The game was a big success, and the final result was a big success.

"Hyotei won, with a total score of 3:0!"

There was no suspense in the game. Hyotei's Atobe Keigo faced Fuji Shusuke and perfectly won all the points.

"Sure enough, it's still a long way to go..."

Fuji Shusuke lay on the ground, his fingers clenched the racket, and there was a flash of water in the corner of his eyes.

Lost, and lost so thoroughly.

"Fuji-senpai, let's go!"

Echizen Ryoma jumped into the court and stretched out his hand to Fuji Shusuke.

Lost is lost, when he played with that Atobe, he didn't win.

Lost this time, go back and keep working hard, and try to win back next time.

Although the old man is often unreliable, some of his words are very true.

'What's so scary about being strong? It's a wonderful thing to have someone as a goal to remind you to keep working hard. '

'Ryoma, you and Ryoma still have a long way to go. I'm still running, how can you stop? '

'That kid, he gave me the motivation to run again, because if I stagnate, I will be caught up soon...'

In the individual special training a few days ago, the old man rarely talked to him a lot.

There was the boredom when there was no opponent at the beginning, and there was also the excitement of finding that someone was about to catch up.

There is nothing to be afraid of in failure. As long as the desire to pursue victory does not disappear, they can continue to move forward.

"Let's go, say hello to Atobe and the others. We still have a chance in the national competition!"

Fuji Shusuke grabbed Ryoma's hand and stood up, looking at the members of the Qingxue team who were worried about him.

The Kanto competition stopped at the semi-finals, but they still have the national competition waiting.

"Atobe, aren't you afraid that Fuji will become autistic?"

Oshitari looked at Atobe who had returned and handed him his coat, somewhat curious as to why he had to beat him so hard.

There had been many practice matches before, but Atobe had never used his full strength.

But even so, he would always beat Fuji, so there was no need for such a crushing explosion, right?

"That guy has never been too obsessed with tennis. I just wanted to tell him that he can never play tennis well if he is not serious!"

Atobe Keigo put on his coat, took the water cup brought by Kabachi, took a sip, and then talked about the reason for his doing so.

Of course, it was not just that, but he certainly couldn't say it.

If people knew that he was shocked by Jiro's fighting spirit and then lost control of his passion, it would affect his image too much.

"You played well, keep working hard, next week's opponent in the final is Rikkai University."

Sakaki Taro came back with a document, which recorded the time of the next game, as well as the venue and other information.

"We will win!"

Atobe is absolutely confident that Hyotei can win the championship this year.

"Yes, the victory will belong to us."

Xingyan looked at the passionate Hyotei players, and he would win the championship with Hyotei!

However, next week...

Will it rain?

But there is no way to say such things, so let's arrange training for them normally.

There is no need to go to class during the holidays, so everyone's training can be strengthened again.

Although Yukimura Seiichi of Rikkai University has not returned yet, it is still the king Rikkai University after all, and it is not so easy to defeat them.


Tezuka Kunimitsu came with all the members of Seigaku and greeted Atobe, who is also the captain.

"Tezuka, I hope we can play a game in the national competition!"

Atobe really hopes to play against Tezuka, although they met last year.

In their age group, there are two absolute tennis geniuses.

One is Yukimura Seiichi, the son of God, and the other is Tezuka Kunimitsu.

Yukimura Seiichi is the one that no one wants to face, while Tezuka Kunimitsu is the one that everyone wants to fight.

But now these two people, one is sick, and the other is injured...

"Your arm... it's better to get a comprehensive treatment."

Xingyan calculated the time, looked at Tezuka's arm, and gave him an opinion.

Of course, whether others want to refer to it or not is not his business.

"Thank you, I will consider it."

Tezuka looked down at the position of his elbow and nodded to thank him.

His condition is indeed not very good. Although there are not too many high-load competitions, the problem has always existed.

After the national competition is over, he should hand over the tennis club to his juniors.

"We're leaving first. Good luck in the final next week. You beat our Seigaku, so you must not be defeated by others!"

Fuji Shusuke waved to Xingyan, then looked at Atobe, looking forward to the result of the final next week.

Losing to the champion and losing to the runner-up is very important to them.


After returning, the tennis club of Seigaku should do something.

Not allowing them to chase stars can be said to be because of the fear of affecting training.

But slandering others behind their backs (saying that Xingyan's grades were faked) and interfering with other school team members (Fuji Yuta) are all unbearable!

"Fuji's expression seems a little dangerous, and his eyes are so fierce..."

Jiro walked beside Xingyan and talked about a feeling he had just had.

That Fuji, today's eyes were full of knives, although the knives were not rushing towards them.

"Normal, Fuji Yuta was scolded for no reason, and it is said that he suffered mental damage. No brother can bear it."

When he was a child, Yuushi Oshima would also protect his younger brother. Although he was his cousin, he would definitely fight back against anyone who dared to bully his brother.

Naturally, he knew very well what Fuji Shusuke was like.

"Don't worry about what happened to Qingxue. Our task is to continue training and win the game next week!"

Atobe always felt that there might be some other factors in Fuji Yuta's matter, but now they don't need to worry about him.

Train well and win every victory, this is what they need most.

"Tomorrow's training schedule is still the same. I have to go to the U17 training base tonight, and then fly to Germany again. You can't be lazy."

Xingyan calculated the time, picked up his mobile phone and looked through some information, and decided to find someone to brush the required games for the opening of Sharingan.

As for the training here, he will not delay it, and he will be back in three or four days at most.

"Xingyan, you are so busy, will it be very tiring..."

Ji Lang looked at Xingyan worriedly.

She is just a junior high school student, why is Xingyan so busy, working harder than adults, is it really okay?

Before, he had never thought about this question, everyone was praising how good Xingyan was.

But will Xingyan, who is like this, really not be tired?

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