"Just give me 20 million this time, and then give 10 million to Dakhnes, the child worked very hard to protect this goddess, and the rest will be divided by yourself!"

Akuya, who jumped out, held her head high and gave a number that made Hikaru Sato almost laugh with a look of 'I'm very generous'.

"You still have a little conscience, remember that Daknes protected you."

Forced to smile, Hikaru Sato deliberately reminded again: "Are you sure you want to divide it like this?" "


No matter how stupid Akuya is, seeing Hikaru Sato's appearance, he faintly senses that something is wrong.

"Is the bounty more than 50 million?"

"More than that, indeed."

Very calmly confirmed Akuya's conjecture, but before Akuya, whose eyes were about to turn into money, opened her mouth to ask for the specific number, Sato Hikaru directly stretched out his hand and interrupted: "I won't tell you how much money there is."

"Either you wait for the bounty to come down and divide it equally with us, or you can play a game with me."

"Now it's up to you to name a number, as long as it doesn't exceed double the equal share of the bounty, then I will make up the extra part from my share of the bounty."

Hikaru Sato, who bears the EX Golden Rule and doesn't care about the bounty at all, looks at Akuya's excited appearance and adds with a bad smile.

"But don't think about asking for a price, you should have played that classic poker game at 21, right?"

"Just like 21 points, if the number you shout out exceeds 21 points, which is double the bounty after it is divided, and exceeds the maximum limit I can make up, then you are 'bursting point'."

"If the points explode at 21 points, you will lose, and if you explode this time, then the bounty this time will not be your share."

Saying that, Sato Hikaru looked at Megumi on the side and said, "Don't worry, if Akuya really explodes, then I won't swallow her share of the bounty, and I will take it out and divide it equally with everyone." "


Akuya, who originally wanted to call him a hundred and eighteen billion directly, froze, and a fake smile immediately appeared on his face: "Really, Sato, you think of me as someone, ahaha..."

"You don't know who you are."

With a blank glance at Akuya, Hikaru Sato leaned back in his chair with a relaxed and casual tone.

"Let's give you another hint, the total bounty is more than 100 million Eris, so you have to think about the situation well, do you wait to share it equally with us, or do you have to give it a shot and see if you can turn a bike into a motorcycle?"


Under the temptation of 100 million Eris and the urging of Hikaru Sato, Akuya's water-cooled brain began to work rapidly.

If the bounty is 100 million, then everyone has more than 16 million, and doubling that is 32 million!

And just now Hikaru Sato said 'more than 100 million', which means that the bounty is not only 100 million Eris.

If the bounty doubles to 200 million, then the number that can be obtained after guessing correctly can be doubled again, directly exceeding 60 million!


Akuya swallowed her spit, and licked her somewhat dry lips again: "I, I guess..."

Although Akuya spoke slowly, he still stumbled for a long time to spit out a word.

But Hikaru Sato was not in a hurry at all, just watched with interest as Akuya was entangled and hesitant.

In the end, under the gaze of Hikaru Sato and Megumi, Akuya still trembled and raised three fingers: "I guess the total bounty is 300 million!" "

"So, how much are you going to shout? Directly shout full of 100 million Eris? "

"I... I..."

I was for a long time, and Akuya always had difficulty making a final decision.

And Hikaru Sato was still not in a hurry at all, not even urging, allowing Akuya to entangle there.


Maybe the water-cooled brain is running too fast, throwing the water in the brain above the eye socket.

Tangled Akuya for a long time, and finally....

"Woooo I'm not playing..."

Crying and running away.


Looking at Akuya, who directly gave up the game and ran away crying, Hikaru Sato scratched his head, and said with some regret: "It's a pity." "

"So how much can the bounty be this time?"

This time it was Megumi who had not spoken since Akuya jumped out just now.

Actually, just now she didn't want to speak.

Instead, he was frightened by the string of numbers that came out of Hikaru Sato's mouth.

Since he was a child, his family was poor, and sometimes in order to fill his stomach, he would even take his sister to catch fish and shrimp in the river, and Hui Hui who went to the forest to catch insects, and he had never seen millions of Eris in his life.

What's more, Hikaru Sato and Akuya started tens of millions as soon as they spoke, and finally went directly to a small goal!

Directly scared the child stupid.

I didn't have the heart to pursue Hikaru Sato's previous claim that he was a 'waste wood magician'.

Opening his eyes, which began to glow red because of excitement, he stared at Hikaru Sato: "How much is the bounty this time!?" "


Hikaru Sato was first taken aback by Megumi's reaction, and when the reaction came, he immediately smiled and said, "Do you want to play with me until then?"

"No need, I choose to divide it evenly!"

However, the poor child Megumi did not have the vice of gambling at all, and directly chose the safest method, and then continued to ask: "Tell me directly, how many there are!" "

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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