There seems to be something hidden behind the painting.

"Ah, this..."

Looking at the dialog box that appeared on the portrait, Hikaru Sato was directly stunned.

Does the Eye of Insight still have this usage?

No, if memory serves, it seems, it seems, probably, that this usage is the original use of the Eye of Insight, and mind reading is an extra function?

"Is this true, even I have become stupid after getting along with stupid people for a long time?"

Speechlessly patting his forehead, Sato Hikaru no longer had the slightest patience when he looked at Aldap again, and directly raised his hand to throw it over with a sleep magic.

"In that case, then you guy is useless, just fall asleep here."

After watching Ardap pass out instantly, Hikaru Sato turned to observe the portrait.

As he looked closely, the contents of the dialog box displayed by the Eye of Insight changed.

This seems to be a painting with a hidden compartment, and the right side of the wall 19 has arc-shaped scratches, which should be directly pushed away.

After following the prompts to remove the painting, sure enough, I saw a small drawer in the back.

After pulling it open, there was indeed a strange stone inside.

"Is this the artifact that can summon monsters at random and directly control them at no cost?"

After carefully examining the stone in my hand, although there seemed to be some patterns and words carved on it, I don't know if it was worn out over time, or because the original owner of the contract had died, I always felt that the content seemed to be a little broken.

"Hmm... Is this why now that the function is weakened, there is a price to pay when summoning randomly, and the control of monsters is not complete, and it may be eaten back at any time? "

Pouting, Hikaru Sato did not receive this thing into the system, but directly carried it in his pocket, ready to show it to Chris and Akuya later.

These two goddesses may have some way to repair it, if it really doesn't work, see if the price is within the range of affordability.

If the price is not large, treat this thing as a brush monster artifact, and it is good to pull some bosses out to brush experience.

"Hmm... The following movement is gradually decreasing, it seems that the matter has been solved? "

I felt that the divine aura in the secret room under my feet gradually subsided after a wave of explosions, and the evil aura that I had faintly sensed before also quickly dissipated.

Hikaru Sato then took off the [Concealment Mask], and then stepped on the mechanism under the bookshelf as Aldap said before.

In a rumble, the bookshelf slowly opened, revealing a staircase leading to the ground, and at the same time, a holy aura came directly with the opening of the mechanism.

"It seems to be early? Forget it, just treat it as if you didn't feel it. "

Muttering, Hikaru Sato finally did not choose to go directly in.

The devil knows what state Chris is in now, maybe the state of divine power explosion has not passed?

"Hey Chris, are you inside?"

"Oh, is it Sato?"

At the other end of the passage came Chris's somewhat flustered response, which made Sato secretly glad that he did not enter directly in a hurry, otherwise he would probably really bump into Eris in the state of the goddess.

"It's me, I followed Ardap to find it, how is the situation inside, is there any danger?"

"No, no, nothing!"

"Oh ~ yes?"

Raising his eyebrows, Hikaru Sato did not debunk Eris's lie, but said to himself: "Since Chris said so, then I won't go down, you hurry up." "

"Okay, I'll come out right away... Ah bad, it seems that the outbreak just now was too much, and now it can't calm down..."

Vaguely hearing Chris's self-talk, Hikaru Sato directly regarded it as if he hadn't heard it, and in turn helped Chris divert the topic.

"If nothing is found here, then we will run for nothing tonight, and I don't know how Ardap hid those crimes."

"Don't worry about this, this problem has been solved."


While the two were talking, Chris, who barely converged her restless divine power, trotted out of the secret passage, and her handsome face was red, adding a bit of cuteness.

"Of course it's true, he seems to have made a magic array in that room to sacrifice to demons, and now the altar has been destroyed by me."

"Those hidden crimes will soon surface, as well as those witnesses who suddenly change their words, will definitely recall the facts and come forward to testify again."

"But didn't you just say there was nothing in the room?"

Glancing at Chris, who couldn't understand the lie, Hikaru Sato wondered, "Could it be that you found something good in it that you didn't want me to know, so you lied to me like this?" "

"Of course not! Ahem..."

Coughing awkwardly a few times, Chris forcibly explained: "I mean there is only one magic array in that room, and since it has been destroyed by me, of course there is nothing. "



"Well, so be it. 593"

Shrugging, Hikaru Sato directly pushed open the window of the study and carefully observed the situation outside.

"Sure enough, the patrol people were basically led away by Megumi and Yoyo's magic."

After determining the situation outside, Hikaru Sato turned around and beckoned to Chris: "Our mission will be completed after lurking out, don't drop the chain for me in the end." "

"I should have said this, right?"

Chris, who had fully recovered, looked at Hikaru Sato and smiled triumphantly: "Don't forget, I won the bet tonight." "

"Oh, I really want to say the harvest..."

I wanted to say that Chris got a Hell Duke for a gain, but she cleaned up Aldap's treasure house.

But on second thought, wouldn't this matter be divided in half if it was said? After all, the two of them acted together tonight.

So when the words came to his lips, Sato Hikaru directly changed his words: "Forget it, just think that you won." "

"Hey! What do you mean!? "

"Nothing, gone!"

After saying that, without waiting for Chris to say anything, Hikaru Sato jumped out of the window directly, and instantly merged with the night under the effect of the latent skill.

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