The old man was very happy.

"Bullmaster... I got lost, and then I went to Hyotei..."

Kirhara Akaya said pitifully that he was really lost.

But when Yukimura's smile got bigger and bigger, he couldn't help but take out the autographed photo frame from his tennis bag.

"Akaya actually carries the photo of our Rikkai University winning the championship every day. It seems that Sanada should prepare some rewards for you..."

Yukimura Seiichi looked at the autographed photo and photo frame, and his smile almost broke.

This kid, he is so stupid to find excuses.

Although they all care about the meaning of this photo, no one will always carry it with them.

Not to mention that he happened to go to Hyotei and asked for an autograph and a blessing...

"Minister, that... the deputy minister may not have asked for leave for me. If I go back now, I may still be in time for class..."

Kirhara Akaya lowered his head pitifully. He wanted to go back to Rikkai University, even if he was given extra training by the deputy minister.

The minister's smile was too scary. He felt that if he stayed any longer, he would be in more danger than being greeted by the deputy minister's iron fist.

"But Akaya hasn't introduced this new friend to me yet. If you run away now, we will be embarrassed."

Yukimura Seiichi scared Kirihara and stopped holding on to this matter.

He was really embarrassed now. His own members went to Hyotei to make trouble, which must have caused a lot of trouble. After all, Akaya's personality...

I hope there is no irreparable trouble, otherwise I can only let Sanada go to find Atobe.

"He is Uchiha Xingyan. Minister, you admire him very much, so I brought him here. That... you see, I worked so hard to bring the idol here, so the punishment of the vice minister will be a little less..."

Kiriya Akaya instantly perked up, and said with a proud face that he could bring the minister's idol here, which should be considered a credit.

However, after he said this, Yukimura suddenly felt more awkward.

How could he use others as a condition to negotiate benefits with him, this idiot...

"Rikkai University seems to be a very interesting place..."

Xingyan looked at the pitiful Kiriya and Yukimura whose smile was about to collapse, and suddenly became more interested in Rikkai University.

Perhaps, if you have time, you can go and take a look. The tennis club members there may be more interesting than those of Seigaku.

At least, Rikkai University does not have annoying coaches.

"Sorry, our club member has a bit of a personality... But he's right, I'm indeed your fan, thank you for coming to see me."

Yukimura Seiichi was stunned for a moment, and then smiled again.

This time the smile was much more real, and he even moved his position, giving up half of the chair to invite Xingyan to sit down.

"Except that the excuses are always full of loopholes, everything else is pretty good. Yukimura, were you playing games with the children just now?"

Xingyan sat down and looked at the fairy tale book in Yukimura's hand. He was actually quite curious whether the children liked these fairy tales or Yukimura himself liked this.

"They are also patients in the hospital. I just happened to meet them, so I told them stories. It's better than staying in the ward all the time..."

Yukimura looked down at the fairy tale book, and finally ignored Kirihara Akaya.

When he talked about the ward, he looked up at the window.

That was the ward where he lived. When he was inside, he only felt cold and desperate. Only when he walked out could he feel the temperature.

"If you are bored, chat with friends, or do some activities that your body allows. Keeping a good attitude will help you receive treatment better. I have seen your past photos. There is a lot missing in your eyes now..."

Xing Yan turned around and blinked before looking at Yukimura Seiichi again.

In his blood-red eyes, the three magatama were slowly turning. Even if he did not cast illusions, it was enough to affect Yukimura Seiichi.

Every tennis teenager in this world has his own shining points.

If he had not come here and had not seen Yukimura Seiichi, he might not have wanted to do anything deliberately.

But he had come and saw Yukimura, who was full of fear and despair, and he did what he could.

"I know what to do is right, but when I am entangled in nightmares every day, I will find my powerlessness every day when I wake up..."

Yukimura Seiichi was not hysterical. His mood seemed to relax suddenly, and he regarded Xing Yan as

The person he was talking to talked about what kind of torture he had experienced since he became ill.

Because he knew everything, he knew how terrible his illness was.

Even if he was cured, he could basically say goodbye to tennis, and he could hardly return to his favorite field...

"If you encounter a problem, you should find a solution. Your illness is not absolutely incurable. You should have hope for the future."

Xingyan found that he actually did not know how to persuade the patient. Fortunately, the power of the Sharingan was strong, and his own mental strength was enough to crush the opponent.

Even if what he said was not very useful, it was enough to convey the meaning.

The topic of the two gradually moved away from the illness and talked about tennis and the game.

Talk about how Xingyan first broke into a strange place and won one victory after another when he first went international.

Soon the topic turned to Rikkai University again. Yukimura talked about what efforts they made to change the tennis club when they first entered Rikkai University.

Among them, occasionally some embarrassing things about Kirihara Akaya would be mentioned.

For example, the challenge letter full of typos, and the tragic past when the challenge to the tennis club was completely defeated by the Big Three.

When they were talking about Kirihara Akaya, the two of them always smiled and looked at Kirihara, which scared Kirihara, who was already trying to reduce his presence, into a ball.

When Oshitari Yuushi went to find someone to learn about Yukimura's situation, and when he came back to take the two to visit Yukimura, he found that Xingyan and Yukimura had the same gentle smile.

And Kirihara Akaya, who was trembling and squatting on the ground and almost crying.

"What's wrong with Kirihara Akaya?"

Oshitari Yuushi walked over, curious whether the two had scared Kirihara again in the past.

"So scary, the minister and Xingyan are so scary, their eyes are like knives, wow..."

Kirihara Akaya jumped up and hid behind Oshitari Yuushi, and pitifully talked about how scared he was just now.

In fact, the two of them didn't say anything to him, but he felt a chill all around him.

"His mental power is a little weak, but he feels sharp. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing."

Xingyan glanced at Kirihara. Was this guy scared just because of his and Yukimura's mental power?

What happened to the little devil?

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