The game was a big success, but the game was a big success.

"Uncle Nanjiro, I was able to score three points this time. Are you surprised?"

Xingyan sat in the yard of Echizen's house, holding Karubin and playing with him, and did not forget to show off to Echizen Nanjiro with a twisted look in his eyes.

After returning from Germany, he trained with Hyotei's regular team for a few days, and then on the day of the final, it was delayed by rain, so everyone had to wait another week before the game started.

Although it was a bit difficult to win, Hyotei finally won the Kanto Championship with a score of 3:2 without Yukimura returning.

Sanada said congratulations with a dark face after the game, which made Kirihara Akaya, who went with him, laugh, and then he was taught a lesson by Sanada on the spot.

After that, it was the youth training camp, and Xingyan didn't plan to participate, because he didn't even get a random task for the Japan-US friendly match, probably because the opponent was too weak.

So during the training period, Xingyan took a simple luggage and lived in Echizen's house.

He stayed there for ten days, playing four or five games with Echizen Nanjiro every day, which made Echizen Nanjiro more and more frustrated.

If Xingyan hadn't contracted the meals during this period, Echizen Nanjiro might have stopped playing with him a long time ago.

It was during this period that the two ladies of the Echizen family happened to go abroad to participate in an event, so he could use delicious food to exchange Echizen Nanjiro's enthusiasm for tennis games.

"Shut up, I want to eat braised lion head for lunch, go cook!"

Echizen Nanjiro picked up the tennis ball next to him, threw it and hit Xingyan's leg, urging him to make delicious food quickly.

Day after day, he was so angry with this kid that if the food he cooked was not really delicious, he might have run away from home.

"Okay, braised lion head, Karubin, you look after Uncle Nanjiro, I'm going to cook!"

Xingyan stood up in a good mood, put Karubin on the head of Echizen Nanjiro, and then turned and walked towards the kitchen.

There were a lot of ingredients in the kitchen, all of which were ordered by Echizen Nanjiro in advance, and then he asked someone to deliver the ingredients.

In the more than ten days of living here, Sakaki Taro came to see once, and then he never came again.

Probably because he felt that his child was too wronged, but he couldn't stop Xingyan's persistence in wanting to defeat Nanjiro, so he could only choose to turn a blind eye and not be annoyed.

But in contrast, as the head coach of the youth training camp, Sakaki Taro was more strict with those teenagers after returning.

Except for Hyotei and Rikkai University, who were able to complete perfectly, students from other schools complained miserably about the unfinished training courses every day.

Regarding the youth training, we have to mention Ryusaki Sumire of Seigaku.

During the days when Xingyan went to Germany, in addition to Tezuka of Seigaku going to Germany to treat his arm injury, there was also a very big event.

After decades of service, Ryusaki Sumire, the coach of the Seigaku tennis club, was exposed to the biggest scandal. Many violent incidents in the tennis club occurred under her protection.

After the whole story of these things was investigated, it was found that it was this coach who was protecting the perpetrators and even suppressed the victims with his status so that they could not call the police.

This kind of thing has been going on for decades until the last few years, and the incident of Tezuka Kunimitsu was reported before.

In recent years, the most promising tennis teenager, besides Yukimura Seiichi, is Tezuka Kunimitsu.

Many people compare the strength of the two, and there are all kinds of speculations, but it is undeniable that the two are in the leading position.

Yukimura Seiichi led Rikkai University to win two consecutive championships, and he never lost whenever he played.

But what about Tezuka?

Tezuka's results were before junior high school. Although he had some results in junior high school, they were not as good as before.

All of this, driven by evidence and public opinion, became the mistakes of Ryuzaki Sumire's coaching career.

By the time the principal of Seigakuen reacted and wanted to suppress this public opinion, it was too late.

The investigators of the Youth Tennis Association were already sitting in the principal's office. In the face of the released evidence, the principal could not protect him.

So, Ryuzaki Sumire stayed in this job for a lifetime, and finally, in her old age when she could have retired peacefully, she was scrutinized from many aspects for the first time.

Not only the Youth Tennis Association, but also the Youth Protection Agency, and even the principal were scrutinized several times before being let go.

There is no tennis coach in Seigakuen now, only the director, deputy director, and members.

Xingyan was playing a match with Echizen Nanjiro.

After that, Ryoma told him the news when he got home from school.

Echizen Nanjiro, who was also listening, remained silent. He went out for a day the next day and then returned to normal.

During the training period, Xingyan moved in and exchanged various delicacies for game time every day.

As for the room...

This time, it was Ryoma who took the initiative to let Xingyan live in his bedroom during this period.

Sleeping in his bed, holding his cat, and cooking to feed his father...

"It's time to eat!"

The braised lion's head was ready, and Xingyan also made two vegetarian dishes and a soup.

He brought it out and put it on the table, and went to the yard to call Uncle Nanjiro, who could openly read beauty magazines because no one cared, to come and eat.

"What a nice smell! It tastes great, but unfortunately my family has two sons. If one of them was a daughter, I would definitely keep you in our family!"

Echizen Nanjiro has gained a few pounds these days. While wolfing down his meal, he also began to lament why he didn't give birth to a daughter.

However, he didn't dare to ask Xingyan why she wasn't a girl, because he had said it once before, and then he was knocked unconscious by a slap.

When he woke up dazed, he only saw the empty plate. There was really no one left for him.

"I think it's necessary to record a voice message and give it to Longya and Longma when I go back, so that they know how much you miss them at home."

Xingyan didn't want to pay attention to these strange complaints from Echizen Nanjiro.

But seeing him so cocky, he couldn't help but want to hit him.

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