“Sister Maya is not good! Parliament ordered! All mercenaries must stay in the prison, and those who resist must be killed on the spot! Mercenaries are already being captured in various fortresses, and the outside of the garrison is already surrounded by soldiers! They made us drop our weapons and surrender! Big sister, what do we do now?! ”

“Big sister! Someone just saw Graf out of town with his Blood Knights! Go to the temporary assembly point leading to the Black Castle! Just last night, a group of family members and ordinary people went to the assembly point! There are also quite a few relatives of our thorny rose! ”

Maya, who was checking the war report of the First Fortress, was originally in a good mood, but after two adjutants rushed in to report two bad news, her face became extremely ugly.

“The soldiers are coming in!”

Just as Maya was about to go out to see what the people of the Patillu family wanted to do, suddenly, there was a scream at the gate of the station!

Immediately afterwards, Maya saw groups of heavily armed Patillu soldiers rushing into the garrison, and cut people when they saw them!

“All mercenaries kill! Catch Maya alive! Master Michelle said! Must live! ”

And behind those soldiers were several noble children dressed in rich clothes, the most conspicuous of which was the knight in custom armor, the belly of the suit was exceptionally large, and the helmet was one size larger than the others, looking as funny as a snowman.

And at this moment, the round knight lifted his face armor, revealing a fat face full of lewdness, and his eyes were constantly looking for something in the station of thorny roses.

When he saw Maya, his whole body suddenly showed a bright smile and shouted loudly with excitement.

“My Goddess! I’m here to take you home! Don’t worry, there is me Michelle. Patillu is here, you will be fine! ”

This “Yeti Knight” is the heir of the Patillu family, who was previously rescued by Maya and fell in love with Michelle, who owes an IQ to Maya.

When he heard the resolution of the council, he immediately brought people to surround the station of Thorn Rose, in order to bring Maya back as a wife.

And Maya originally planned to talk to the people of the Patillu family about what is called the spirit of contract, but when she saw Michelle, the nerve called “reason” in her mind was immediately broken!

“The fools of the alliance are forcing us to rebel! Good! Since you want us to rebel, then we will show you back! ”

Immediately, Maya drew her two swords and shouted loudly: “Order! All members of the Thorn Rose officially left their original posts, covering the retreat of those ordinary mercenaries in small groups, and all the soldiers who shot at the mercenaries were directly killed, and withdrew in the direction of the first and second fortresses as quickly as possible! Send someone to notify Walter to pick up first! I’ll go after Graf! ”


After hearing this news, the entire people of Thorn Rose boiled! A wave of counterattacks directly stunned the soldiers who Patillu had piled up with money!

And Maya rushed out of the city directly at the fastest speed and chased to Graf’s location, and the paladin Graf was the most tricky opponent, especially he also brought the [Blood Knights]!

The reason why the Blood Knights are called [Blood] is because they kill without blinking, as long as it is a resolution of the council, they will definitely implement it without hesitation!

Every time the Bloody Knights are dispatched, blood must stain the long street! And this time most of their targets are the families of mercenaries! It would be a massacre without resistance!

Just as the Supreme Resolution’s directive against the mercenaries began to be implemented, the original Seven Shields Alliance attacked the last supply point of the Black Castle.

This place has been transformed into a temporary station, where the people of the Black Beast Mercenary Group accept mercenaries and people from the Seven Shields Alliance, and constantly move all the original industries and personnel of the Seven Shield Alliance to the Black Castle.

“Brother Keane, the number of people who came suddenly became more, and many of them were the families of other mercenaries.”

A junior brother in charge of statistics held a roster with joy on his face.

Although they were all the families of the mercenaries, he still understood what those mercenaries meant, and only by sending their families to a safe rear first, they dared to join the camp of the Black Beast Mercenary Group without any worries.

“You count, those who have the combat power are pulled out and sent to the first fortress, and the family members and others will all move to the Black Fort tonight, which is where our dream begins.”


Keane smiled and arranged for the other party while processing the documents in his hand.

With the occupation of the first fortress, more and more people see the potential of serving the country, so more and more people will inevitably want to join, which is a good thing, but the biggest problem they are facing now is the shortage of talents in all aspects.

Just when Keane was still sighing, suddenly, there was an exclamation from outside the station!

“Blood! The Knights of Blood are here! ”

PS: Add more for [Violet Evergarden] Wanreward! 4/4! Pay back a tip! Owe 38 more tips, 5 more flowers!

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