my ultimate meaning!"

After a long list of useless self-introductions, Megumi aimed her staff at the multi-headed water snake that was trapped in the swamp and was shrunk together as much as possible by Yoyo with activated chains.



The furious bursting magic fell high in the air and bombarded the base of the neck of the multi-headed water snake.

Under the bombardment of that destructive magic, the dragon scales of the multi-headed water snake could not stop the world's strongest attack magic at all.

The place where it was hit was directly blown up to a blur of blood and flesh, and several heads were even broken together, leaving only a few scorched black blood holes.

"Hahh... Sure enough, it's still this kind of big guy who blows up and feels it. "

After watching the bursting magic bloom completely, Megumi, who had exhausted her magic power, was about to fall straight forward and fall off the cliff.

Fortunately, Chris and Akuya next to them had already prepared and stepped forward together to pull Megumi's cloak.

Megumi didn't use magic because she wanted to pretend to run to the top of the hill, but fell to her death because she couldn't stand up after losing her strength.

"So I said long ago not to stand in front of that!"


Hui Hui, who fell in the arms of the two goddesses, was not impressed at all when she heard this, but instead gave a thumbs up and looked excited: "Don't you think it's very handsome to cast spells like this!" "


Not to mention the philosophical question over there on the hillside about whether handsomeness is important or small lives are important.

At this time, the multi-headed water snake trapped in the swamp seemed to be really stunned by Megumi's magic, and suddenly stopped struggling.


"I was just stunned by the sudden explosion."

Looking at the multi-headed water snake in front of him, Hikaru Sato did not hesitate to lift himself into the air with his thoughts, and at the same time silently turned on all the amplitudes, and gathered all the magic in his body as much as possible.

Although Megumi's burst magic just now did smash as much as possible towards the place with the most heads of the multi-headed water snake.

But it's a pity that her bursting magic range is limited after all, and in the face of such a huge multi-headed water snake, it still barely covers the four heads in the middle.

In the end, Megumi's record of bursting magic was achieved.

It was only three heads of the multi-headed water snake that were blown off, and the fourth head was only half of the neck blown off, and half of it was attached to the body.

"Hissing !!"

After a short silence, the multi-headed water snake, who did not know whether it was blinded or stunned by the explosion, finally began to move again.

And this time, the movements of the multi-headed water snake, who were obviously in a state of rage, struggled even more violently.

The swamp created by Hikaru Sato with magic lasted less than a minute before it completely broke free.


"This... That's an exaggeration, isn't it? "

Hikaru Sato, who was flying in the air, was also shocked when he saw this scene, and the corners of his eyes twitched wildly.

He wasn't surprised that the multi-headed water snake could break free from the swamp so quickly.

In fact, after discovering that the magic swamp was too shallow, Hikaru Sato no longer expected this magic to trap it for long.

"Although I have long known in the intelligence that the vitality of the multi-headed water snake is strong enough to pervert..."

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