"Senior Sister Fujiwara, I'm coming."

"Oooh, hard work Xiaoguang!"

As soon as Hikaru Sato pushed the door into the board game department, Chika Fujiwara trotted over excitedly, grabbing Hikaru Sato's hand and saying with anticipation: "What did Kaguya say about the funding?" "

"Sorry, I forgot to say."

Hearing Fujiwara Chika's question, Hikaru Sato apologized unapologetically, and then spoke before Fujiwara Chika was depressed to tears: "But even if you don't say this kind of thing, you know." "

"Eh—no matter what, you always have to try it."

"No, if the object is the president of the fourth palace "Nine Ninety-three", I don't think she will agree to your proposal to increase the funding of the board game department. "

Saying that, Hikaru Sato sighed again, very helplessly.

"And senior, you also know, this year's gap in club funds is not small, at this time, as an accountant of the student union, I also went to find the president of the fourth palace to go through the back door to raise the funds for the board game department, do you want me to appear in Tokyo Bay tonight?"

"Really, how could Kaguya do something like that!"

No, I'm not worried about Shinomiya Kaguya at all!

The maid of a certain eldest lady definitely does not mind revealing to the family that there is a madman who causes trouble for her eldest miss.

Grossing in his heart, Sato Hikaru waved his hand with a wry smile on his face: "But anyway, now is really not a good time to propose an increase in funding, so let's wait." "

"In this case, our funds will not be enough to buy the latest two board games."

"Then it's up to me first"


Hikaru Sato had just spoken, and Chika Fujiwara seemed to know what he was going to say, and crossed his hands to a big X and said with a serious face.

"Trying to get enough funds to buy board games is also one of the activities of the club, this is a board game of life, if Xiaoguang pays for it yourself, isn't it the same as cheating!"

"Although Senior Sister, your tone and attitude when you say this are very handsome."

Looking at Chika Fujiwara, who turned into a board game messenger, Hikaru Sato complained with a dark face: "But as the cheating king who likes to cheat the most in the community, don't you feel contradictory to this?" "

"Well, that's a trick, not cheating."

"Yes, it turns out that the special poker with a mark to recognize last time is also a skill."

"Of course, memorizing those codes is quite difficult!"

Looking at the straightforward Fujiwara Chika, Sato Hikaru said coldly: "Then the 100% successful dice you brought when we played the running group last time." "

"That's the power of science! Not cheating. "

"Then when I first joined the club last semester and played board games with you for the first time, you secretly bought two boxes of the same board game, and when you counted the prop gems at the end of the game to calculate the score, you used the other box of board game gems as your own score?"

I heard Hikaru Sato mention that last semester was obviously a seamless technique, but because a student who had just joined the club was too enthusiastic, he took the initiative to help clean up the game props, which led to the eventual revelation.

Fujiwara Chika's face was finally a little uneasy, and cold sweat began to come out.

The tragic experience of cheating in front of the junior who met for the first time and being caught red-handed by the junior has been listed by Miss Fujiwara as one of the indelible shames in her life.

"Xiaoguang, you must know that this society is not as glamorous as it seems... 0"

Patting Hikaru Sato's shoulder, Fujiwara Chika looked heavy: "You have to learn to accept the dark side of society." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"The so-called dark side is that the senior sister will cheat when playing with the junior who meets for the first time? That's really dark wow. "


"So the funds of the society really can't be increased?"

"It's too hard, your way of changing the subject!"

"Verbose! Knowing that I am changing the subject, obediently cooperate with me! "

Seeing that Fujiwara Chika's cheeks were crimson, she was obviously really shy, and Sato Hikaru stopped and did not continue to tease her.

"Okay, okay, the funding thing, right?"

Hikaru Sato raised his hands and surrendered without sincerity: "Sorry, this matter is really no drama, at least until the current hole in the society's funds is filled, I really can't help." "

"In that case..."

After Fujiwara Chika saw that Hikaru Sato repeatedly denied the matter of funding, he took a deep breath as if he had made up his mind, walked to the window and looked out with his hands behind his back, "Then it seems that only that plan can be started." "

"Wait, wait, you mean the 4.9 plan!?"

Seeing Fujiwara Chika's reaction, Hikaru Sato was shocked, and quickly slapped the table and said, "No!" I disagree! "

"But now there is no way, isn't it!"

Chika Fujiwara looked back at Hikaru Sato and scolded with a serious face: "Don't be capricious, now there is only this way!" "

"Nope! There must be some other way! "

Hikaru Sato only frowned, and also made up his mind: "I think I can still go to the president of the fourth palace to talk about the funds, there is no need to go to that step!" "。

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