The young man was very happy.

"Xianyilang, look at that kid, he is said to be just over 6 years old."

The dark blue-haired boy wearing a coat stood on the roadside outside the stadium, poked the black-haired boy's arm and asked him to take a good look at the kid.

They also like to play tennis, but because they know they are still young, they did not sign up for this competition.

But last night they heard that a boy who was not even 7 years old was shortlisted for the semi-finals.

They had not planned to come, but they went to find the eldest brother of the Sanada family this morning and asked him to arrange a driver to take them here.

"Next year, I'll sign up too!"

Sanada Genichirō's eyes were fixed on the court. When he saw the seemingly soft kid actually win the opponent's serve, his fingers suddenly clenched. He suddenly realized what a big mistake it was not to participate this time.

But even if he regretted not participating, there would be no chance now. He could only wait until next year.

By then, he would win the championship that belongs to him in this court!

"Well, let's sign up together next year. I hope he can still participate next year."

Yukimura Seiichi's eyes followed the tennis ball back and forth.

He seemed to have seen that the kid used an outspin serve just now, which was said to be a unique serving method of the samurai.

But he had only seen it in some recorded videos, and he couldn't determine how similar it was for a while.

However, the four consecutive serves just now were not received by the big guy.

Yukimura Seiichi had actually heard of Ochi Moonlight. He was quite famous in the Kanto Youth Group in the past two years.

But such a person, who lost two games at the beginning, the result of this game is more and more unpredictable.

"Boy, be careful, I'm going to be serious!"

After losing two games in a row, Yuezhi Yueguang's eyes became much sharper when he served again.

He must not lose, and he will not lose here!

What he wants is the championship!

"Then I'll trouble you, don't let people down."

Xingyan looked at Yuezhi Yueguang, whose momentum was soaring, and he said that something was wrong just now. It turned out that he was humbled!

However, what does this guy mean? He has to hold back when playing tennis. Is he worried that tennis is too fierce and will hurt the child himself?

Should he be so kind?

The tennis in this world can be so fierce that it can cripple the opponent. Even if it is not a plot character, please be serious, otherwise you will be abandoned by this world!

"Watch it!"

Being looked at by the little ghost with disgust, Yuezhi Yueguang felt that he was a fool for not daring to use all his strength in the first game.

He shouldn't have worried about hurting someone. Even if he did, it was because that guy deserved a beating!


A high-speed ball that had not yet taken shape flew to the opposite side. This was the tennis skill that Yuezhi Yueguang was studying. It had not yet taken shape, but the speed was already much faster than before.


"Very impressive!"

Xingyan watched the ball fly past him much faster than before, and he did not catch it this time.

He quickly retreated to the outside of the court, and when the ball bounced off the ground and bounced nearly two meters high, he suddenly jumped up and swung his racket.

He returned the ball at a speed not inferior to the serve. The arc of the ball went down, and after it passed the net, it flew to one side of the tennis court the moment it landed.


Saito Zhi helplessly called Xingyan's name outside the court.

He saw this ball clearly. The original rotation force was disrupted at the moment of swinging the racket, and then a new rotation direction had to be added to make the ball instantly distort its trajectory after passing the net.

This style of play is very powerful, but it is not the ball that Xingyan can play now.

This ball is very harmful to the wrist, arm and shoulder. If he uses it a few more times, he will say goodbye to tennis in a short time.

"Uncle Saito, please don't tell Dad, I'll just try it once..."

Xingyan turned around and looked at Saito Zhi pitifully, worried that he would be called and notified right now, and it is really possible that he would be directly terminated from the game.

His father would agree with him in everything, but the only thing was that he could not do anything that would hurt his body.

If it weren't for his father's restrictions, he would have studied tennis skills long ago, and he would not have only three simple tennis skills now.

Moreover, two-thirds of these tennis skills were drawn by lottery.

"Don't use it again."

Saito Zhi took out his mobile phone and shook it, clearly telling

Tell Xingyan that if it happens again, the phone call will be made.

"Definitely not, uncle, don't be angry, I promise not to play any dangerous tennis!"

Seeing that he didn't make the call, Xingyan smiled and made another promise, then turned around and returned to the court.

His game was not over yet, so there was still a reason to say a few words at this time, but it would be inappropriate to delay any further.

"Your uncle is right, although it is very powerful, you are still young now, and this kind of play will ruin your future."

Yochi Moonlight was shocked by the counterattack just now, but after seeing the little guy begging his parents to let him go pitifully, he suddenly felt a little funny.

Obviously, he was very entangled in the fight, but he just couldn't show any fierce expression to such a young child.

Without the kind of operation that was judged by the parents to hurt the body, the next game gradually returned to normal. Xingyan did not intercept the serve again, allowing Yochi Moonlight to win the serve.

But even if he won the serve, when Xingyan served, the orthodox outspin serve, which was copied from Echizen Nanjiro, was still not something the opponent could receive, although it was only at level II proficiency.

After a back-and-forth, each won the serve, and the game soon came to an end.

"Uchiha Xingyan won, the score was 6:4!"

In the end, Xingyan won the victory after winning two points in advance.

When the two shook hands at the net after the game, a more dramatic scene appeared.

The tall Ochi Gekko bent down and stretched out his hand, and the small Xingyan raised his arm, both completing this action in a very unnatural way.

Saito Shi on the side had already prepared his camera and took this very interesting scene, ready to share a copy with everyone after the photos were developed.

Such an interesting scene, he was the only one who enjoyed it on the spot, it was really embarrassing.

"Uncle Saito, I won!"

Xingyan calmly won the victory on the court, and it seemed that he returned to the state of his age in an instant after leaving the court.

He ran to Saito Zhi, handed him the racket, and reached out to find something in the bag next to him.

Ochi Gekko's tennis bag was next to him, and he also looked over curiously at this time.

Then he saw that the little guy who had just won him took out a box of milk from his bag, and after being picked up by his uncle, he immediately drank it with a happy and intoxicated look on his face.

Could it be that he had beaten the child and made him hungry?

But thinking carefully, it seems that it is normal for children to drink milk.

But even if he knew it was a normal thing, it couldn't stop his increasingly tangled heart.

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